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two thousand and eighteen

two thousand and nineteen

Mark Twain

happy new year


Classification: That year we

It is the day of annual negation and self negation, affirmation and self affirmation. People always bear and grow up in negation, understand that they will fall into the next negation, and play chicken blood in affirmation, and face the next negation with confidence, endless. Looking at the above awkward and philosophical sentences, I understand a truth —— Life, need to live do not understand. Life is ridiculous, Mark · Twain said: Everyone lives in a ridiculous state, but everyone does not know this fact. I am one of everyone.


In this project, the plan is faster than change, the face is faster than the book, and the public opinion and information are flying everywhere

(2018-10-08 01:32)

Find you


Speak up

Li Jie

Sun Fang

Classification: Speak with confidence

Find You is a movie about finding yourself. While looking for children in a hurry, they are also constantly looking for themselves. After his daughter's disappearance, Li Jie's pursuit was interspersed with a series of self reflection, starting from the first time the nanny put foot stickers and slippers on her feet, until finally she knelt down to confess herself to the nanny. I believe that this confession is not a simple way to save children by touching them with emotion.


Two half of the sky, just hold up two days of pursuit and redemption. There are no male masters (I think), only two female masters. This is a play of two women. The expression of the grief of the two female masters makes the whole movie dark and heavy. Seneca, an ancient Roman writer, said: "A little grief is easy to express, but a big one is silent.". Compared with Li Jie's heart rending and lung splitting, Sun Fang's dullness is more powerful. I prefer flashback and interlude, because stories buried deeply are far more tension than stories under the sun.




Zhang Yimou

Ink and wash

the Great Wall

Li Bai

Classification: Speak with confidence

I went to see Shadow. It was still at night, and the shadow disappeared, but my mind was full of shadow.


        The story is The Three Kingdoms . It seems that several governors of the Middle East and Wu in the Three Kingdoms did not live long. Zhou Yu thirty-six , Lu Su forty-six , Lu Meng forty-two All died of illness, and the governor was ill. I have always believed that the pathogen of this disease was Sun Quan, which was due to the fact that the leader was less suspicious of the country and had made great contributions. It seems that conspiracy theories are easy to prevail in society. These conspiracies exceed the amount of information and understanding that people normally receive, so they begin to be curious


time management


Lu Xun

Sanwei Bookstore

regardless of day and night

Classification: Speak with confidence

        On an ordinary night more than 20 years ago, I began to wash my feet before going to bed according to the usual process. After I entered the basin, I found that my legs were a little special that night. The meat on my legs would have a hollow when I pressed it with my fingers, and it would slowly disappear, just like the memory sponge that is widely used today. I was also very surprised. In my sleep that night, my legs were pressed several times by my parents' four hands. They were surprised and suddenly felt strange, waiting for the dawn to change the world. The next day before dawn, I was on my way to the city hospital.

            This is my first time to the city hospital. A week later, I overcame the disease and left the hospital. At that time, I thought this place was equivalent to pain, and I will never come again. It's like two children who are not satisfied after a fight, and like to leave a threatening word, so that the other party can continue to suffer mental devastation after suffering physical injury, or the one who still refuses to admit defeat has a mouth addiction. But in this situation, the atmosphere will soon change



Liu Feng

He Xiaoping

Arts and Crafts Troupe


Classification: Speak with confidence

The solitude of silence and noise



Xingyun Lake

Jiangchuan, Yunnan

renew one's youth


Take dreams as horses

Classification: That year we

        Here I want to talk about my three memories. There will be scenes in the memory. As time goes by, the memory will gradually age, and the appearance of scenes can make the memory rejuvenate.

          First, I was born about two In a village of more than kilometers, the village is surrounded by a large area of flat and fertile farmland. In summer and autumn, the farmland is either thin and tenacious rice or green tobacco with strong leaves. As a child, I was disgusted by these two crops that occupy most of my playing places. Wherever I go, there are rice and green tobacco. Why not plant something else I haven't seen before? Later my mother told me that rice is for food; Green smoke is for money. This made my childhood impractical and I began to touch the reality of some lack of beauty in life. Whenever planting seedlings or watering green tobacco, the normally dry and cracked river immediately regains its vitality, and the water is scattered in the crisscross fields



take a walk



Outside the window

Classification: Speak with confidence

          The colors outside the window gradually darken from colorful to dark. Night makes the body avoid the reflection of the material in the world, and let the mind wander in the dark. M His life is simple and familiar. He puts down his mobile phone, turns off his computer, lights, and walks out of the house with his eyes closed without encountering any table, chair or corner of the house. Then, the smell of the semi enclosed floor corridor was like eight A passionate salesperson came in and let M Some suffocation. nine Families live on the same floor, that is, on the same plane M In addition eight The door is full of unknown like an unopened walnut. From the occasional bags of garbage stacked at the door, it can be seen that the family is still living and metabolizing normally. The garbage at the door is the excrement of family life, so the door can only be compared to the anus.

            Press the elevator, M Here eight Surrounded by breath, waiting to break through. Open the door

(2016-11-25 00:31)




Public account


Classification: That year we
          Open only one 5W Floor lamp, a bright space blooms in the darkness, temporarily ignoring the surrounding, and preparing to escape the noise of the day. From time to time, the sound of bulldozers digging hard, the sound of speeding cars on the highway, the sound of airplanes pressing down in the night sky, the ringing of the school bell, the cheering slogans of officers and soldiers, the sound of piano fingering by neighbors in the next room, and the sound of barbaric industry brought by the wind in the distance came at the same time as the night, There is a crowd like noise. In the night, own Just an observer of the world. This is my two ear experience at night in the city.

        The wind swept across the roof, Brush Then, the rain drops begin to fall vertically, like a drum, knocking and hitting. It is very three-dimensional after horizontal and vertical mixing. Gradually,

(2016-06-22 01:39)

Alma Mater


No, I'm happy


Liuyang River

Classification: That year we


  "Ten years, why don't you come to see me?"

  "Ten years ago, do you know my face has changed?"

  "Ten years,..."

            If the above is a dialogue between two lovers, they have already divided the world, and their own growth and flowering. But this time the object is my alma mater. You can not visit her... but she

            I will never come to see you. In a trance, I have graduated for ten years. Speaking of this, I just want to expose my age. I want to compare my young people and say who has never been young? Are you old? For ten years, I haven't returned to my alma mater, let alone set foot in Hunan. Ten years ago, even the caretaker aunt who was bored in those days should have had many stories. She may occasionally cry to feed the boys and write a favorite marriage and family ethics drama. Or in recent years, menopause has made her become an aunt in Chaoyang District with no distractions when facing the boys. In short, there are countless stories in the past ten years. I will talk about them later. However, some changes can be enumerated:


First, ten years ago, I had a dream. Ten years later, I just wanted to doze off.

First, ten years ago, I wanted to travel around the world with one person and one horse. Ten years later, I would curl my back and live in a corner.

First, ten years ago, I thought that the world was small and the circle was large. Ten years later, I thought that the world was large and the circle was small.

First, I walked around the campus ten years ago, when the breeze hit, the fragrance of flowers was fragrant, and the spring scenery was everywhere

(2015-09-13 14:41)

Small town girl

setting sun


obtain employment

Gu Cheng

Classification: That year we

            The sun is slowly and lazily coming down. As it approaches the horizon, the red light seems to weld the sky and the earth together. The ground is sparkling, like a spectacular sunset on the sea, which makes me very excited in the plateau. Facing this situation, I almost started to clench my fist to take the oath of joining the Party. From a broad perspective, the greenhouse has covered a large area of land, which has the potential to form a plastic film ocean, creating the above exciting landscape. At this time, I have no time to pay attention to whether the greenhouse has an impact on the climate. Therefore, the best way to relax should be to let the power of sensibility be greater than that of rationality, or to directly let rationality temporarily step down. It's like eating out. If you think about gutter oil every day (which is unavoidable at present), even the best food is disgusting and satisfying.
            At this time, the glow also shone into the window. A woman beside the window was sleeping soundly. The light brushed the outline of her side face, adding a circle of Buddha light for no reason. If she was a little fatter, I would regard her as a sleeping arhat. When I looked at the side face, the bridge of the nose was high enough that I didn't care about the other four senses. At this time, the sun, the lamplight master, played the light just right, and it was as beautiful as a calendar, She must be a beautiful woman. When I looked carefully, because her mouth was not closed properly, a crystal clear saliva hung out... It seems that beautiful things generally only exist for a moment, and her saliva submerged her flamboyant brightness.


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