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 Tian Xiaodao
Tian Xiaodao
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Qinghai Lake is also called "Cuowenbu", which means "blue sea" in Tibetan. It is the largest inland lake and the largest salt water lake in China.



At the first bite of stone pot fish, the taste buds were moved.

Each table has a stone pot embedded in the table. The clerk wipes it with a hot towel, puts the fresh cut fish in, pours in the carefully boiled white soup, and covers the straw hat pot. In a few minutes, the legendary stone pot fish will be ready.



delicious food

Classification: Go out

Yunnan is really a hard province to write about.

I have visited Yunnan three times. The first time I came down from Tibet, Deqin, Shangri la, Lijiang and Kunming, and I watched the flowers everywhere; The second time I followed my good friend back to her hometown, Fuxian Lake, Yuxi, and found a small fairy resort; The third time was when I went to Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Lugu Lake for a week after work. I exclaimed that it was a perfect experience to travel on weekdays!

But I have to say that Yunnan is too big and beautiful. I went to see more popular scenic spots, and there are many other things I want to go to: Yuanyang Terraces, Xanadu Dam, Puzhehei, Raindrop Divine Waterfall, Tengchong... Each one is worth taking time to see, but I'm dying of anxiety

(2019-06-14 15:41)
hi, I wonder how many other friends are reading blogs?
(2014-08-24 09:12)

Miscellaneous talk

When I just entered the society, I was lucky to meet a mentor. In previous blog posts, I mentioned that he was nearly 50 years old. After experiencing the test of life and death, his personality changed greatly. He gave up smoking and drinking and enjoyed life. That was when he went on a road trip with his friends almost every week. After a period of youth, he was energetic and looked like a man in his thirties,
I knew him well and found that he was a real person. At that time, we had just arrived at the work unit, and we often did not know what to do, and often did not know how to strive for many things. It is he who helps us little by little, and always speaks for us at the critical moment, because with him, our life is very nourishing. Even when I resigned, he kept an eye on the pressure of the leadership and ran around for me.
When we don't work together, we naturally have less contact. But he still calls us every now and then to ask us out for dinner. Every time he eats and sings, he is also generous. We all regard him as a relative. I haven't contacted him for a long time. He criticized me for not treating him as a friend and didn't tell him about such a big thing after others knew it.
Today he took Hongfen and me to Qiannanyu. I remember the name when I first heard them say it. Maybe what they described is too beautiful, and I have been longing for it. I said I could go anywhere. I'm going crazy after resting at home for so long! He did take us to this place. I think if I recover my strength, I will love this place.
Qiannanyu is a forest park, so we chose to pick them to take care of my weak body. The fruit of the season is cherry. I send

Miscellaneous talk

It seems that I have felt a lot recently. Well, writing without stopping is a sense of fulfillment I have created for myself. I used to write blogs, reading notes, film reviews, life insights, and what I saw and heard every day when I was diligent You are a born observer! Nowadays, people have seen more, their heart has grown old, and they have read fewer books, thus losing the ability to write thousands of words.
In retrospect, the most spectacular thing I have done so far is to go to Tibet alone, carry my backpack, charter a car to travel around Yunnan and Tibet, travel north to Sichuan, and return to Lanzhou. At that time, people around me admired him for a long time. But now, after three years of graduation, I am so indifferent that my good friends around me are anti superego and even leave me far behind. I can't help it. In fact, I always like to envy others, especially those friends who do things I like but can't do.
Just turning the space, I saw a younger martial brother who went to Thailand to become a volunteer. I met him in the summer vacation of my sophomore year, doing social practice together. He was a cheerful and humorous boy. He and another junior brother, my later male friend Lu Shu, are our favorite friends and go out to play every holiday. After my trip to Tibet, he also chose my route for his graduation trip the next year. I have to say that when I see those photos full of adventure again, my heart will be filled with passion. Later, he went to Shanda for postgraduate study, and he has been on the road, walking a lot of places. Compared with him, I feel a little ashamed. There is no doubt that he is the pulse of real walking, down-to-earth, step by step into the city or countryside
(2014-05-21 21:19)

Before the operation, I was really looking forward to it. When my body fully recovered, I must be covered with peach blossoms, running and jumping, taking photos, and showing them to all. I even thought about the narration, which was called "I've never felt so good".

My best friend's boyfriend said that after this experience, you are more mature. I said that it was a big storm before, and it was just an experience after the past. Things that could not be imagined before, and things that were so tangled before that could not be overcome, were really gone. For a month and a half at home, I was leisurely and cozy every day, teasing children, chasing eight o'clock TV dramas, shopping with my mother... It was "never so easy", enjoying the meticulous care and warm affection of my parents, and falling in love with the life of full and dark. It recovers quickly. It's good to be young and healthy.

At the end of the vacation, I heard a bad news that my college classmate jumped off a building and committed suicide. I can't believe it. After repeated confirmation, I felt sad. During the four years of college, I didn't know her very well. At best, it was a passing friendship. She was independent and confused. Almost every class came late, and there were always good looking boys around her. During my senior year, I received the examination notice from Yangcheng Evening News

2013 is a year of tired love.

It is full of all kinds of frustrations, desperation, anxiety and depression. Many times I feel lonely and helpless. When I think of one thing, I see an article and cry silently. The pressure is so high that they lose their temper. Their parents are cautious and their friends are submissive.

In 2014, I felt alive.

The bell that just ushered in the New Year was accompanied by various surprises. The sun is falling on the earth, and the rain is watering the withered soul. Even dreams grow and sprout silently.

I want to sing happily, even though I can only talk and sing if I don't have five tones.

In the darkest time, I never give up my happiness. Persistence is a miraculous thing. Believe that miracles will happen.

Thank everyone who appears in my life at the right time. I am happy, and you are also happy. I am sad, you follow the loss. The world is so big


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