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 Health expert ZOE
Health expert ZOE
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1. Chiropractic treatment:

Chiropractic therapy is to treat diseases by stimulating certain meridians and acupoints of the body. It is especially suitable for children with spleen stomach disharmony, dyspepsia, anorexia and stagnation. Mainly pinching the back



Nowadays, more and more girls are receiving eyelashes, but there are more and more questions about eyelashes receiving, such as "Does eyelashes hurt eyelashes?", "Does eyelashes also fall off after receiving eyelashes?", "How many eyelashes should be received is the best?", and so on. Even how to maintain and maintain eyelashes after receiving eyelashes is a problem, ELLE.COM asked for advice on opening eyelash collection and eyelash planting in Taiwan from Japan Beauty @ Miss Komatsu, a teacher at the Tokyo store, came to talk with us about these questions about eyelashes that often appear in our minds. With these basic eyelash beauty knowledge, we also know how to treat our eyelashes well!

Eyelash Miss Komatsu, teacher of Beauty, especially reminds everyone that eyelash grafting is a very detail oriented job. When choosing a shop to graft eyelashes, you must first confirm whether the materials, technology and environmental sanitation used by the shop are correct and safe.



Text/ Royal、Yun photo/ GETTY
Does your skin keep getting pimples? The pimples on the chin haven't gone away for a while, but these days there are several more on the forehead. Why on earth? In fact, the skin basically reflects the personal physical condition. They don't depend on the mood. For example, growing on your cheeks means that your hygiene habits are not strengthened... The sudden appearance of acne must be due to the reason. To check the acne warning in various parts, it is more practical to treat acne symptoms!
Chin, neck
Cause: Your daily routine leads to the fluctuation of hormones throughout the cycle, which makes pores secrete too much oil, clogs pores, and causes acne.
How to solve it: This requires at least a week of conditioning. If you normally use a facial cleanser containing anti acne ingredients (such as salicylic acid) to clean your face, thoroughly clean your chin, neck and cheeks. If you are already very bad, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department to seek professional help.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the kidney is the foundation of nature", which determines the strength, growth and development of the human body. However, in daily life, the kidney has its own worst enemy, and the following bad habits should be avoided in particular.


Salt and high protein foods. The intake of high protein food is not the more the better, long-term high protein diet will make the kidney in "overload" state. In addition, eating too salty is also bad for the kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "salt enters the kidney channel". Proper salt can strengthen the kidney and bone, but too much salt will lead to increased blood pressure, making the kidney blood unable to maintain normal flow, thus inducing disease.




Banana is the most easily available fruit on the market. It can not only provide the human body with rich nutrition and vitamins, but also make the skin soft and shiny, eyes bright, energetic and prolong life. In recent years, scientific research has found that this fruit has new discoveries. Here are some medicinal effects of bananas.



As a bucket waist, are you worrying about how to buy clothes in summer? How can you lose waist and stomach quickly? Teach you the lazy people to massage the weight loss method, and keep away from the bucket waist with four massage techniques.


1、 Dantian abdomen Shenque point massage

The fingers are naturally relaxed and open, gently tapping the fat part of the waist



If you have a double chin, it is easy to be classified as a fat person even if you are thin. The double chin is not only hard to hide, but also very conspicuous, which can easily affect a person's first impression. This time, I will introduce a wonderful way to eliminate double chin easily, which only takes 3 minutes each time.


3 minutes a day to help you easily eliminate double chin
With a double chin, many people think they are fat. However, the cause of double chin is not obesity. Even thin, some people still have a double chin. There are



A study by the University of Washington found that there was no significant difference between men's erectile status when they were drunk and when they were not drunk. In other words, no matter how the ejaculation is, drinking alcohol has no significant effect on erection.


In fact, "disorderly sex after drinking" is an excuse for men to behave foolishly, because some research shows that men will have difficulty ejaculating even if they can "get things done" after drinking too much; If men drink too much for a long time, they usually have to wait for impotence. The study found that when the alcohol concentration in the blood reached 0.06, the time required for the volunteers to ejaculate significantly prolonged; When the concentration reaches 0.09, many volunteers simply cannot ejaculate. But from erectile function



delicious food

Miscellaneous talk

Not long ago, someone released the "truth" on the Internet - "Don't be fooled by the delicious food exposed by the stars, they only shoot and don't eat!" Shu Qi, Deng Ziqi, Ni Ni all kinds of lying guns. We don't know whether the actresses really don't eat on weekdays, but at least some of them are really losing weight, and they are ashamed of a group of people when they have a diet.

Please indicate the source of the exclusive original manuscript reprinted on ELLE Chinese website
Editor and writer: Zoe


Shu Qi, Ni Ni and Deng Ziqi, the three actresses with good figure
As the saying goes, "Illness comes from the mouth, while disaster comes from the mouth." It can be seen that the cause of disease is diet, which plays an important role. Want to be healthy, everyday
Pay attention to your eating habits. The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor said, "Take five grains as nourishment, five fruits as assistance, five vegetables as supplement, and take them with a mild smell to replenish vital energy." It can be seen that food such as grains, fruits, and vegetables can help human health. But how can we eat to keep healthy? According to the experience of the predecessors, today we classify the following key points for reference:

 17 golden rules of diet<wbr/><wbr>healthy every day

1、 Don't be partial to food. Eat a variety of foods.
2、 To go to three white: white rice, white flour, white sugar.
3、 The three meals are based on grains, rice and soybeans.
4、 Eat more food with three highs and two lows. Three high: (high protein: such as milk, beans, eggs, etc.; high fiber: such as vegetables, fruits, etc;
High vitamins such as carrots.) Two low: one is low fat, such as vegetable oil; Second, low sugar, such as brown rice and oatmeal.

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