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 Shouer Jiangao Outpatient Department
Shouer Jiangao Outpatient Department
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The annual National Day holiday is coming again. All the staff of Beijing Shouer Jiangao Clinic are here to wish everyone a happy holiday. If you have friends, you must pay attention to travel safety.

The seven day National Day holiday is not a short one. Many parents want to take advantage of this holiday to take their children out for a walk and a look, but also for their children's health. If their children have some growth and development obstacles, they need to see a doctor in advance.

In order to facilitate the treatment of children, the National Day holiday schedule of Beijing Shouer Jiangao Clinic in 2013 is as follows:

There will be holidays on October 1, 2 and 3, and the outpatient service will be normal from October 4.

Classification: precocious puberty

The Beijing Shouer Jiangao Clinic made a survey in the summer, which is about the problem of children's sexual precocity that is more concerned now. The survey found that the wrong diet is the main reason for sexual precocity, and most parents have a wrong understanding of children's diet. They think that children can grow well only if they eat well and make up well, so they have chicken, fish and meat all day long, From time to time, I also take some children's health care products.

In fact, these diets have brought a certain burden on children's health, because improper diet will cause children's sexual precocity. Here we summarize four types of food that are likely to cause children's sexual precocity:

   Out of season fruit

Many parents often buy out of season fruits for their children to eat in order to make them eat well. Don't you know that these fruits are not only expensive, but also the key is to ripen them Ripening promoter With the help of, it will be out of season or mature early, so it must be avoided for children to eat.

   Poultry meat

Especially the neck and neck of birds


Beijing Shouer Jiangao

Shouer Jiangao Clinic

Children are short

Classification: Children are short

The hot summer has gone away quietly, and we are ushering in the season of high and cool autumn. Many children will lose their appetite in summer, and their appetite will increase greatly in autumn. As the saying goes, it is better to eat well and grow well, especially for young people who are growing physically. We must pay attention to reasonable diet, seize this golden period, and hurry to grow.

Just a few days ago, Beijing Shouer Jiangao Outpatient Department received such a patient, a boy, 13 years old, with a height of 150cm. After measuring his height and weight, laboratory examination, bone age measurement and other MRI examinations, Professor Ni Guichen finally concluded that the child's epiphysis had been closed, that is, the child had missed the best growth period, As a result, the child's final height is only 150cm.

In fact, children now generally have growth and development obstacles, such as short stature. Research has found that children's height is affected by congenital genetic factors, and the acquired environmental factors, nutrition factors, health factors, etc. cannot be ignored. Among them, nutrition is the most important factor, which is


Beijing Shouer Jiangao

Shouer Jiangao Clinic

Summer discount

Jiangao preferential activities

The child is 15 years old this year. He has grown very slowly in the past two years. How much can he grow later? What sports are suitable for children to grow tall, and what supplements should parents make in diet? How should parents guide Height has always been a topic of concern. Looking at the tall people on the street, are you worried about your height? Especially some parents, who are not tall, are more worried about their children's future growth. Because some height problems may affect children's education, employment, and even marriage in the future.

   Beijing Capital Jiangao Held Summer "Preferential Month" Activity

The annual summer vacation has come, and the opportunity to solve the problem of short stature has also come. Beijing Shouer Jingot held a "special month" activity in the summer. It is reported that this activity is a youth service program launched by Shouer Jingot. During the summer vacation, free height measurement is carried out for Beijing children aged 6-18

Beijing Shouer Jiangao

Shouer Jiangao Clinic

Shouer Jiangao QR code

The most authoritative youth growth and development obstacle organization in Beijing can solve the problems in the process of youth growth and development. For more information, please call the hotline 4008989060. Our address is 88-7 Guangqumennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Many teenagers now have certain growth and development disorders, such as short stature, precocious puberty, obesity, etc. Beijing Shouer Jiangao Clinic is a professional medical institution with the characteristics of treating children and adolescents with growth and development disorders. In order to better interact and communicate with you, the official WeChat has also been opened. Welcome to interact with us on WeChat. The WeChat signal is jg4008989060 [Shouer Jiangao], or through the QR code below, you can pay attention to it by "scanning scanning"!

Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today five year two hundred and sixteen God, I got my badge    

  • 2008.01.03 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2008.01.03 I wrote my first blog post: Shouer Jiangao Outpatient Department, an expert in growth and development of children and adolescents.
  • 2008.01.24

Miscellaneous talk

The scorching summer is coming again. In order to send more preferential help to more patients with dwarfism and thank old patients for their long-term attention and support, Beijing Shouer Jiangao Clinic specially held the following preferential activities for patients with dwarfism from June 25 to August 31, 2012:


1、 All patients who buy 12 water injections will be given 1 same water injection,



Miscellaneous talk

If you I think my children are strange, But I don't know what's wrong with the child, or whether these strange little actions of the child should go to the hospital. Here we teach parents how to test their children's autism.




Miscellaneous talk

From birth to adulthood, the skeletal system has always followed certain rules and procedures to constantly develop and mature, and is closely related to other systems of the body, especially the endocrine system. Therefore, by observing the maturity of bones (bone age) through X-ray, we can understand everyone's growth stage, nutrition, disease and other conditions, It is of great significance in endocrine diseases and growth disorders, including

  • Diagnosis: such as stunted children;
  • Treatment monitoring: such as hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, etc;
  • Predict the adult height of school-age children.

An important role of bone age assessment is to use the height of childhood and adolescence to predict adult height. Clinically, their final height is roughly estimated by comparing the "height percentile value table" and bone age, that is, their "height age" is checked by comparing their current height with the 50 percentile of the height table of each age group with normal sex. If their height age is lower than their bone age, their final adult height will be lower than the normal value.

Some college students are not satisfied with their own height. When they want to know whether they can grow taller and come to the clinic for consultation, if they are told that the bone age of the girl is 17 years old and the bone age of the boy is 18 years old, and the bone gap has been closed, it means that growth has stopped and they can't grow taller.

For the diagnosis and treatment of dwarfism and more knowledge about dwarfism, please call 400-898-9060 for consultation.

(2012-07-05 11:48)

Miscellaneous talk

Endocrine expert Wu Xueyan visited Shouer Jiangao Clinic to pay attention to adolescent development


        Every parent hopes that their children will grow tall and healthy, but they find their children are dwarfs in school. The height of a child is one of the important indicators to measure the growth and development of a child. In adulthood, height will also be an important factor affecting the quality of social life such as employment, communication and marriage. As the first professional medical institution for children's growth and development in China, Shouer Jiangao Clinic invited Dr. Wu Xueyan, an expert from the Department of Endocrinology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, to give a lecture to the outpatient medical staff, focusing on various developmental problems in adolescence.

        At 13:00 p.m. on July 3, Dr. Wu Xueyan arrived at Shouer Jiangao Clinic and was particularly impressed by the changes of Jiangao. Dr. Wu believes that first of all, the staff of Jiangao has grown. Secondly, in many outpatient institutions today, profit is the only purpose. There are few who can really pay attention to professional development and academic research. Shouer Jiangao is moved by his continuous improvement of professional skills and his real concern for patients. " Dr. Wu Xueyan's affirmation of Shouer Jiangao Clinic inspires the hearts of every medical staff and staff present, and also expresses the future development direction of Jiangao Clinic - to be a more dedicated and professional medical institution for children's growth and development.          


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