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 Jiang Fangzhou
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(2016-10-28 10:17)

Miscellaneous talk

​   When I left Tokyo, it was very cold and overcast. There is no place in Japan that makes me feel more uneasy and lonely than Tokyo Station. Many people in black and dark gray clothes hold mobile phones with broken screens - I don't know why, I saw more than half of Japanese iPhones have cracks on the screen, and half ran anxiously to the gate, as if eager to join a river.

——For most of my life, I am a person without a destination, so I am afraid.

This time, I rarely had a purpose. I went to see Seto Inland Sea Art Festival.

  This is the third art exhibition held every three years. Top artists have done various wonderful architectural and installation arts on 12 islands and ports in Seto Inland Sea. Seto Inland Sea used to be beautiful. After World War II, the society pursued prosperity and development, and the environment was greatly damaged. The surface was lack of greening, and the bare land was exposed to the sun. The island was piled with waste and industrial waste, and lost its vitality because of aging. The whole area became desolate because of being abandoned. The curators of the art exhibition chose this place as the stage, It's a bit of child like idealism. See if we can build a Utopia in such a bad environment. If it can be realized, human beings can get some vague confidence from this miracle.

  I took the Shinkansen to the south, and the weather outside the window became more and more sunny, approaching summer. I was greedy for the warm sunshine and forgot to get off the bus. I sat all the way to the terminal, Hiroshima. When I saw that only the blond foreigner was left, I realized that it was wrong and hurriedly got on a turn back train.

It's four or five o'clock in the afternoon when we get to the destination Gangshan, The red setting sun is magnificent. This is a place with no special features, but the weather is good. It is the county with the smallest rainfall in Japan, and the climate is warm and stable. It's a bit like a vague supporting actor in a TV play. The person is only "kind", only character, no characteristics; Only joy, no tenderness; Only worry, no sorrow.

    Early the next morning, I took a one hour tram ride from Okayama to Ueno Port, and then took a twenty minute boat ride to Naoshima, one of the islands where the art festival was arranged.

Naoshima can be regarded as the playground of Tadao Ando, a master architect. He designed the most important works of art on the island.



  What impressed me was the Dizhong Art Museum. It is an invisible building. In design, all the volumes of the building are completely buried underground. When you look at it horizontally, you can only see the plain hills and bulges. When you look down, you can see the outline of the geometric space, the patio and the daylight opening.



    The entrance is very hidden. The narrow and deep concrete corridor only has the cracks in the side walls that reveal the skylight. The staff wore doctor like white coats, with a soft tone and a gentle expression. All the visitors entered the art museum in a rather funny way, as if they were led by the staff into the underworld after death, afraid of breaking the rules there.

  The narrow corridor is followed by a wider corridor. The wall is still cold after dawn. There is only a gap less than half a meter wide on the outer wall. The sun shines from it. The gap is just on the head of the person. Looking at the corridor from a distance, you can only see the heads moving fast in the light and dark changes, just like the medieval monks bent their heads and hurried to the religious tribunal. The cold cutting lines and the lush green outside are clearly demarcated. Nature is close and unreachable. Desperate people are more depressed, while fighters feel power.

  I like Tadao Ando's ascetic architecture. Maybe because of my lack of talent since childhood, I loved to watch the story of people fighting with the sky and the earth. Tadao Ando's fame as the long house in Keji is my dream job.

  It was the house he designed and rebuilt in 1976. It was the same style as the Dizhong Art Museum. It was a long and narrow concrete building, and the prison was as drab as gray. There was no air conditioning equipment. It was directly ventilated by the structure of the house itself. There is a long and narrow courtyard in the middle of the building, which leads nature into the house. The disadvantage is that you need to rush through the atrium with an umbrella to go to the toilet when it rains.


  Tadao Ando mentioned in the original lecture that the most common complaint of the owner when he renovated the house was that "you lead the wind and rain into the house. It's so cold." Ando said: "This level can't kill people."

He hated the comfortable, fast and warm apartment, and felt that it was the natural state of man to fight with nature hand to hand.

  Back to Dizhong Art Museum, there are three exhibition halls. The first exhibition hall is the installation art of American artists. In the huge space, a huge black ball is placed in the middle of the high steps. The ball reflects a small rectangular sky on the ceiling, like its eyes or mouth. There are golden and cute columns around. This installation art is called "Time/Timeless/No Time”, In my eyes, it has nothing to do with time and space. The black ball is like absolute power. It is not completely dark. It also reflects a small piece of natural light. There are chirping sunlight in it, and even occasionally there are bird shadows. It seems to grin with the change of light. It entices you to approach, deceiving you that it is also normal, but when you do approach it, you find that it is just an illusion. It is still just a cold and oppressive metal, bringing strong pressure to the surrounding.



  The second exhibition hall is a series of light works. One of the exhibits has a wonderful experience. The room has several steps and a glowing purple screen. The screen is not a screen, but a room with lights to create effects. You can always look forward to walking here, to the inside of the screen, to the other world.



  The third exhibition hall is Monet's Water Lilies. In the past, when I saw Water Lilies in the pictures, I didn't like it very much. I thought it was too gentle and too middle-class. At that time, I preferred weird or majestic painting.

Last year, I went to the Orange Garden Art Museum in Paris, and was shocked by the huge "Water Lilies" 360 degrees around.

Because I have been shocked once, Monet of the Dizhong Art Museum did not surprise me. Instead, I went out of the art museum and saw a small piece of still water beside the road that was easy to miss. The sun was shining on the water and lotus leaves through the lush green. There was a very hidden place beside the water where only one person could stand. Looking from that direction, it was exactly the same as the sleeping lotus scenery Monet saw. At this time, I sighed the designer's affection.

At noon, I ate in the cafeteria of the Dizhong Art Museum, facing the whole sea, where the cruel blue color was quiet and connected with the sea.

  Murakami Haruki's Kafka by the Sea tells that the boy fled to the Seto Inland Sea and looked at the sea with his friends: "He just looked at the microwave waves as if they were raised sheets and said they were climbing up the shore and splashing them in a low voice. Several islands in the bay are also vaguely visible. They don't often look at the sea at ordinary times, and they can't see enough of it now."

  I can't see enough. I occasionally leave the city life and look at the landscape for a while, so I am eager to reassess my heart to see how much baptism I have received. I wish there was a progress bar of "95% of the garbage has been removed". Later, I found that seeing nature did not give my heart much baptism. The only benefit is that it makes me accept the "eternity" again. The city life has been long, Except that the wireless network signal is eternal, the rest of the world has lost its permanence - whether it is mountain or sea, or dusk meditation. The tranquility and rationality of nature are against the craziness and madness of human beings.

Looking at mountains and waters is actually looking at yourself from the perspective of mountains and rivers, and seeing your insignificance and bravado.



  Murakami Haruki's Kafka by the Sea tells that the boy fled to the Seto Inland Sea and looked at the sea with his friends: "He just looked at the microwave waves as if they were raised sheets and said they were climbing up the shore and splashing them in a low voice. Several islands in the bay are also vaguely visible. They don't often look at the sea at ordinary times, and they can't see enough of it now."

  I can't see enough. I occasionally leave the city life and look at the landscape for a while, so I am eager to reassess my heart to see how much baptism I have received. I wish there was a progress bar of "95% of the garbage has been removed". Later, I found that seeing nature did not give my heart much baptism. The only benefit is that it makes me accept the "eternity" again. The city life has been long, Except that the wireless network signal is eternal, the rest of the world has lost its permanence - whether it is mountain or sea, or dusk meditation. The tranquility and rationality of nature are against the craziness and madness of human beings. Looking at mountains and waters is actually looking at yourself from the perspective of mountains and rivers, and seeing your insignificance and bravado.

  In addition to the Dizhong Art Museum, I also saw the art museum designed by Tadao Ando for Korean artist Lee Yu hwan, but I really couldn't understand the artist's works. I kept sending out feelings of low quality such as "what can I see in this stone" and "I can also paint", so I didn't follow the table.


​ In the evening before leaving the island, I went to see the King Protector Shrine reconstructed by the famous photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto.

  The steps connecting the shrine and the worship hall are transparent. At that time, Sugimoto Bosi wanted to use an ancient and new material to let light energy penetrate and become the object of human worship. Consider using jade buried in ancient graves or polished crystal, and finally use Nikon optical glass that is more transparent than air, with a step of about 20000 yuan.



  The other part of the shrine is the underground stone chamber. To enter the stone chamber, you have to go through a long and thin tunnel dug in the mountainside. When I went there, it was late. The administrator grandpa gave me a flashlight and walked to a darker place. Suddenly, there was a piece of nearly dark transparency in front of me, which was also directly connected to the glass steps on the ground.

  This step seems to be a miracle left by ancient times. People built a ladder for the dead thousands of years ago. Go to the light, go to the light, stubbornly, desperately, just because of the deep roar heard at dusk: go to the light.  



  Sugimoto Bosi probably believes that the retina can penetrate time, and he likes to shoot things that have the smallest changes in human history, such as water and atmosphere. Looking at Sugimoto Bosi, we stare at the same thing as the original human beings, so time is no longer linear, but chaotic and even cyclical.

  Borges said that we have two ways to see the great river of time, one is to see it flow through us from the past to the future; The other is to see it coming, coming from the future, passing us and disappearing into the past. Sugimoto Bosi let people see these two opposite rivers at the same time. People defeated time briefly and gained a little immortality.

  Coming up from the stone chamber, I passed through the small and slender tunnel again. Like the time tunnel, there were only square and crystal sea in the darkness, like inverted virtual images reflected on the retina for the first time when people first came into the world. Suddenly, I thought of the monk's poem of going west that Sugimoto Boshi had quoted:

Although the profound righteousness is incomprehensible, tears flow down in fear.

  The next day, I went to Fengdao. Toyoda is very different from Naoshima, with fewer people and more dilapidated houses. After looking for a place to eat for a long time, we only found a bicycle rental shop that can also serve as Udon noodles. The menu is written on the stone. It also has a kind of wild interest.

  The Toyoda Art Museum was strongly recommended by my college students in the Department of Architecture. He visited Seto Inland Sea Art Festival three years ago. He praised the Toyoda Art Museum and said, "If Ando is still full of tricks, then Saize will be completely lost in his own conceit."

  Architect Nizawa Liwei and artist Katori Nato jointly designed the Toyoda Art Museum. It is like a drop of water in a terrace near the sea. If the Tizhong Art Museum is an "invisible building", the Toyoda Art Museum is a "soft building". The whole building has no beams, columns or walls. It is totally supported by the structure of reinforced concrete itself.



  The entrance is very small. At most two people can enter at the same time. After entering, it is a magical building with curves, which seems to be shaped by breathing. The dome has two large openings, one high and one low, revealing the sky and birds. I have never entered such an empty and free space. There are only white and round glimmers around me. I can't see the world, and my heart is not moved.

Although it is called "art museum", there is only one artwork in the whole space, namely water.

  The artist Naito Li drained the underground water to the surface of the art museum. There were countless 2 or 3 mm holes on the surface, and water gushed out from the holes. Because the surface had a very imperceptible gradient, the water droplets flowed, converged, and became water at different rates, and converged into a puddle. The puddle was just below the mouth of the cave, like a small lake.

  All the people were lying on the ground and observing the flow of water drops. It is the first time that I found that water is like this, stretching its body like a caterpillar, chasing its own kind, and eager to be integrated with it. Due to the tilt angle and environmental impact, water droplets often stop flowing halfway, and I found myself cheering them with my fist.





  I was watching the sea in Brazil two years ago, sitting beside the longest beach in the world. The darkness did not make the waves calm, but they were still surging up, and the voice became louder and louder. I thought to myself, "The waves are really fierce." I have seen the sea in many other places, but I was ashamed of the tireless surge of the sea that night.

​ There are two other interesting spaces in Toyoda, one is the "Storm Home" and the other is the "Heart Sound Museum", all designed by Westerners&# 8203;

The "Stormwind House" is an old house that has been renovated and decorated in the same way as it was in the Showa period. Even the electric fan shrine is very old and sophisticated.

The artist simulated a rainstorm through light and water in the house, The sound of the wind blowing the trees in the courtyard is getting louder and louder, the temperature is dropping, and the sound of rain is also getting louder, as if an angry uninvited guest is knocking on the doors and windows to rush in. The unstable electric light finally went out completely, and the tourists were stranded in the house shivering, returning to the most terrible memory of childhood: curling up in an empty home alone, waiting for the rain to stop.



The "Heart Sound Museum" is designed by the French, where all visitors can record their heartbeat.

The exhibition room is about 20 meters long The five meter wide corridor is completely dark, except for a hanging light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The room echoed with bass audio, which was the heartbeat recorded by the first visitors. The sound is so loud that the whole room resonates with the body, and the light bulb lights up gradually with the heartbeat. When the heartbeat is weak, the light bulb is darker, and when the heartbeat is strong, the light bulb is brighter.

  Only at the moment when the light bulb flickers, can we vaguely see a little road ahead and the figure of other visitors. Everyone is like strange babies who have strayed into other people's womb, and there is a strange intimacy in their shyness.

  Watching the light bulb go out, I suddenly remembered a death chronicle some time ago. I often write in a coffee shop in the creative park near my home. The husband of the proprietress is the founder of a startup company in the park. I have several connections with him in the coffee shop. He is full of enthusiasm, his voice is deep and loud, and fills the whole space. Sometimes I am attracted by him unknowingly and listen to his conversation with others. A few weeks ago in the early morning, he collapsed at the gate of the park and died of a heart attack.  

People die like lights out, and the moment of death is the completion of a destiny for the dead, as EM Foster said: "Human life begins with an experience that he has forgotten and ends with an experience that he must participate in and cannot understand."

  Death is like a lamp out. The most painful thing about death for the living is the unfinished life. The living must always live in a dark room, no longer illuminated by warmth and enthusiasm, and can only rely on inertia to numbly explore everything in the room.  



My favorite building of the whole art festival is the Hengwei Hall of Fengdao, which I last visited. The art museum designed and built by architect Yoko Nagayama for the artist Tadao Yokosuka.

  It is still because of Yukio Mishima who knows Yokosuchi is a loyal fan of Mishima. Yukio Mishima also asked him to design the cover of his book. Mishima Yukio commented on Yoko's works:

"Yokota Tadao's works simply expose some parts of our Japanese that we don't want to face, which makes people angry and afraid. What a vulgar color it is... However, in the dark depths where there is no way to be wrapped by these bright colors, there seems to be some seriousness hidden. Just like the tights of the circus girls with sequins will make people feel a certain seriousness. "






  Not everyone likes Hengwei's jokes wrapped in gaudy colors. Hengwei paid a special visit to Dali's home when he went to Cadacos Island. Dali read Hengwei's collection of works and said, "You may like my works very much, but I hate your works."

  I don't like some works under Hengwei's fame. I think the satire on the secular world is too frivolous. But in the Yokowei Hall of Toyoda, we can see all his recent works that we have never seen before. The implicit lust is mixed with the cruel treatment of life after aging, which is a more profound stimulus. The erotic metaphor of young female architects is undisguised. The whole viewing process is not watching, but VR erotic experience.

  The old farmhouse was rebuilt, and the wood on the exterior wall was deliberately burned black with red reflective glass. Red glass is a boundary that distinguishes life from death. When entering the room, I first saw a colorful garden, just like a revelry of a child who just got rid of a Puritan family. He had an insatiable desire for color, red stones, golden cranes, and colorful mosaic pool.


​   The tree grows strangely. Its branches and leaves are like clusters of flame shaped trees, which are cut thin and long. It is very different from other trees on the island, like male genitalia. Looking at the red stones, it looks like a woman's open legs, flowing out of the babbling stream. The brook extends to the interior of the art museum. The floor of the art museum is glass. You can see the water and carp, and also reflect the hanging paintings.



My favorite is a big painting, "Universal frantic love)”。 From a distance, it is an abstract landscape painting, and a collage of various waterfalls in the mountains. From a close look, it is found that there is a picture of the Spring Palace hidden in it. The man greedily put his hand on the woman's breast. The excitement of his lower body revealed his impatience, while the woman was calm and simply absent-minded. Only the foot reflected in the mirror revealed the secret, and the foot was convulsive and crazy, and the toe was in the air.

  The ancient picture of Spring Palace and the mirror image of the waterfall that blends with it are very modern, such as the photos taken by tourists in Yellowstone Park. Several collages of the waterfall pictures even show the figure of tourists, wearing suits, carefully enjoying the beautiful scenery. One of the tourists just stood in front of the lower body of the male in the Spring Palace Painting, staring blankly at the huge object in front of him, as if he was studying the strange stone from which age.



  I think of the cover of Zhang Ailing's "Legend". In the late Qing Dynasty, women played dominoes in ordinary families, and wet nurses held children, but there was a wrong proportion of human nature outside the appendix. It was modern people, who were very curious to peep in.

Hengwei Zhongze's paintings are certainly more exciting. The body fluid of the ancients has become a waterfall, flowing on the modern people who are peeping.


  There is also a cylindrical building in the shape of a chimney outside the art museum. The wall is pasted with pictures of numerous waterfalls. The ceiling and floor are mirrors, reflecting an infinite length of space. I have never found that the original micro waterfall is so similar to the female body.

  When I left the art museum, I felt sweaty, as if I had just done something shameful and shameful in a world without moral sense. If there is really a fantasy of Dream of Red Mansions, I guess it is also surrounded by a layer of red reflective glass.



Leave Fengdao by boat, At the last look at Seto Inland Sea before going ashore, I felt that the sea was wonderful. It was always scarred and intact. The sea will not remember my coming, but my life has been taken to an unknown channel.


​ (The buildings of Seto Inland Sea Art Festival are basically not allowed to be photographed. Most of the architectural drawings are found on the official website of the art festival http://setouchi-artfest.jp/






Miscellaneous talk

    The saddest film I saw this year was the animated film I saw at the Venice Film Festival, "Disorder". Its director is my favorite screenwriter Charlie Kaufman. His famous works include "Warm with Light", "New York Synonym", etc.
    "Disorder" is about an unhappy best-selling writer who is on a business trip. In the hotel, he looks at the city's hundred morbid conditions: sex shop staff, masturbating single men, the writer's old lover, and so on. The voice of all the characters is the same male voice: dull and calm.
      Until the writer met the woman Lisa, she was not beautiful and had a scar on her face. But she has a very moving female voice. After the one night stand, the two began to chat, and the writer found that Lisa's voice gradually merged with the voices of all the people around, becoming the dull and calm male voice
    The puppets in the film are clumsy and heavy, but they are more realistic than reality. The crack on the puppet's face is like a human defect we don't want to show: "I want to be alone, but not too lonely. I want to be like others, but also want to be different. I want to be loved, but I don't want to love."
    The disease of the times hangs over everyone. Desire and unwillingness, failure and insecurity.
    So people began to look for solutions. However, it is found that decompressing with the help of Tu's Secret Garden will only lead to more irritability and tiredness. Relieving loneliness with the help of social networks is to drink poison to quench thirst. Collecting articles about "50 places you must go in your life" makes the existing life more unbearable. The number of times you press and hold "hahahaha" on the screen is inversely proportional to the frequency of real laughter.
    Massage of "era disease" has become another symptom.
    Can pain and anxiety be solved? I argued with a friend one night, and I insisted that the answer was no.
    After talking for a long time, I found that I couldn't be happy because I didn't want to be happy. I rely on my own vulnerability and dissatisfaction, hoping to get pity and encouragement.
    In fact, it is not the times that imprison me. I have the freedom of choice. I have the freedom not to praise, the freedom to fail, the freedom to be lonely, the freedom not to dream, the freedom to waste time on boring things, and the freedom to laugh.
    It took me a long time to understand that life itself is neither good nor bad, it is just arbitrary. What you choose is what you will experience.

    Can the disease of the times be cured? If you use green jokes to summarize, that's probably the case——

Q: How to treat dependency on compassion and encouragement?
    Answer: Life itself is neither good nor bad. What you choose, you will experience
God's comment: It's your own unwillingness to be happy
(2014-12-06 19:42)

Miscellaneous talk

Jiang Fangzhou /Article



On Weibo, I saw many people crusading a poet named Wu Qing, who wrote a poem called Praise to White Clouds: "The white clouds in the sky are really white/really, very white/very white/very very white/very white/thief white/almost white to death/ah --"

The poem is strange, but people's anger at it is beyond my imagination. People are either indignant that their intelligence has been devalued, or righteous that he is cheating money, or old fashioned lament that our culture has gone down.

I have read Wuqing's poems before and like them, yes An impressive poem is Father and His Brothers

In the evening, my father said, brothers/come here, so/my father threw me out/my uncle caught me/my uncle threw me out/my uncle caught me/my uncle threw me out/my uncle threw me out/my uncle caught me/my uncle threw me out/

My father caught me/This is a routine activity for them/It not only exercises the body/but also improves the emotion/Until one day/I find it hard to leave you/Father said

When I showed this poem to those who strongly criticized Wuqing, some people would also say: "If he were like this in every capital, he would not be scolded so much. People think this poem is good because it can summarize the general idea of the paragraph and refine the central idea: it expresses the author's deep nostalgia for his father's love.

However, when we face a text, we find that it is beyond the level of our high school Chinese reading comprehension training. The anxiety that follows will make people To refuse or deny rudely.



This is a strange phenomenon we face:

People talk about physics, mathematics, chemistry, computers knowledge In case of ignorance, people will put their hands in worship and say timidly, "I don't understand." Even in the case of humanities such as politics, economy and military, people will carefully say, "I don't understand."

However, when seeing obscure novels, obscure music and abstract lines, if it was not explained in advance that they were written by famous people, people would laugh and scorn and say, "I can't understand." Their attitudes are totally different.

I think it's because : People are not accustomed to regard literature as a discipline, a discipline with history and prospects. Like physics and mathematics, it solves different problems and explores different possibilities at different times.

For example, Kafka solved the problem of The shackles of realism; But Marquez couldn't sleep all night after reading Metamorphosis, and later wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude, which pushed forward the boundaries of reality, which is progress —— The progress of writing as a discipline. And aspiring writers will never repeat a copy of "One Hundred and One Years of Solitude" after "One Hundred Years of Solitude", but explore the boundaries that even Marquez has never reached.

The discipline of natural science is daunting because it sets a threshold. And art makes all people with eyes and ears feel that they have the ability to evaluate. In 1907, Picasso painted the Yaweinong Girl. There were five naked women. They were not far or near, and they could not see the background. People were geometric figures. Facing the audience's faces, they had both front and side faces that could not be seen from this angle.

When the painting was first displayed, it was regarded as a kind of ridicule and atrocity. The artist was furious and felt that it was like giving a living person pig feed.

Picasso represents a kind of progress - although most people at that time regarded it as a step backwards.



And Wuqing is also a kind of progress, he broke through our understanding of language.

He said in the interview that there should be a "language that transcends language", so there is "nonsense", a kind of meaningless nonsense with self consistent logic.

Not all ambition is to be a big river, a vast sea, a vast expanse of water and mountains, a cosmic galaxy. Sorescu, a great Romanian poet, said his ambition: "You must have something in your heart that makes it difficult for you to sleep, something similar to bacteria. If there is such a ambition, it is the ambition of bacteria."

Sorescu has a head poetry It's called Thunderstorm , it is written like this :“ In the yard/lightning is charging the hens "

Do you understand?

Another group of people who criticize the "black blue style" will say: I can write 10000 poems like this one day. What's the big deal? Just change lines in the middle of all the big vernacular But what they did Of It is just a simple and crude imitation of "blue sky" and "big sea"

It's like Marcel Duchamp's famous work, however It was in the painting of Mona Lisa that she was painted with a goatee and wrote "Her butt is hot" below If the second person mends a false ear on Van Gogh's self portrait and sticks leg hair on Michelangelo's David ——It looks very Duchamp, but In this way Imitation not only has no talent, but also has no value.



After I gave him many reasons, there was a firm opponent of the nonsense style who still felt bitter about the question: What's the meaning of writing such a poem?

It doesn't have to be meaningful. Roses are roses. The fragrance of flowers is meaningless. This is what Borges said.

                          New Weekly · Jiang Fangzhou Column


Miscellaneous talk

In my freshman year in college, I ate myself into a fat man without any doubt.

It is not a huge fat man, but an awkward figure between normal obesity and obesity, which is 15 kilograms heavier than the standard figure. As a result, my whole college life became the movie Butterfly Effect series. The butterfly weighed 15 kg.

First, I converted to weight loss. I can go to three canteens for lunch at noon the next day within an hour. Each time, two meat dishes, a grain of rice or two, and coke are added. It's like a human spore split into three bulimic patients. Secondly, because I was either hungry and scratching my heart, or I couldn't sleep and eat well, I became a person who turned round the clock. In addition, I felt that I was very untidy and ugly, and I didn't want to meet people, so I missed many lessons. Third, the emptiness of playing truant made me spend a lot of time online shopping, defeated more than 90% of e-commerce consumers nationwide, and forged a deep friendship with express delivery. Most of them bought clothes, but they could not wear them. They were ashamed and indignant, so they continued to convert to weight loss.

In a word, those were my very unhappy years. Because it is difficult to accept myself, I curl up and refuse others.

I learned a long time later that the limbic system of the brain, which people use to hate themselves, has been formed in childhood. However, the wisdom used to enlighten ourselves, forgive ourselves, and make ourselves strong is often not available at the age when we should be mature.

Every generation of young people is vulnerable, sensitive and easily influenced by others. But for the younger generation, this challenge is extraordinarily difficult.

The movie Truman's World puts forward a hypothesis and corresponding answer: what should a person do when he lives under the prying eyes of all people? The answer is that he escapes and is free. However, if all people live under the prying eyes of all people, how can they escape? This is not a hypothesis, but a reality that is happening quietly.

We show our lives on our friends' circle, microblog, post bar and personal homepage all the time. At the same time, we also spy on other people's lives on the same platform. We are constantly evaluating others and accepting their evaluations. "Individuality publicity" is just the cloak of pretending to be a tiger, in order to cover up the vulnerability of inferiority and narcissism, love and kill each other. We are envious of others, and we try our best to decorate our lives so that others are envious.

We are too sensitive to the opinions of others to tolerate life without being "praised".

The core of social networking is "social networking". The motivation of social networking is that people can't stand loneliness; The reason why people can't stand loneliness is that they can't torture themselves.

However, one day, we will stand in front of the mirror and find that we are not the interesting, lovely, attractive and capable people created by ourselves. So, do you still like yourself in the mirror? Or, do you like yourself in the mirror?

Whether the world praises you, envies you, and loves you is, to some extent, an expanding lie. The key question is whether you are honest enough with yourself and accept the imperfection after honesty.

I occasionally go to the university to give lectures. Every link of communication will encounter the problem of "what to do" - "What to do if there is a gap between the ideal and the reality?" "Where to go when hobbies and food and clothing conflicts are solved?" To sum up, it is: how can the road of life become narrower and narrower? But, the road of life, how do you know if it is narrow if you haven't walked? These painful doubts just point to the place beyond the horizon where there are still ten miles to climb over two mountains and ask if there is a thorn there.

The real contradiction lies not in "ideal" and "reality", but in people's anxiety and timidity: they want to get the prize at the end of the road, but they are unwilling to go that way; We should love and fear the chaos and damage caused by love.

The pain of loss, the pain of rejection, the pain of being hurt, and the pain of separation are so conspicuous on the way forward that people escape to the illusory world full of "praise". However, we are human beings, walking on the way from cradle to grave, young on the way, old on the way. We must be connected with the real world, not afraid of what has not happened yet. We must have all kinds of relationships with real people, rather than islands that can only be viewed from afar.

Painless is the flow of people, not life.

Those pains that can't kill us sometimes make us stronger. Just like the people who benefit most from us, they are often not good teachers and helpful friends, but those who have tried to hurt us but failed in the end.

The times make people more sensitive, but it is difficult for people to reverse the changes of the times. They can only overcome the times on their own. This does not mean laughing at contemporaries, or self exile to no one's land. It's about being young, being able to afford to lose, and experiencing. And let all pleasure and unhappiness nourish the heart and produce a calm judgment.

The premise of adhering to self is to find self, so that we can resist the frivolous life to kill people. At the same time, we should resist sensitivity, fear and vacillation brought by sensitivity, live in the present more flexibly and tenaciously, and walk through the world without doubt.


Miscellaneous talk

In my freshman year in college, I ate myself into a fat man without any doubt.

It is not a huge fat man, but an awkward figure between normal obesity and obesity, which is 15 kilograms heavier than the standard figure. As a result, my whole college life became the movie Butterfly Effect series. The butterfly weighed 15 kg.

First, I converted to weight loss. I can go to three canteens for lunch at noon the next day within an hour. Each time, two meat dishes, a grain of rice or two, and coke are added. It's like a human spore split into three bulimic patients. Secondly, because I was either hungry and scratching my heart, or I couldn't sleep and eat well, I became a person who turned round the clock. In addition, I felt that I was very untidy and ugly, and I didn't want to meet people, so I missed many lessons. Third, the emptiness of playing truant made me spend a lot of time online shopping, defeated more than 90% of e-commerce consumers nationwide, and forged a deep friendship with express delivery. Most of them bought clothes, but they could not wear them. They were ashamed and indignant, so they continued to convert to weight loss.

In a word, those were my very unhappy years. Because it is difficult to accept myself, I curl up and refuse others.

I learned a long time later that the limbic system of the brain, which people use to hate themselves, has been formed in childhood. However, the wisdom used to enlighten ourselves, forgive ourselves, and make ourselves strong is often not available at the age when we should be mature.

Every generation of young people is vulnerable, sensitive and easily influenced by others. But for the younger generation, this challenge is extraordinarily difficult.

The movie Truman's World puts forward a hypothesis and corresponding answer: what should a person do when he lives under the prying eyes of all people? The answer is that he escapes and is free. However, if all people live under the prying eyes of all people, how can they escape? This is not a hypothesis, but a reality that is happening quietly.

We show our lives on our friends' circle, microblog, post bar and personal homepage all the time. At the same time, we also spy on other people's lives on the same platform. We are constantly evaluating others and accepting their evaluations. "Individuality publicity" is just the cloak of pretending to be a tiger, in order to cover up the vulnerability of inferiority and narcissism, love and kill each other. We are envious of others, and we try our best to decorate our lives so that others are envious.

We are too sensitive to the opinions of others to tolerate life without being "praised".

The core of social networking is "social networking". The motivation of social networking is that people can't stand loneliness; The reason why people can't stand loneliness is that they can't torture themselves.

However, one day, we will stand in front of the mirror and find that we are not the interesting, lovely, attractive and capable people created by ourselves. So, do you still like yourself in the mirror? Or, do you like yourself in the mirror?

Whether the world praises you, envies you, and loves you is, to some extent, an expanding lie. The key question is whether you are honest enough with yourself and accept the imperfection after honesty.

I occasionally go to the university to give lectures. Every link of communication will encounter the problem of "what to do" - "What to do if there is a gap between the ideal and the reality?" "Where to go when hobbies and food and clothing conflicts are solved?" To sum up, it is: how can the road of life become narrower and narrower? But, the road of life, how do you know if it is narrow if you haven't walked? These painful doubts just point to the place beyond the horizon where there are still ten miles to climb over two mountains and ask if there is a thorn there.

The real contradiction lies not in "ideal" and "reality", but in people's anxiety and timidity: they want to get the prize at the end of the road, but they are unwilling to go that way; We should love and fear the chaos and damage caused by love.

The pain of loss, the pain of rejection, the pain of being hurt, and the pain of separation are so conspicuous on the way forward that people escape to the illusory world full of "praise". However, we are human beings, walking on the way from cradle to grave, young on the way, old on the way. We must be connected with the real world, not afraid of what has not happened yet. We must have all kinds of relationships with real people, rather than islands that can only be viewed from afar.

Painless is the flow of people, not life.

Those pains that can't kill us sometimes make us stronger. Just like the people who benefit most from us, they are often not good teachers and helpful friends, but those who have tried to hurt us but failed in the end.

The times make people more sensitive, but it is difficult for people to reverse the changes of the times. They can only overcome the times on their own. This does not mean laughing at contemporaries, or self exile to no one's land. It's about being young, being able to afford to lose, and experiencing. And let all pleasure and unhappiness nourish the heart and produce a calm judgment.

The premise of adhering to self is to find self, so that we can resist the frivolous life to kill people. At the same time, we should resist sensitivity, fear and vacillation brought by sensitivity, live in the present more flexibly and tenaciously, and walk through the world without doubt.


Miscellaneous talk

In my freshman year in college, I ate myself into a fat man without any doubt.

It is not a huge fat man, but an awkward figure between normal obesity and obesity, which is 15 kilograms heavier than the standard figure. As a result, my whole college life became the movie Butterfly Effect series. The butterfly weighed 15 kg.

First, I converted to weight loss. I can go to three canteens for lunch at noon the next day within an hour. Each time, two meat dishes, a grain of rice or two, and coke are added. It's like a human spore split into three bulimic patients. Secondly, because I was either hungry and scratching my heart, or I couldn't sleep and eat well, I became a person who turned round the clock. In addition, I felt that I was very untidy and ugly, and I didn't want to meet people, so I missed many lessons. Third, the emptiness of playing truant made me spend a lot of time online shopping, defeated more than 90% of e-commerce consumers nationwide, and forged a deep friendship with express delivery. Most of them bought clothes, but they could not wear them. They were ashamed and indignant, so they continued to convert to weight loss.

In a word, those were my very unhappy years. Because it is difficult to accept myself, I curl up and refuse others.

I learned a long time later that the limbic system of the brain, which people use to hate themselves, has been formed in childhood. However, the wisdom used to enlighten ourselves, forgive ourselves, and make ourselves strong is often not available at the age when we should be mature.

Every generation of young people is vulnerable, sensitive and easily influenced by others. But for the younger generation, this challenge is extraordinarily difficult.

The movie Truman's World puts forward a hypothesis and corresponding answer: what should a person do when he lives under the prying eyes of all people? The answer is that he escapes and is free. However, if all people live under the prying eyes of all people, how can they escape? This is not a hypothesis, but a reality that is happening quietly.

We show our lives on our friends' circle, microblog, post bar and personal homepage all the time. At the same time, we also spy on other people's lives on the same platform. We are constantly evaluating others and accepting their evaluations. "Individuality publicity" is just the cloak of pretending to be a tiger, in order to cover up the vulnerability of inferiority and narcissism, love and kill each other. We are envious of others, and we try our best to decorate our lives so that others are envious.

We are too sensitive to the opinions of others to tolerate life without being "praised".

The core of social networking is "social networking". The motivation of social networking is that people can't stand loneliness; The reason why people can't stand loneliness is that they can't torture themselves.

However, one day, we will stand in front of the mirror and find that we are not the interesting, lovely, attractive and capable people created by ourselves. So, do you still like yourself in the mirror? Or, do you like yourself in the mirror?

Whether the world praises you, envies you, and loves you is, to some extent, an expanding lie. The key question is whether you are honest enough with yourself and accept the imperfection after honesty.

I occasionally go to the university to give lectures. Every link of communication will encounter the problem of "what to do" - "What to do if there is a gap between the ideal and the reality?" "Where to go when hobbies and food and clothing conflicts are solved?" To sum up, it is: how can the road of life become narrower and narrower? But, the road of life, how do you know if it is narrow if you haven't walked? These painful doubts just point to the place beyond the horizon where there are still ten miles to climb over two mountains and ask if there is a thorn there.

The real contradiction lies not in "ideal" and "reality", but in people's anxiety and timidity: they want to get the prize at the end of the road, but they are unwilling to go that way; We should love and fear the chaos and damage caused by love.

The pain of loss, the pain of rejection, the pain of being hurt, and the pain of separation are so conspicuous on the way forward that people escape to the illusory world full of "praise". However, we are human beings, walking on the way from cradle to grave, young on the way, old on the way. We must be connected with the real world, not afraid of what has not happened yet. We must have all kinds of relationships with real people, rather than islands that can only be viewed from afar.

Painless is the flow of people, not life.

Those pains that can't kill us sometimes make us stronger. Just like the people who benefit most from us, they are often not good teachers and helpful friends, but those who have tried to hurt us but failed in the end.

The times make people more sensitive, but it is difficult for people to reverse the changes of the times. They can only overcome the times on their own. This does not mean laughing at contemporaries, or self exile to no one's land. It's about being young, being able to afford to lose, and experiencing. And let all pleasure and unhappiness nourish the heart and produce a calm judgment.

The premise of adhering to self is to find self, so that we can resist the frivolous life to kill people. At the same time, we should resist sensitivity, fear and vacillation brought by sensitivity, live in the present more flexibly and tenaciously, and walk through the world without doubt.


Miscellaneous talk

Two days ago, I received a phone call from a reporter who asked me what I thought of Zhou Xiaotian, the winner of the new Lu Xun Literature Prize for Poetry? I said I hadn't read his poems. The person at the other end of the phone said, "It's OK. I'll read you a song. The Chinese people will run for 800 million yuan, and they won't steam steamed buns to fight for breath. There will be firecrackers in Lop Nur, and they will play games with the US and the Soviet Union. After reading it, what do you think now?"

I hesitated for a long time and said, "I don't know what to think about just a poem?" The person at the other end of the phone was silent, probably feeling that I was incompetent and uncooperative, so he hung up the phone unhappily.

After hanging up the phone, I blamed myself and worried for a long time: why did you dare to lose your voice?

I am also a reporter myself. The most common thing I do is to reach out the microphone or recorder, look at each other earnestly and affectionately, and blurt out: Excuse me, what do you think? Before the question, there are all kinds of decent or rude, sincere or rude words buried: What do you think of so and so winning a prize or becoming popular? Others say you plagiarize/run out of ideas/commit crimes. What do you think?

Almost all of them were determined to make a statement by swallowing and spitting. Few people have the courage to say: I have no opinion.

Of course, even if there is no opinion, the media is not short of news headlines: "someone is speechless about an event".

In Foucault's words, words are power.

That's right. Silence often represents ignorance, cowardice and evil collusion. Therefore, it is not enough to speak loudly. It is also necessary to "fight for the right to speak". Everyone is a bully. It seems that if the voice is a little low, he will give up his power.

In some cases, what drives people to speak is not only the passion for expression, but also the invisible pressure to express themselves.

The narcissistic complex bred by social networks is a cancer like incurable disease, which can only be spread, and there is no possibility of cure. The anxiety of "I should say something" occurs after every event and news. Especially after disasters, accidents and tragedies, people are always eager to speak. They are angry, sympathetic, heckling, pointing fingers and pointing fingers. The quality of expression is not important, but it is important to be fast and infectious. A large number of contradictory topics, chaotic heckling of bidding documents, and the trick to win the debate, like the college debate, focus on performance.

Once people were just against each other, but now the whole people are "tearing and forcing". On social media, people always hope to defeat people who disagree in a few rounds in a short time, so the volume becomes higher and higher, ignoring two basic facts: first, it is difficult for one person - or almost impossible to persuade another person; Second, noise is not the best way to get the answer.

The common feature of noise and silence is that they can't change the speed of people's forgetting. When an event is settled or revealed, the number of people who still pay attention is probably less than one thousandth of the first. However, silence wakes us up and noise makes us forget ourselves.

"When I am silent, I feel full; I will open my mouth and feel empty at the same time." Lu Xun, who can speak well, also said so. Does he also feel the difficulty of speech?

In the "freedom without speech", what people need most is the freedom not to condemn themselves.

A few months ago, the member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jinhua Municipal Committee held a democratic life meeting. The mayor criticized himself: "He talked too much about Hangzhou dialect to comrades, but less about Jinhua dialect."

This scene is too familiar. One of the important contents of my class meeting since childhood is criticism and self-criticism. Everyone takes turns to go to the podium. The top students can fool around: "I explain: my grades are too bad for uniting classmates." The students with poor grades should not only explain their problems, but also make in-depth analysis; Not only should we admit that we are wrong, but also tell us where we are wrong. In the deepest feelings, teachers often call on everyone to "help him to analyze". "Poor students" bow their heads and stand on the platform, must give feedback and reflection to each of their own opinions, and express that they want to change their past.

I remember one time, the class was punished for writing the sentence "I am a man, a thief and a woman, a prostitute" because of teasing the female teacher and the male teacher. Only after writing a whole page can I leave. This is the first time that I received this word, and I am ignorant of its meaning, but I also feel the implicit shame.

Watching celebrities repent and admit their mistakes in tears on TV, each expression is screenshot, magnified 100 times to see whether it is sincere, or even made into an expression bag that has been circulated for a long time. After schadenfreude, it is inevitable that some people will be afraid of death.

This is the purpose of publicly denouncing oneself, which is to make the audience feel afraid, but it is often not related to true repentance.

Defend the freedom of speech without being forced to silence.

"Jiang Fangzhou Column" of New Weekly


Miscellaneous talk

Two days ago, I received a phone call from a reporter who asked me what I thought of Zhou Xiaotian, the winner of the new Lu Xun Literature Prize for Poetry? I said I hadn't read his poems. The person at the other end of the phone said, "It's OK. I'll read you a song. The Chinese people will run for 800 million yuan, and they won't steam steamed buns to fight for breath. There will be firecrackers in Lop Nur, and they will play games with the US and the Soviet Union. After reading it, what do you think now?"

I hesitated for a long time and said, "I don't know what to think about just a poem?" The person at the other end of the phone was silent, probably feeling that I was incompetent and uncooperative, so he hung up the phone unhappily.

After hanging up the phone, I blamed myself and worried for a long time: why did you dare to lose your voice?

I am also a reporter myself. The most common thing I do is to reach out the microphone or recorder, look at each other earnestly and affectionately, and blurt out: Excuse me, what do you think? Before the question, there are all kinds of decent or rude, sincere or rude words buried: What do you think of so and so winning a prize or becoming popular? Others say you plagiarize/run out of ideas/commit crimes. What do you think?

But all of them were determined to make a statement by swallowing and spitting. No one ever said that he had the courage to say: I have no opinion.

Of course, even if there is no opinion, the media is not short of news headlines: "someone is speechless about an event".

In Foucault's words, words are power.

That's right. Silence often represents ignorance, cowardice and evil collusion. Therefore, it is not enough to speak loudly. It is also necessary to "fight for the right to speak". Everyone is a bully. It seems that if the voice is a little low, he will give up his power.

In some cases, what drives people to speak is not only the passion for expression, but also the invisible pressure to express themselves.

The narcissistic complex bred by social networks is a cancer like incurable disease, which can only be spread, and there is no possibility of cure. The anxiety of "I should say something" occurs after every event and news. Especially after disasters, accidents and tragedies, people are always eager to speak. They are angry, sympathetic, heckling, pointing fingers and pointing fingers. The quality of expression is not important, but it is important to be fast and infectious. A large number of contradictory topics, chaotic heckling of bidding documents, and the trick to win the debate, like the college debate, focus on performance.

Once people were just against each other, but now the whole people are "tearing and forcing". On social media, people always hope to defeat people who disagree in a few rounds in a short time, so the volume becomes higher and higher, ignoring two basic facts: first, it is difficult for one person - or almost impossible to persuade another person; Second, noise is not the best way to get the answer.

The common feature of noise and silence is that they can't change the speed of people's forgetting. When an event is settled or revealed, the number of people who still pay attention is probably less than one thousandth of the first. However, silence wakes us up and noise makes us forget ourselves.

"When I am silent, I feel full; I will open my mouth and feel empty at the same time." Lu Xun, who can speak well, also said so. Does he also feel the difficulty of speech?

In the "freedom without speech", what people need most is the freedom not to condemn themselves.

A few months ago, the member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jinhua Municipal Committee held a democratic life meeting. The mayor criticized himself: "He talked too much about Hangzhou dialect to comrades, but less about Jinhua dialect."

This scene is too familiar. One of the important contents of my class meeting since childhood is criticism and self-criticism. Everyone takes turns to go to the podium. The top students can fool around: "I explain: my grades are too bad for uniting classmates." The students with poor grades should not only explain their problems, but also make in-depth analysis; Not only should we admit that we are wrong, but also tell us where we are wrong. In the deepest feelings, teachers often call on everyone to "help him to analyze". "Poor students" bow their heads and stand on the platform, must give feedback and reflection to each of their own opinions, and express that they want to change their past.

I remember one time, the class was punished for writing the sentence "I am a man, a thief and a woman, a prostitute" because of teasing the female teacher and the male teacher. Only after writing a whole page can I leave. This is the first time that I received this word, and I am ignorant of its meaning, but I also feel the implicit shame.

Watching celebrities repent and admit their mistakes in tears on TV, each expression is screenshot, magnified 100 times to see whether it is sincere, or even made into an expression bag that has been circulated for a long time. After schadenfreude, it is inevitable that some people will be afraid of death.

This is the purpose of publicly denouncing oneself, which is to make the audience feel afraid, but it is often not related to true repentance.

Defend the freedom of speech without being forced to silence.

"Jiang Fangzhou Column" of New Weekly


Miscellaneous talk

A few days ago, I received an invitation from Tiantian Orchard, the largest fruit e-commerce in China, and hoped that I would give a speech about new women to their employees. The person in charge of Tiantian Orchard said that more than 2/3 of its users are actually young female white-collar workers in first tier cities, so they have been trying to "understand" them from all angles.

The portrayed women

I have been watching the Japanese drama "Dayan" for a long time. It is about Japanese full-time (part-time) housewives who have extramarital affairs with other men after their husband goes out to work. A couple of housewives formed a mutual aid group to cover each other and practice together. At the same time, I also watched another American drama called Satisfaction, which is about a family that has realized the "American Dream". My wife went to find a call boy after her husband went to work.

From a critical point of view, these two dramas "abet women to cheat", but from a more constructive perspective, they raise a question: what should we do after the realization of the middle class? Especially for women, what should we do?

This seems to be the replay of Anna Karenina in the 21st century. The marble flow table, the wooden floor, and the children's husband are all empty after leaving. Women can't get satisfaction from this flat "happiness". What's worse, they can't get their own value identity: I don't agree with me; I can't liberate me.

In many cases, whether to be a housewife or a career woman does not depend on the woman herself.

In order to promote consumption and fertility, Japan set off a climax of "women returning home" after the war. The "housewife" is encouraged and protected by the government - for example, if the wife also goes out to work and her income reaches a certain standard, the husband will have to pay higher taxes. In China at the same time, women were treated as men, calling them to devote themselves to the fiery revolutionary construction.

Half a year ago, I went to Japan and asked a cabinet deliberator how to solve the problem of aging population. He said that he would call on women to participate in society and start building various childcare institutions. The kind of gentle mother who conscientiously prepares bento, wipes the floor, makes tea and records her hand account may become a relic. At this time, China is increasingly hoping that women will return to the kitchen - don't jump to the conclusion that "the age of women is coming". In 2010, the employment rate of urban women dropped from 77% in 1990 to 61%.

New women who define themselves

In the real world, women are still shaped by men, and even the image of "strong women" is also shaped by men dominated politics.

In the Internet world, women have the opportunity to redefine themselves. You don't need to know the gender of other users except for appointment and blind date; A high school girl and a successful businessman have the same right to express freely, and the former may have more listeners.

The invention of the gun made women and men have almost the same sense of strength physically. The invention of the Internet enables women and men to have the same sense of power in the process of expressing and defining themselves.

I hate to equate "new women" with "career women" - actors who play strong women in TV dramas always raise their heads, frown and roll their eyes. "new women" are Internet women and women with self definition ability.

They know what they want. They are not "warm men", professors who have gone through thick and thin, people in disaster areas who have been saved, people who are old, weak, sick and disabled who have been cared for, or people who have been treated as problems to solve. What they need is a more diverse value identity: as celibates, as single mothers, and as divorced women.

New women and e-commerce

Japanese writer Haruhisa Murakami has a book called All Men Are Consumables. Men are like disposable lighters. When something goes wrong or they run out of gas, they don't have to complain and just throw it away. So what is a woman? All women are luxuries.

The difference is that men attach importance to functionality, while women attach importance to a thing for their own sensory enjoyment.

So women love to buy luxury goods. What is luxury? Does expensive, fancy, showy, and satisfying desire represent luxury?

Luxury written by Hermes President redefines:

"Take the time to do things well, have your own time at the moment, share your precious time, or leave it for yourself, and truly consider what time can bring to something, just as it gives everyone a destiny. It is a concentration, an opportunity, and a value. Only in this way can we begin to define luxury."

Women who have time to make breakfast seriously, or can read a book and listen to a record completely, are extravagant compared with those who squeeze the subway in the morning and evening rush hour and order takeout for three meals.

Nowadays, the relationship between people and time has become more difficult and dangerous than ever before. People demand quick results, immediate returns, fast sales of things, and high profits... which drive people to move forward more and more quickly and anxiously.

Anxiety must be accompanied by reflection: reflection on lifestyle. The new women are more and more close to or even surpass the men in ability, and they are more urgent to demand a more comfortable and dignified lifestyle.

The traditional e-commerce solution is fast, faster and fastest; Complete, more complete and most complete; The improvement of functions does not bring emotional resonance. The change of the catalogue from 10 pages to 20 pages does not mean the improvement of "luxury" - luxury is not reflected by price, but lies in the inspection of the smallest details and respect for taste and personality.

Traditional e-commerce faces women, and at the same time, it simply classifies women into "gentle and virtuous wives", "white collars who hate marriage", and "high and cold women", and then formulates a set of standard products according to each classification. This simple and rude combination of similar items is actually a kind of derogation, believing that women who work in the same office building have the same interests and ideals, which obliterates their personality.

The Internet is updating women, how to attract this new species? First of all, we should respect her, not help her open the door to make way for her, but identify with her and not try to reform her.


Miscellaneous talk

The portrayed women

I have been watching the Japanese drama "Dayan" for a long time. It is about Japanese full-time (part-time) housewives who have extramarital affairs with other men after their husband goes out to work. A couple of housewives formed a mutual aid group to cover each other and practice together. At the same time, I also watched another American drama called Satisfaction, which is about a family that has realized the "American Dream". My wife went to find a call boy after her husband went to work.

From a critical point of view, these two dramas "abet women to cheat", but from a more constructive perspective, they raise a question: what should we do after the realization of the middle class? Especially for women, what should we do?

This seems to be the replay of Anna Karenina in the 21st century. The marble flow table, the wooden floor, and the children's husband are all empty after leaving. Women can't get satisfaction from this flat "happiness". What's worse, they can't get their own value identity: I don't agree with me; I can't liberate me.

In many cases, whether to be a housewife or a career woman does not depend on the woman herself.

In order to promote consumption and fertility, Japan set off a climax of "women returning home" after the war. The "housewife" is encouraged and protected by the government - for example, if the wife also goes out to work and her income reaches a certain standard, the husband will have to pay higher taxes. In China at the same time, women were treated as men, calling them to devote themselves to the fiery revolutionary construction.

Half a year ago, I went to Japan and asked a cabinet deliberator how to solve the problem of aging population. He said that he would call on women to participate in society and start building various childcare institutions. The kind of gentle mother who conscientiously prepares bento, wipes the floor, makes tea and records her hand account may become a relic. At this time, China is increasingly hoping that women will return to the kitchen - don't jump to the conclusion that "the age of women is coming". In 2010, the employment rate of urban women dropped from 77% in 1990 to 61%.

New women who define themselves

In the real world, women are still shaped by men, and even the image of "strong women" is also shaped by men dominated politics.

In the Internet world, women have the opportunity to redefine themselves. You don't need to know the gender of other users except for appointment and blind date; A high school girl and a successful businessman have the same right to express freely, and the former may have more listeners.

The invention of the gun made women and men have almost the same sense of strength physically. The invention of the Internet enables women and men to have the same sense of power in the process of expressing and defining themselves.

I hate to equate "new women" with "career women" - actors who play strong women in TV dramas always raise their heads, frown and roll their eyes. "new women" are Internet women and women with self definition ability.

They know what they want. They are not "warm men", professors who have gone through thick and thin, or people in disaster areas who have been saved, or cared for as old, weak, sick, or disabled, or solved as problems. What they need is a more diverse value identity: as celibates, as single mothers, and as divorced women.

New women and e-commerce

Japanese writer Haruhisa Murakami has a book called All Men Are Consumables. Men are like disposable lighters. When something goes wrong or they run out of gas, they don't have to complain and just throw it away. So what is a woman? All women are luxuries.

The difference is that men attach importance to functionality, while women attach importance to a thing for their own sensory enjoyment.

So women love to buy luxury goods. What is luxury? Does expensive, fancy, showy, and satisfying desire represent luxury?

Luxury written by Hermes President redefines:

"Take the time to do things well, have your own time at the moment, share your precious time, or leave it for yourself, and truly consider what time can bring to something, just as it gives everyone a destiny. It is a concentration, an opportunity, and a value. Only in this way can we begin to define luxury."

Women who have time to make breakfast seriously, or can read a book and listen to a record completely, are extravagant compared with those who squeeze the subway in the morning and evening rush hour and order takeout for three meals.

Nowadays, the relationship between people and time has become more difficult and dangerous than ever before. People demand quick results, immediate returns, fast sales of things, and high profits... which drive people to move forward more and more quickly and anxiously.

Anxiety must be accompanied by reflection: reflection on lifestyle. The new women are more and more close to or even surpass the men in ability, and they are more urgent to demand a more comfortable and dignified lifestyle.

The traditional e-commerce solution is fast, faster and fastest; Complete, more complete and most complete; The improvement of functions does not bring emotional resonance. The change of the catalogue from 10 pages to 20 pages does not mean the improvement of "luxury" - luxury is not reflected by price, but lies in the inspection of the smallest details and respect for taste and personality.

Traditional e-commerce faces women, and at the same time, it simply classifies women into "gentle and virtuous wives", "white collars who hate marriage", and "high and cold women", and then formulates a set of standard products according to each classification. This simple and rude combination of similar items is actually a kind of derogation, believing that women who work in the same office building have the same interests and ideals, which obliterates their personality.

The Internet is updating women, how to attract this new species? First of all, we should respect her, not help her open the door to make way for her, but identify with her and not try to reform her.


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