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 Jia Dong'an
Jia Dong'an
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Mid-Autumn Festival

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: think aloud

The Prime Minister of Diaoyu Island made a speech. Although it was 30 years late, it was a good start.

Zhan Qixiong can't eat moon cakes in Japanese prisons, nor can he eat sushi. Eat all the sushi to make the devil hungry.

Nothing else. I want to talk about Fang Zhouzi. "The singing is flying" said that talking about Fang Zhouzi on the Mid Autumn Festival is a waste of time, which is reasonable.

Liu Lan's greeting card is very interesting. Print a few clippings. If you print too many, Lin Youcai will be jealous. Those who celebrate the festival should be kind to others.





(2010-01-13 16:53)

Chinese movie



Lin Youcai

Old crook

Petty officials


Lu Chuan

leisure time

Classification: Gossip is innocent

A friend of Lu Chuan said, "In the face of Avatar, 2012 is only about kowtowing."

2012 ignored him because he didn't understand Chinese thinking.

Lu Chuan himself knelt down, kowtowed and said, "Facing Avatar, Chinese films are totally defeated."

Xiaolu is addicted to kowtowing. We should be considerate and try to persuade him to change his career.


Han Han said, "Give Avatar 10 points." I understood Han Han's classmate, who was stimulated by the continuous brutal demolition.

The petty official said, "Three Avatars." This sentence was too obscure and confused.

Pandora said: "It is not the skeleton that withdraws from China, but China withdraws from the world." This sentence is too unreliable.

Lin Youcai said, "Avatar is not as handsome as Lin Youcai!" I refused to comment on this. I'm really embarrassed to comment!


Actually, a Chinese version of Avatar is not so complicated. It's very simple. Let's do what we say.

Old crook didn't have time to make a move. Pandora waved her hand gently, and did not take away one of the pots and pans.

But to be honest, I think this guy is a little familiar.




modern music


New music

Jin Zhaojun

super girl

Zeng Yike

leisure time

Classification: Gossip is innocent

Influenced by the rabbit, I watched two fast women's competitions in PPS. I have to admit that in 2009, the industrial dust covered earth sky was finally brightened by a little sheep. The name of this little sheep is Zeng Yike.


Little Sheep is very thin and weak. With a huge guitar hanging on her thin shoulder, she stands in front of competitors armed by modern industry, looking small and lonely.


When this pitiful little sheep made a faint "baa baa" sound, Uncle Jia's heart, which had been dusty for many years, was deeply moved.


For a long time, Uncle Jia, who has been numb by the sound of industrialization, thought that life could be simple after hearing the muttering of Little Sheep.


Uncle Jia has a simple understanding that a song that moves Uncle Jia is a good song, and a singer that moves Uncle Jia is a good singer. But Uncle Jia has never rejected the songs and singers that can't impress Uncle Jia. Tolerance is Uncle Jia's good character. Unfortunately, not everyone has the good character of Uncle Jia, so Uncle Jia committed a crime. (What a detour)


An adult surnamed Jin from the Chinese Musicians Association said: "It is a crime to spread incomplete pentatonic.".

Uncle Jia himself was also unable to speak in five tones, and sang nervously. He dominated the Mai howling until 3 a.m., and there were generally 10 people around him who were listening attentively. This was also a kind of communication and a crime



Classification: think aloud

Jia Zonghan was 2 years old and 5 months old. He was very naughty and his father was very angry

The sky will drop pie drops


We also need to study


Salted Pork Feet

Swine epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis

Lin Youcai


Farewell to the small building


leisure time

Classification: Gossip is innocent



Swine flu.

I don't want to write poems when I knock so often at the return, but I suddenly feel that the world is changing fast.

Too fast to wait for you to finish a sentence.


Whether the car returns or knocks, fast knocks or slow knocks will not affect the rotation or stop of the earth.

The White House spokesman said that Obama was not infected with swine flu. The American proletariat cheered and the pigs were disappointed.

The swine flu has become more and more like human beings. God has become more and more people-oriented, and the world has become more and more representative.

Fashion is fashion, not a pig fighting.


Standing on the earth where the fashion of swine flu is flying, it is really a fool, although it has a high level.

Fools are very satisfying. Everyone has an addiction to fools.


Jackie Chan said that Chinese people should be treated as fools, just like urban management.

The chengguan is very stupid. Mayors continue to use it. The more toxic it is, the more addictive it becomes. You draw a skeleton and he acts as a helmet. Smoking is just like that.

It's silly to smoke. Churchill is still the same as Lin Youcai.

No one dares to install a fire alarm within a 1km radius of the balcony on the fifth floor of Lin Youcai's home. Fear.

Fear of being sued by the fire brigade: waste of national resources and taxpayers' money.


Compared with what really wastes national resources and taxpayers' money, Lin Youcai is really ashamed.

When it comes to Lin Youcai, no one can ignore his progress: to keep pace with world changes.

There are pictures as evidence


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: think aloud



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: think aloud

April showers are as dear as oil






Sovereign waters

South China Sea Islands

military parade



the Philippines



Classification: the enemy approached the walls

Just read the news on Sina. com, Wang Fushan, a deputy to the National People's Congress and deputy commander of the Beihai Fleet, said that the Navy would have a military parade in April this year.

According to the news, Wang Fushan said, "In April this year, the Chinese navy will hold a large-scale naval parade in Qingdao, Shandong Province. April 23 this year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese navy. To this end, the navy will hold a large-scale naval parade and demonstration performances. There will be many naval activities on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the navy. The navy parade in April has sent invitations to the international community."


I have a question. Under the wise decision of "putting aside our sovereignty for other countries to develop", China has few islands and more than half of the sea area has been occupied. What else should we read? Also send invitations to the international community to make you look fat?


Let alone say that in today's world, a navy that dares to lose its land and maritime rights and interests like ours is not alone. There are many similar partners, such as Iraq. However, Iraq has allowed the American fleet to enter and leave its own waters, but it has not yet found that they have changed their islands. In order not to let us, an ancient oriental civilization that "will never dominate", be lonely, I hope they will work hard to put Baghdad aside and let the Philippines and Vietnam develop it!


Perhaps, under the world financial crisis, the Navy conducted a military parade to stimulate consumption. The best parade was not held in Qingdao, but in the South China Sea and Nansha Islands. What we want is practical sea guards who can truly safeguard the national rights and interests and the interests of the people, Beiyang navy style embroidery


Drunken Dream of Water Drops


A shallow smile

Ruo Jiu


leisure time

Classification: Gossip is innocent

The quotations of Pan, Shuidi, Shallow and Xiao 9 are quite profound and elegant, so I personally think they should not be among the "anti vulgarity".


Water Drops Drunken Dreams Talk about Unrequited Love: Unrequited Love Is Better Than Ruthless

Ruojiu sighed: Why don't I have too much love? Take advantage of the light rain to hook up...

Shallow sign check: Zhu Bajie is amorous, Tang Monk is merciless, and Zhu Bajie is better than Tang Monk!

Water drop drunken dream: Overindulgence is always positive. Love, attention, seems to be up.


"Four Emotions" in 2009 summarized by Alan:

Develop the economy and advocate abusive love!
Prosper culture and improve flirtation!
Reform politics and promote love!
Harmonious society, provide SE sentiment!


Next nonsense time:

Pam: Shifu (teacher) leads us in. It's only a matter of color. Color is not a matter of one person, but everyone's color is the real color!

Water drop: color is enlightened and can't be learned.

Alan: By that time, everyone will be colored. In the future, fill in the form and let them fill in the color.

Water drop: The color of Laolin is warm, the color of Yuechu is hidden, the color of Linzi is repressive, the color of Erhuan is frank, the color of potatoes is not cool, the color of sweaty fat is vulgar, and the color of Jia Dong'an is great.

Stringing beads: people who write in color can do their best, and assholes can be forgiven for being a jerk -- the first line is history, and the second line is Qingyuan.


The above excerpt is from the group record of "It's not reliable" on February 8, 2009.



merchant ship



Signal flare

Du Jingchen


169 ships

South China Sea Islands

Nansha Islands

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: the enemy approached the walls

The news today said that "Chinese destroyers sent helicopters to scare off pirates and rescue Greek merchant ships"


The news described it as follows:

"At 9:30 local time on the 29th, the" Wuhan "ship was heading for the eastern entrance of the Mande Strait, and it was planned to escort the" Yugu River "and other Chinese merchant ships. Suddenly, an emergency call came from the driver's cab: "Our ship is being surrounded by several pirate speedboats, and we request immediate support."

Upon further inquiry, it turned out that the distress signal was sent from the Greek merchant ship "ELENIG" 24 nautical miles away from the "Wuhan" ship.

Du Jingchen, the commander of the formation, immediately issued an order to send the helicopter special operations team and two camera forensics personnel to the incident area to find out the situation. The whole ship entered the first level battle deployment and quickly turned to approach the Greek merchant ship.

At 9:58, the helicopter flew over the merchant ship, and the airborne surveillance system clearly showed that three speedboats were quickly blocking the Greek merchant ship from different directions. The helicopter descended and continued to circle over the merchant ship. Du Jingchen saw from the video of the shipboard helicopter in the cockpit of the "Wuhan" ship that the speedboat was still approaching the merchant ship, and decisively ordered to launch warning flares, then three flares exploded in the air. The speedboat blocking the Greek merchant ship stopped approaching, turned and gradually moved away from the merchant ship.

Germany came here after hearing the news


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