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(2013-10-11 10:55)

Miscellaneous talk

        My cousin called this morning to say that my aunt had passed away. My eyes were blurred when I heard his choking voice. I grew up in the deep love of my relatives on both sides of Anhui and Shanghai. When I was young, my relatives on both sides of my family had always supported our family through difficulties, both mentally and financially, because I was ill. My aunt has always been a very kind and cheerful person, She has many friends, but she also has some sentimental people. My mother, the third aunt, and the eldest aunt especially imagine that her sentimental feelings are mostly worried and distressed for the relatives and friends around her. Maybe I am the first child born in the younger generation of families on both sides, so aunts, uncles, aunts, aunts, aunts, uncles, aunts, uncles, aunts all love me very much. I remember that I was sick when I was 9 years old that year, My aunt held me on the train and didn't let me go until I arrived at the Shanghai Station. Later, I heard my parents recall that time. My aunt knew that I was sick and the whole person seemed crazy. She didn't even have time to ask for leave in her own unit. So she accompanied me back to Shanghai for surgery. The two aunts cared about and supported me as my mother grew up, My mother is particularly dependent on her aunt, because she sometimes treats her sisters just like her mother.    
            This time, my aunt didn't come to my wedding because she was seriously ill. We all know that her greatest wish is to see my wedding. When she was seriously ill, she always told me that she wanted to see me get married before she left, and that I could find a good man. She wanted to support me until I left
(2013-08-08 10:18)

Miscellaneous talk

Now, the Chinese dream is being talked about everywhere, from top to bottom. The concept of the Chinese dream is great, and the goal is beautiful. The dream of the country is composed of the dreams of every citizen. When citizens' lives, studies, and dreams in all aspects are realized, the dreams of large and medium-sized countries will naturally be realized. Dreams are dreams, and everyone's deepest desire. If you ask me about dreams, That's just my heart's expectation and dream, but why do so simple and beautiful dreams sometimes impose concepts to give you a scope to talk about your dream around a key point? Is that a dream? Is it my dream? Is it the voice of longing from the bottom of my heart? Therefore, everyone's dream is different. Please respect everyone's dream, cherish every real person who has a dream and pursues it. Please do not want to have the same goal even for the dream of individual freedom, because even if the dream is different, its end point is expected to be beautiful and happy. If everyone's dream is realized, will the dream of Greater China be far from realization?

Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today four year three hundred and fourteen God, I got my badge    

  • 2008.04.10 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2008.04.10 I wrote my first blog post: "Moving!! I love you, my French students, I love all the Chinese who support the Olympic Games!!!".




          She always felt like a piece of grass. She would straighten up slowly whenever anyone stepped on it. She smiled at the sunshine above her head, enjoyed the drizzle and hummed her favorite songs. She felt that life would always be unhappy. Frustration was just a way to temper herself. She told herself that any difficulty was her sharpening stone, and she would be sharper, Thanks for so many hardships and injuries.



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: dream

I had a rather scary dream, but I won't talk about it before. I will talk about the scary part :



While chatting with friends by the lake, several people quarreled and started to fight. There were family members nearby, but several men were still pushing and shoving and fighting. I was not afraid of being involved in the conversation with my friends and still sitting on the stairs. At this time, a girl who looked like a high school student kept kicking me for some reason. I gave a verbal warning

(2012-03-16 21:30)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Sentiment

I have been supporting crutches since I was 9 years old. The first crutch was made by my father himself, which is very heavy. For me who just got the crutch, it is a toy, a tool that allows me to jump and even run like before; A new companion, occasionally fell down because of the slippery ground.
I never said, "Why is this crutch so slippery?" I always said, "Why is this place so slippery?"
For more than 20 years, several crutches have broken, but they are all my comrades in arms and my partners. I have great trust in them. So I dare to walk while talking on the phone, so I can play badminton flexibly. I dare to wear super high heels so recklessly. Many elder friends ask me why I don't want to wear artificial limbs. Crutches are like affordable housing, Economical and practical, easy to use, ha ha~~~~
My crutches are a part of me, my body, my life, and my attitude to life. My parents said, "If a boy pursues you and has a prosthetic leg, the appearance will be better, and the other party will feel more comfortable at home." I still replied stubbornly, "I'm just like this. If I can't accept my crutches, why should I stay with such people?"

I have been accompanied by crutches for more than 20 years. In the future, crutches will be my best partner no matter whether my parents' wishes are fulfilled or not^^

(2011-01-14 14:13)


Classification: Original script

Scene 1: The music sounds (in the ward of the mental hospital). The heroine is sitting beside the bed in a white skirt, with an MP3 in her ear, facing the window. Unconsciously, she sings along with the song, with empty eyes, intermittent voice, shaking body, singing to the place she likes, showing an angelic smile. The camera turns to the door, and the doctor and a man are talking about something, The man's eyes showed deep sadness

Act II: The heroine recorded a song in the recording studio. The flower basket at the door was also recorded in this song (interspersed with some scenes of sweet memories). Standing on the stage, the heroine saw the hero's figure at a glance, sang to him, and two people looked at each other. The heroine walked through the people who congratulated her backstage, looking for the hero, but could not find him anywhere

Act 3: The heroine walks aimlessly in the road alone. Many vehicles whistle behind her or drive past her. At the crossroads when she met, the heroine fantasized that the hero was in the middle of the road. She walked to the middle with tears in her eyes, but found nothing. She could not touch it. She looked at the vehicles coming and going with flashing street lights, and her fingers were deeply stuck in her long hair and collapsed

Scene 4: In the psychiatric ward, the nurse was temporarily called away after delivering the medicine. The door of the room was not closed. The heroine dangled out of the ward barefoot and walked out of the hospital (the doctors and nurses in the hospital were anxiously looking for it, and the actor was looking for it). The heroine again went to the entrance of the road, and the hero came to the sound of anxious shouting, the sound of sudden braking, and the heroine fell to the ground, The MP3 player is scattered on the ground, and the heroine's tear falls down. She closes her eyes in relief


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Original script

Act 1 (activity scene): The scene is very complicated. The woman sits in the car, dressed luxuriously, and looks sadly out of the window with perfect makeup on her face. The magnesium light is shining outside the car, and fans are chasing after her (non-stop jumping scenes, walking on the red carpet, cocktail party toasting, winning awards on the stage, and interviewing...) These jumping scenes are interspersed with the women's sad eyes from time to time

Act II (at home): When I got home, I closed the door, squatted at the door, tired and sad. It was early in the morning, the woman sat by the window, looked out at the rain, stared at the opposite road, (flashback: the male lead smiled and waved to the female lead), and the woman buried her head in her knees, looked up and cried; The woman washes her face in the bathroom mirror and looks at the pale and tired face in the mirror (flashback: the hero is holding the heroine behind his back) The woman seems to have made some decision

Act 3 (in another city): In the snowy landscape, the heroine in the taxi has lost any decoration. She is like a little girl, wearing a woolen hat. Although her face is still very pale, she is smiling sweetly. Looking at her frozen red hands, she imagines the hero holding his hands in his arms, dragging his suitcase, and constantly walking around. She imagines the hero accompanying her, When having dinner, imagine the male lead taking food for the woman, lying on the bed at night, watching the male lead with clothes opposite (the male lead disappears and replaces it with a pillow), and the female lead falling asleep

(Flashback: the argument on the phone, the woman's indifferent attitude towards the hero, the woman's various capriciousness, the man's helpless and sad eyes; the hero's message: Sorry,


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Tips

When I was young, my mother helped me buy pants. When I cut off the unused part of the other leg, I always felt a little distressed, and the cloth was wasted. Later, when I was in junior high school, I learned to use the other half of the cloth as a crutch cover. The crutch cover itself is easy to wear. If I can DIY with the unused solid cloth, it will be both beautiful and practical^^

I've been busy for a while, and the crutch cover is too damaged to use. Today, I will make good use of the jeans I cut before I leave, and share with you the hope that friends who also use crutches will be of some use to you

http://1882.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2010/11/2/15/17/c67947953_12cc1c061dag213.jpg       It's old and worn. Let's change the crutches into new clothes


Pair denim or your favorite cloth


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Sentiment

Recently, I feel a bit depressed, and my work also needs coordination from all aspects. I am tired of coping with it. Today, after listening to the International Song, I started to fight!!! Hum!! Nothing can baffle me! come on.


Everyone has their own things they are willing to do and things they are unwilling to do. I am also happy that I enjoy music appreciation in the courses arranged by the school every week, listening to the teacher's explanation of music knowledge and enjoying the music of famous musicians. I am also relaxed! This is my happy moment!


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