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Classification: Bisexual writing

    "Running water does not rot, and household hinges do not bark". Everything is the same.

    The patency of the "heart" is often more important than that of the "body". Because in many cases, the "heart" is not unblocked is the reason for the "body" is not unblocked. As anger hurts the liver, as joy grieves, as inexplicable confusion of body and mind, as sub-health. It is directly related to the blockage of the "heart".

    How can our "heart" be unblocked?

    A Taiwanese friend participated in the subconscious development training in the United States. The hypnotist Matthew Sway told them that if you want to be energetic every day, please do one thing every morning after getting up, that is to shout out: Ah! What a beautiful day! Full of love, passion and power!

    He had a tendency to be depressed, but in the past ten years, he has insisted that the first thing in the morning is to shake his arms and shout: Ah! What a beautiful day! Full of love, passion and power!

    When I saw him again, he was not what he used to be. I saw him full of vitality and humor.



        Intimate formula


    Most of the 100 couples I met became intimate immediately after they met. They feel an unstoppable emotion, which makes them hope to share life together.

    Coordination and thoughtfulness

    This intimate relationship includes a kind of harmonious and thoughtful friendship, which is based on the enthusiasm of consistency and the differences between each other. A wife put forward an interesting point of view. She said: "A happy marriage comes from two people who have opposite personalities but are consistent in the basic situation." Her husband is an optimistic person by nature, but she is an introverted and pessimistic person. However, their common native place and religious belief made her fascinated by his spirit, while he was fascinated by her femininity.

    Their marriage is what people often say to find their other half.


            Shared Formula


    One spouse is making breakfast, the other is walking the dog. After breakfast, the couple read the morning paper together. Almost all stable couples do this. Although these trivial matters cannot produce fast



Classification: Bisexual writing

        Recipe 1: Learn to be flexible


    In a healthy marriage, both husband and wife can respond flexibly to changes. But too many variables will cause chaos, giving people a sense of loss of control, and it is easy for couples to fall into anxiety. Marriage is like a sailing boat. Sometimes it will deviate from the course due to a sudden surge of waves, while an experienced captain can hold the compass steadily and dial "deviation" in time. If the husband and wife can deal with the mess calmly and respond promptly, the marriage relationship can develop steadily. Flexibility also means being able to make personal changes for the benefit of marriage.


        Recipe 2: Try to tolerate each other's small problems


    Healthy married couples know that not all questions can be answered and not all problems can be solved. It's not easy to understand this, especially for men, because they have an irresistible desire to control their own lives.

    Some personalities and habits will never change. Maybe he always forgets to put down the toilet seat, never thinks of adjusting the driver's seat to meet your driving needs, never knows to close the bathroom door when gargling, and always spits water out of the washbasin after a while of grunting. What's the big problem with these small problems



Classification: Bisexual writing

        Muddle law


    Before marriage, open your eyes; After marriage, open one eye and close one eye. After marriage, we must know how to "play dumb" and grasp the general direction clearly, for example, how about a person's morality and values. Let him go to a small place, for example, "Why are you so late?" and "The money in your pocket was spent yesterday". Don't try to transform the other person, don't try to turn the other person into another you. This is stupid, and will hurt the self-esteem of the other party, causing the other party's aversion.

    No matter what stage love develops, this principle applies. Therefore, the smarter a woman is, the more she knows that a happy marriage needs fuzzy areas.


        Law of confiding


    Well said is better than well said. When it comes to communication, many people mistakenly believe that they must speak out all their thoughts and feelings. In fact, both husband and wife must learn how to filter what they say. Don't say anything harmful to their relationship.



Classification: Bisexual writing

        Couples who have been married for the longest time


    On May 31, 2007, the editorial board of Guinness World Records announced that British Percy and Florence had been married for the longest time in the world.

    Percy was 105 years old and Florence was 100 years old. The sum of their ages was 205 years old, making them the oldest couple in the world - the highest sum of their ages was 203 years old.

    On June 1, 2007, the old couple was surrounded by many relatives and friends, and their faces were full of happiness. Their three children, six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren were making various preparations to celebrate this special commemorative day for the two old people.

    How can we have such a happy and long marriage? How on earth do they maintain their marriage? What's the secret? The couple said that, in fact, the secret of their happy marriage is very simple, that is, they often say "sorry", say "yes, dear", and drink a glass of whisky and sherry every day.





Classification: Bisexual writing

        Performance 1: Connected


    Almost from the day they met, happy couples feel extremely harmonious. They feel that each other is closely related to themselves and share the same values.


        Performance 2: can share daily chores


    day Ordinary trivia cannot bring happiness in itself, but they bring confidence to the spouse and enhance mutual trust. In these daily satisfactions, happy couples can raise their common ideals to a higher level


            Performance 3: Never envy each other


    They don't usually quarrel, but when there is conflict, they are also angry and angry - but then they give in. The ability to solve problems is a common feature of these couples.





Classification: Bisexual writing

    A 20-year-old man has nothing but his ideal. You may fall in love with him without hesitation; A 30-year-old man has nothing but his ideal. You will seriously consider whether he is worthy of your love; If a man turns 40 and has nothing but his ideal, you will never love him. Love is absolutely not unconditional. It is like a bill with many "expenses" you need to pay - beauty, health, wealth, wisdom ……

    Sometimes people's life is strange. You turn around and find yourself back to the starting point. Sometimes love is the same. You may think that if you fell in love with another person on campus, then life must be different.



Classification: Bisexual writing

        If you love someone, you should have the courage to bear the ups and downs of love        


    I don't know how many people are happy and sad for love, and how many people cry and laugh in love. I know that youth is too precious and extravagant for me. Because of various reasons, I have lost a lot of beauty in my life. Now, I dare not waste every minute, every second, because they are my life, my well-being.

    I stubbornly believe that love is a noble and holy thing. The word "love" cannot be said easily. Once you say the word "love" to others, you should understand the profound meaning it represents. To love a person means a responsibility. To love a person, you must have the courage to bear the ups and downs of love.

    Love is not just romantic, but also needs to defend their own principles. Sometimes, of course, there will be some misunderstandings or quarrels, because in the final analysis, love is between two people!

    The two young hearts came together for a common good ideal. They agreed to cultivate a big tree together, and let it blossom and bear fruit. However, the two young hearts are so simple, thinking that the sky of love will always be sunny and sunny, and birds will sing



Classification: Bisexual writing

        When marriage "encounters by chance" life habits are incompatible: build tacit understanding with tolerance


    Many women mistakenly believe that if my partner loves me, his reaction and performance will be in tune with me everywhere, not against my expectations! In other words, how I love him, he will treat me in the same way.

    But in fact, just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, there are no two people with identical habits in life. Some women often forget the difference between them and seldom spend time and energy to understand and respect each other's desires and needs.

    Therefore, it is inevitable that in life, you hate the taste of alcohol, but your husband is always drunk; You like cleanliness, but he always forgets to brush his teeth and wash his feet before going to bed; You like to eat slowly and elegantly, but he gobbles it up; You like light, but he is always hot ……

      This makes the husband and wife full of friction and differences, awkward and contradictory



Classification: Interaction with media

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