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 One leaf chills a thousand
One leaf chills a thousand
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Classification: User defined

        It has been 13 days since we broke up. Until now, I have really let go. It's really tiring to be able to watch these things calmly from the pain at the beginning.

        I will always remember the day of July 17, when I cried all day. Men don't tear easily. I've always been strong, but I still can't hold back. We were in military training, training ground, sitting there, I cried in a mess. That night, I went to drink and got drunk. I thought you would come back to me when I woke up, but you will never come back. I don't know how many calls have been made, but if you want to escape, how can I find it? Until now, I have never heard your voice again. During military training, I was very tired every day, and I had to endure the agony in my heart, both physically and mentally. You are cruel. I've thought a lot these days. Now it's all right. I've come back to life. Finally, I can look you in the eye. Anyone can leave. The road of life still has to go on.

        For a long time, I thought you didn't care. You loved me so much that you could forgive me for my repeated mistakes. Now, I just found that I was wrong. No one is who, how can you care. No wonder you are tired. I am a scorpion and you are a Libra. You are always like that. You always look so peaceful and happy. In fact, you are not happy




Classification: My Collection
    This is an article I saw on someone else's blog. It is a letter written by Ms. Shen Qilan, a famous writer, to college students. I think her writing is really good. I want to post it here. I hope it will help everyone and remind myself!



Are you still dissatisfied with your college life? The courses are boring, the teachers are perfunctory, some people start businesses, some people fall in love. Your ambition is not low, and you want a bright future. However, you said that the freshman had a muddled life, and the sophomore was also going to pass in a muddle. Every day when you wake up, you tell yourself to work hard, but each day passes as if nothing has been achieved. Look at the inspirational book, which says that a clear goal and firm will can achieve the goal. You can't always do it.

Let me tell you a truth: if you really want to make a difference in economy, then you are reading the wrong book. If you want to make achievements in the economic field, you should first read professional books. What I want to talk to you today is the methodology of understanding the world. I don't know if you also have the feeling that this information explosion world is also a world with extremely asymmetric information. There are always endless links on the network to attract themselves: the star has a new boyfriend, what the politician said, new







grow up

Classification: User defined

            Spring is coming, the first spring of university. This time last year, there was no spring. I still remember clearly the cold and despair of last winter. I stumbled home like a wounded animal. I don't know how many "auspicious year of the tiger" were said during the Spring Festival, and how many nights I sighed during the winter vacation. I hope this spring can bring me new vitality, and everything will recover. I should also wake up.
            2009 is a very important and turning year in my life. That year, I took the college entrance examination; That year, I went to college; That year, I became an adult. This year was also a very unsuccessful year for me. I was defeated in the college entrance examination, confused at the beginning of college, and hesitated at the crossroads of life. A moment's thought, let me come to this strange city. Whenever I stand on the top of the building and overlook the city called "Heaven on Earth", I wonder what it would be like if I had made another choice


celebrate the Spring Festival

Spring Festival



grow up


Classification: [Miscellaneous]

          Yesterday was the new year. According to tradition, the new year is the beginning and foreshadowing of the whole Spring Festival celebration, and it should be a good time. But last night on QQ, I asked my friend how Xiao Nian was, and the answer was "When is Xiao Nian?" I was shocked. I asked several friends again, and the answer was either "forget the new year", "I haven't had a holiday yet", or "I don't have this tradition". I didn't have a good holiday yesterday, and I was embarrassed to say that, but seeing everyone's situation, I couldn't help sighing that "there are people out there".

          In fact, this reflects the problem that many people are not aware of the Spring Festival and do not like it. Now the Spring Festival is often not as lively and festive as it should be. Why celebrate the New Year? The Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival means that spring is coming, Vientiane will recover vegetation and renew, and a new round of sowing and harvesting season will begin again. People have just passed the long cold winter of snow, ice and withering vegetation. They have long been looking forward to the days of warm spring and blooming flowers. When the New Year comes, they will be full of joy


college student


Work part-time


celebrate the Spring Festival

family affection

Winter vacation

Classification: Campus


          Every holiday, the bulletin board on the university campus is always covered with all kinds of job advertisements. I remember that in the last two weeks of the final exam, the places where the postgraduate entrance exam tutorial class used to be posted were occupied by winter vacation job advertisements, and even the bicycles parked downstairs before class were found stuffed with several small advertisements after class.

It seems that working on holidays has become a very common and popular thing. Think about it. It not only increases work experience, but also enriches the holiday life. It also earns a lot of money. Therefore, many college students will choose to work during the holidays. Long vacations like winter vacation are the favorite of these "migrant workers".



Dwelling Narrow


housing price

celebrate the Spring Festival




Classification: [Viewpoint]

        When I saw this group of pictures today, I was shocked. This is the scene of a public toilet in Jianding Road, Hangzhou, One side is a bed, the other side is a squatting pit. It makes people sad. If it weren't for the rows of squatting holes and the strong smell of urine and stink in the room, you would think this is an ordinary home. However, you are not mistaken. This is the "home" of dozens of people in Hangzhou's public toilets.


(This picture is from Huachuang Xintian Architectural Design
One side is bed, the other side is squatting




family affection

celebrate the Spring Festival

Classification: Those

It was discovered today that,

My parents care about me so much.

At home during the holiday,

They will do a lot for me,

They will also change a lot for me, such as eating habits, such as work and rest time.




End of period


Classification: Footprint


            Today, after the final exam, I watched the carnival, but I was not happy.  

              The winter vacation in college is very long, longer than the summer vacation in high school. The holiday came so suddenly that I was caught off guard. A lot of things are like this. When you don't get it, you think very beautiful. When you get it, you will get tired of it. So is the holiday. When you don't have a holiday, you are very excited. When you really have a holiday, you will feel a sense of loss. I saw my classmates left one by one, and the school was empty, so was my heart. The holiday is an end, and winter is also the end of the year. I don't like the end, because there are too many memories at the end. The sadness in the memories makes people lonely and desperate. When I think of the winter vacation of senior one, it was colder than now, but not as cold as my heart at this time.      

            This semester, I live like a pig. Every day seems busy, but nothing has been done. What dreams and goals before entering the university have become so vague. However, time passes so fast. Looking back at this semester, I look down upon myself. Is this my dream of college life?





Classification: Footprint
          Today, I received many blessings from my friends, and I realized that Christmas is coming, which also means that 2009 is coming to an end. In retrospect, too many things happened this year. The biggest thing is to end high school life and enter the university.
          People say that college life is colorful, but I feel that my college life is always lacking something, and I have a bumpy life. It seems that I will never belong to those who stand at the top. I used to be, and I hope not in the future. I am not a person who can grasp the direction of my life. There are too many temptations in this society. I am always distracted and lose my direction for one reason or another. A friend said that I was too strict with myself. I knew it wasn't, or I didn't do well enough.
          During this semester, my attitude towards the university has been changing. At first, I was full of passion. I was very busy with classes, part-time jobs and student work. Later, after seeing the true face of some things, I found that what I had done was really boring and of no value. The mood of those days was really bad, very frustrated, very lost. However, I was also open-minded later. I felt that it was valuable or not, depending on your attitude towards him. If you are open minded, your mood will naturally improve. Maybe this is the correct view of university.
          But to be honest, college life is also very interesting: you can not have to be like high school

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