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 Chaoge Svan
Chaoge Svan
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The original manuscript was collated on June 26, 2010,

My friend updated his "Waste City Harbin" in January 2015. I should update this article again.


A small preface and several miscellaneous drafts of "Waste City" written during winter vacation.

。。。。。。。。。。。。。 I am the dividing line.................

Abandoned city, I am 05 I felt and thought of it for the first time when I went to Nanjing in. I didn't leave Harbin at the beginning, and my feeling for her is much worse than now. Before leaving, I took everything in Harbin for granted. Until I saw the book "Liverpool", Chen Jiaojiao's words made me have an emotional resonance with a person from the bottom of my heart for the first time. I recorded my thoughts in those years. In the book, she said that a city that was once famous and now is down and out is different from a place that has never been rich. Although she is decadent, she is not humble. She said that a truly brilliant city will experience repeated highs and lows, become mature, and know how to endure and accumulate. She said that those cities have stories, are romantic, not

(2012-10-25 03:35)

Miscellaneous talk

Suddenly there is a problem.. I want to mark first..

Most of the classmates, friends, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandparents I have met in China for more than 20 years are higher in education and savings than the British people I have met and learned in the UK for a year. Although one year is not enough to complete the demographic data, the observation of social status quo is almost the same, mostly so. Even more so for young people. Young people of the same age in China are basically educated, have savings, have a job, have a father, and can upgrade from iPhone 4 to iPhone 5. However, they are still under great pressure. They are confused and miserable in the future, and even can't afford to buy a house.

However, most British people of the same age have no education or are working hard to obtain education (the tuition fee is too expensive for the wife, and parents don't care), have no savings and debt (in the words of Laura and Dan, in Britain, unless you have a rich father, miss college and don't have debt, dream==) No job, no father can fight (parents don't care) But the happiness index is still extremely high every day...


(2012-06-24 06:31)

Miscellaneous talk

I am tired (sick) this week. My eyes are sore (crying) because I want to catch up with the communication progress. I hope I can continue to do my homework and exams in Europe in July. I thought it was fun to go to Vienna. When I looked at the timetable, I was even more tired (crying) than England. It was worth the money!

On the Dragon Boat Festival, I ate some kind of magic English salad and listened to Gong Ao and Xu Wei soak in the library. Of course, it was also praised and enriched by Spain and France. Now I have mastered the resident population of the library. Like the old one, I like to observe the behavior of other learners from time to time. My leisure is also a kind of brain relaxation technique (mask)

The mentality cultivated after four years of college is no longer a waste of anxiety and complaint. In every different time and space, we should live in the present. Wuhan has no rice and sauerkraut from Northeast China, which cannot be changed. But the pork ribs, lotus root soup and bean skin are also good to eat. If you leave, you will have nothing to eat. Similarly, there is no Dragon Boat Festival or rice dumplings in Britain, but I am very happy with the strange dark British cuisine. It is not that I don't miss my hometown food and like English food with unique taste (embarrassment), but that I don't try different things in a new environment and just ask for what is not here. It's boring to complain about not getting it. And I deeply know that, just like I miss Wuhan University at this moment, I will deeply miss every bit here once I leave this moment. Why not take the opportunity now! (This question is the same as that of speaking English.)

In addition, I would like to say that I am not a fecal person, nor am I

Miscellaneous talk

In fact, it's a platitude, or I often talk about this topic with my British friends and Chinese friends, but I never write it well and share it with my online friends. Reading the Bible today, I suddenly read the passion and cadence of reading the Red Cliff Ode all the time. I feel that from a mute English speaker half a year ago, or a person who didn't want to be dumb, but who has been "educated" in New Oriental and shut up when he can't speak well, I am the least confident in spoken English, to a Britian in the British population speaker, In the past six months, I have not spent much time struggling, struggling, afraid and distressed. I didn't bear the shame and bewilderment behind every idiot's mistake in vain. Finally, I survived, and I'm proud to say that I made some achievements here: for example, yesterday, an exchange scholar and college English teacher asked me, how old are you? You speak English better than all the Chinese I know. For another example, when Janet called me today to encourage me to stay and work, he said that you are the best foreigner I have ever seen who speaks English. Janie is so confident that you will find a satisfactory job.

I am very excited and proud, but I am also deeply moved and ashamed. Because I know how poor my vocabulary is, how many times I answer the phone, and I can't say anything at the dinner table because I still can't understand 100%. I also know how long I have to go to reach the native level. But I'm not afraid! Because my goal is not simply to learn English well and work in a foreign company. I don't care what others have done. My goal is vague and dreamy. It's naive and simple. I want to write about my hometown in English

Miscellaneous talk

Hahaha, I'm too lazy. I finally installed a Google Chinese input method, and finally I don't have to deal with the iPad.

Well, in fact, I'm used to being lazy. I'm used to refining the language to 140 characters, and I'm not used to long winded discussions about how things are going. Accustomed to the casual ridicule tone, they are no longer willing to place their feelings in serious words. Is it pretending to be mature, or is it really old?


(2012-02-07 23:15)

Miscellaneous talk

The  feeling  is  strange.  I'm  walking  in  the  narrow  crowed  aisle  after  class  with  strangers  passing  by.  I'm  wearing  my  white  posh  headphone  and  in  it,   lee  jian  is  singing  cheerfully  even  though  the  lyrics  are  still  full  of  sorrows.  As  he  said,   we  are  born  to  be  stubborn  and  fragile.    With  the  music  can  easily  behave  facing  the  strangers  rushing  against  me.  The  reflection  and  thoughts  of  surrounding  in  my  head  is  in  English  though  I'm  listening  to  Chinese  songs.  remembered  the  film  of  closer  cos  think  this  feelin
(2011-12-31 19:50)

Miscellaneous talk

I'm getting smaller and smaller. I think a lot of problems, from family to firewood. 2012, the Year of the Dragon, is very important. It's the 24 year old I've been longing for since I remember. But the problem is that people were born at the end of the year, and it was only 24 when the year was almost over. Alas, no more entanglement. 24 is really my favorite number. Twin pairs are extremely beautiful. 24 is the most brilliant time I have always thought. Girls may have had such a wait, such as the peacock on the screen (although the female bird does not open its screen==), waiting to bloom.

And it's also the Year of the Dragon. Dragon, what an auspicious and beautiful symbol. Gold scales are not objects in the pool. They turn into dragons when encountering wind and cloud. But where is the wind and cloud? Where is the pool. So after searching and entanglement, I slowly get up. At first, I felt that my self accumulation was still shallow, and it was not enough to burst out a small spark of constructive thought, let alone the unity of knowledge and practice. I should pay more attention to the price of apples and lemons, health recipes and sports. Hmm, how can we talk about health care without health care? I want to think more about my parents and friends. Well, how can we talk about the country without a family? However, to say the least, there is still room for some things to happen in the bottom of my heart. Let fantasy breed in the dark corner of my heart. Human beings are higher than animals, and human spirit.

2012, what a beautiful number, how beautiful even numbers are. Life is a self written travel book. Wherever the heart goes, the road will lead to it. The word "London" used to make people sing and dream happily, but now they tremble when they see it. Some things can't be explained by others. You must step by step to understand them. So, travel is still necessary, travel
(2011-11-22 00:35)

Miscellaneous talk

The Silence of Vadjra Guru Pema

(See Me or Not)

Words by Tashi Lam Dodo ( Zasiram



Perhaps the connection with him only started from Baolian Deng's "Love is a Word", spread to the crazy cycle of junior high school "From Start to Now", and ended in "White Moonlight". The rest of "Love Like Tide" and "Overfire" can not resonate because of the age differences. Maybe that's all. However, when I inexplicably took the train to Manchester, I followed the bustling Chinese people to listen to this so-called concert of the first person to land in Europe; When the music that is not so familiar but has no distance rings, I am silently moved. Just a month ago, I can hardly hear Bai Yueguang crying like other Chinese, but I really feel a warm feeling of heart to heart visit. I think it is still connected by something on the other side of the mainland. Yes, on the other side of Eurasia, the things that hold our hearts together!

Not much more to say, share some photos. Even if it is to cheer up Ah Zhe's next stop in London, we are also looking forward to Liang Jingru's 1.29 concert, while waiting for the arrival of Faye Wong and Li Jian. (The atmosphere here is really good. The venue is extremely full, and the cost is low. It can sell at a high price, right? Well, I mean gold medal wind, Li Jian and children's shoes. Come on!)

Finally, thanks to the children's shoes of the Manchester City Institute of Commerce and Industry, the fourth row of Geli! Let me have a good practice of the concert skills. I'm too lazy to add watermark, so I went straight to the nude picture. I hope I won't be beaten by Ah Zhe's fans. Thank you, ha ha~~

(2011-10-30 16:12)

Miscellaneous talk

Wake Me Up When October Ends

Maybe yesterday's bitter wind and rain stopped in the early morning three At o'clock, we decided to stay in the past,


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