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 He Dayuan
He Dayuan
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Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today three year seventy-three God, I got my badge    

  • 2009.12.15 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2007.10.22 , I wrote my first blog post: Exclusive Interview with People.
  • 2010.02.24 , I uploaded the first picture to the album

Miscellaneous talk


To be honest, I don't think five month twenty-six The Japanese traffic police robbed my mobile phone at the scene to cover up something. This is just the consistent style of the public authority departments in the face of the public. They are secretive and willing to give up. This is what they have felt when dealing with the traffic police department before. Therefore, whether active or passive, the traffic police department has set up a specimen for the first time when it can hold a press conference to face public doubts. But remember, they just did the right thing.




Miscellaneous talk

Journalists He Dayuan

At the moment of the earthquake three years ago, I was interviewing the difficult logistics group of the school as a campus reporter. In the afternoon, when I went to English class, my classmates told me that the earthquake in my hometown of Sichuan had occurred, but there was no more information. I didn't care too much at that time; After class, I couldn't get through to my family until I realized the seriousness of the problem; When I saw the news that the number of casualties in Beichuan, a neighboring county, exceeded 6000 in the evening, I couldn't sit still at all. In the afternoon of the next day, I finally learned from my cousin that everything was safe for my family, the house was slightly damaged, and my heart was in suspense.


five month eighteen June, the sixth day after the earthquake, I set foot on the road from Wuchang to Chengdu T248 The second train, on which I have taken countless times before, I saw many fellow villagers returning to the disaster area to look for their relatives. Most of them were Sichuanese working outside. They came from Wenchuan, Beichuan, Qingchuan, the hardest hit areas... A middle-aged man with a tent on his back was carefully studying the map. The road to Pingwu, his hometown, had not yet been opened. I asked him what he planned to do ? "Climb back!",


Miscellaneous talk

The radiation did not arrive, and the rumor of "salt" came. In one day, the wind of seizing salt blew all over the country. A number of units, including the National Salt Industry Corporation, came out to refute the rumor that China's salt supply is sufficient, and consumers should not rush to buy and hoard blindly. (China News Service three month seventeen day


Miscellaneous talk

What happened to Huazhong University?


The past few months have undoubtedly witnessed the fastest increase in the popularity of Huazhong University. When I mentioned the school with strangers outside, I usually reported to Huazhong University of Science and Technology first. Others looked puzzled, and then quickly added that it was Uncle Gen's school, and the other party immediately understood.



A few days ago, an article titled "Most of the Central China Science and Technology


Miscellaneous talk

To Hong Kong or Taiwan?

——Four Differences between Studying in Hong Kong and Studying in Taiwan

Night View of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

      Recently, Taiwan's relevant departments passed the "Three Laws for Land Students", which stipulates that "mainland students are limited to study in Taiwan." Mainland graduate students can apply for Taiwan as soon as March next year, and from then on, mainland students have another choice to study abroad. With the same culture and international vision, compared with the study abroad craze in Hong Kong several years ago, "Go to Taiwan to study!" is likely to become a loud slogan in the coming years. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong and Taiwan? (The author was lucky to have been to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and had some exchanges with local university teachers and students, and also had the idea of applying to continue to study for master's degree in Hong Kong or Taiwan.)





Be mentally ill

Doubtful points

Miscellaneous talk

Peng Baoquan, a citizen of Shiyan City, Hubei Province, took a petition photo and was sent to a mental hospital, which made new progress: twelve Both the local police and the hospital said that they were two people who had a history of mental illness and were being observed and treated. Moreover, the police believed that the parties had planned to gather. (Beijing News four month thirteen Day)


The police denied that Peng was taken away for taking photos. He was taken directly to the mental hospital, and then the hospital made an identification of "having a history of mental illness". Everything seemed reasonable, legal, and reasonable. The person who really swallowed had nothing to say. However, Peng Xiumin, Peng Baoquan's sister, said that her brother had never been mentally ill. Carefully analyze the reason of this time. As a powerful group, the police and mental illness


housing price

property tax


Compete with the people for benefits

Miscellaneous talk

The house price is mainly driven by the land price, which has become an unspoken fact for the people all over the country. However, under the "land finance" of the local government in China, it is unrealistic for the government to give up the land transfer fees. Zhang Jianfei, deputy to the National People's Congress and mayor of Changsha, said in an interview at the NPC and CPPCC sessions that although high housing prices can increase government revenue, they will increase the burden on the people, and the money will eventually be spent on the people. Therefore, he believes that the government should not compete with the people on the issue of housing prices.



The dependence of local governments on "land finance" can be seen from a set of data: two thousand and nine In, the total revenue from land transfer fees of local governments in China reached


Real name recommendation

Peking University

two sessions(NPC and CPPCC)

Li Bacon


Miscellaneous talk

"Real name recommendation system for middle school principals" is worth trying

[2010.3.9 China Youth Daily] http://zqb.cyol.com/content/2010-03/09/content_3121326.htm

        He Dayuan (former chief editor of Huazhong Youth of Huazhong University of Science and Technology): Recently, the Ministry of Education released the Outline of the National Medium and Long term Education Reform and Development Plan, which mentioned that in the future, it will deepen the reform of the content and form of college examinations, focusing on the examination of comprehensive quality and ability. In the past year or two, Tsinghua University, Peking University and other colleges and universities have made new attempts to recruit students independently. They have separately implemented the combination of independent enrollment and the written examination papers of the recommended students, and the "real name recommendation system for middle school principals", which has aroused social concern. What do you think of these new attempts?



Internet Bar



two sessions(NPC and CPPCC)

Miscellaneous talk

Before the two sessions of the NPC and CPPCC were held, all kinds of bizarre suggestions from the representatives began to be conveyed to the public through the media. From the burning of books by Qin Shihuang to the proposal of the CPPCC members to ban them by legislation not long ago twelve In China, there has always been no lack of examples of children under the age of using mobile phones. However, the mobile phone law has not yet been established, and Yan Qi, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that he would submit a proposal to close social Internet cafes during the two sessions this year. He also said that at present, Internet cafes have become a persistent social disease, "we should take strong medicine against persistent diseases". (Beijing Times three month three Day)




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