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 Cai Bao
Cai Bao
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delicious food

Pound cake

Cranberry Pound Cake

Orange Pound Cake

Classification: Dessert baking

More fun in micro-blog  

I have always resisted making heavy cakes because they are made of butter and sugar! The heat is so high. It's casual to grow meat! Last Friday, when there were still some cranberries left at home, I used them to make a pound cake.

It is said on the Internet that after the cake is made, it is the best taste and flavor to put it in the refrigerator until the third day. So on Saturday morning, I didn't even bother to make breakfast. What I ate was noodles mixed with noodles. I posted a microblog and asked why I didn't eat cake? In the afternoon, I cut a piece for Mr. Li, and even ate three pieces! Three yuan! How fat he is! He said: Why didn't you make this for me before? Why are you so delicious

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