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 Wind killing
Wind killing
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(2013-05-03 12:31)



Miscellaneous talk



It seems that I haven't written anything since I came to Moscow


Too busy with work? No, it's much better than before. It's always easier to settle down than running around to fight the fire


Life is tasteless? No, I also went to many places, experienced and heard many interesting things

For example, recently I caught a cold and didn't get better after two days' rest. So yesterday I went out alone by bike for about 80 kilometers. At night, I got lost. My mobile phone had no power and could not navigate. After riding for nearly 2 hours, I still didn't see the familiar buildings (PS: Actually, I am a road addict, and I don't know the roads I have seen in the daytime at night). I lost my direction and strength. I didn't even pull a bicycle when I took a taxi. Later, I couldn't help it. There were police who checked cars on the roadside, so I went up to ask them; As the Maozi police is worse than the Chinese urban management, the Chinese colleagues who came here usually walked around the road when they saw the police. Anyway, the guys seemed kind. They first asked me which direction I should ride, and then asked me if I could go into their office to recharge their mobile phones, but they failed (PS: they can't speak Russian, they are all games); This guy is very helpful. Check


Miscellaneous talk

The first year, the first time did not go home for Spring Festival!
When I think about it, I really feel bad. In fact, it is not only the discomfort in a foreign country, but also the helplessness of not being able to accompany my parents.
Mom and Dad are always noisy, and no one will persuade her when her son is not at home. Mom has grown a lot older in the past two years, and her eyes are not very good, so she can't get through the needle

In fact, it seems that people always live in contradiction. They want to stay safe and well with their parents, but they are not willing to spend their youth like this
I want to wander outside, but I can't let my parents go

I remember when I was young, I couldn't sit down at a table when everyone was together. But slowly, my uncle went out to work, and the land in his hometown was divided. My second uncle was unhappy and moved less. My third uncle was married and had his own home, so he wouldn't go to the New Year
My grandpa lived alone. When I was in college, three of us went back home to have a New Year's Eve dinner with my grandpa
My hometown has to go back to clean up for the Spring Festival. My grandpa doesn't want to come to our house to celebrate the Spring Festival. It seems that this year is getting more and more boring

Don't mention that grandpa is so old, and the children can't come back for the New Year. I feel bad about it. It must be that parents are helpless without their sons

However, for all these things, I have chosen a more distant and long way from home. Although this road is not complete
(2011-10-17 02:45)

Miscellaneous talk

I haven't written anything for a long time. I don't know what I'm busy with recently


Sweden has been busy for months. Two colleagues who asked for leave just came back and went to Lithuania to support the European Championship

In the first week, I went back to the dormitory at two o'clock in the middle of the night. Because the ball game was played at ten o'clock in the evening, I had to analyze the data and write reports until eleven o'clock, waiting for my colleagues to drive from another venue. It was almost twelve o'clock, and then I drove back to the dormitory. It was almost two thirty in the middle of the night

One day, due to the network, the driver's mobile phone couldn't get through until 5:30 in the morning


Later, it was better in a week, and there was not much to do. Then the visa expired and I returned to Shanghai


Returning to Shanghai, the boss was on a business trip to Thailand, and Belarus was in a hurry. The plan was top

(2011-08-27 05:28)

Miscellaneous talk

For three weeks in a row, we started work at 9:00 every day, and we were in a high tension state. We had lunch at noon and kept talking about various problems


In the afternoon, I was not on time to get off work. It was 6:30 earlier and more than 8:00 later


I have no mood and energy to run when I come back


I don't want to cook any more. I can just fool around and eat


The time to eat dinner and surf the Internet gradually decreases, or even does not


Continue to work until midnight, sometimes at 2:00 or 3:00


I can't get up in the morning. I don't eat breakfast so that I can sleep for 20 minutes more



A lot of questions have not been clarified, and I have to go to Lithuania to support the European Basketball Championship. Is there a lot of pressure

I'm very busy here. I must still work overtime there


I thought I could go back for the National Day in mid September and get together with my brothers to relax


I can go home to see my parents


Damn it, the project in Belarus is so urgent that people won't pass the National Day




I'm really tired. I thought I could support myself, but I can't stand working like this


I won't push

(2011-04-18 21:41)

Miscellaneous talk

I have always been looking forward to business trips. What's the difference when I go abroad? Let's see if the foreign MM is sexy and plump. Ha ha


I look forward to the stars and the moon. When it comes to this day, it seems that I don't feel any more. My colleagues are still very strange: "Why are you not excited about going on a business trip?"


Many things may be like this. I am eager when I don't get it, but I am calm when I really come. Life may be like this


Jinzi sent a QQ email to ask everyone what they are doing recently. They have never returned such things in the name calling. What kind of life do you want?

------ Plain life, use facts rather than words to prove that you still have a little value


Yes, it seems to be the same all the time. I always want to prove something, and I will fight for it, but I will not do it purposefully


Jinzi has always been a man of great pursuit and always hopes to make great achievements. The best brother, I have to say, is really thoughtful. I hope that one day, one year, one month, we can all become the person we hope to be and live for ourselves


Not good at speaking, admiring people with good eloquence, but also very disgusted with people who are always talking about their dreams and future

(2011-04-03 22:39)

Miscellaneous talk

Prepare to go to England, so go to Shenzhen for visa


Go on Thursday, finish on Friday, and you can return on the same day. But if you want to play, you have to ask for leave for 3 days, including Saturday. Unexpectedly, the supervisor approved it!!

After finishing work on Friday, several brothers were at work. Saturday was the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, and everyone had to go to work. It was boring to go anywhere, so my head got hot and went to Hong Kong for a walk





(2011-03-14 22:49)

Miscellaneous talk

It has been a long time since the legend wanted to "communicate", but the legend is just a legend after all!

Nobody expected that the legend could be turned into reality!


In the afternoon, I was still busy testing, when I suddenly found that there was a call. I thought it was a brother who had a problem and wanted to help, but when I saw it, it was the supervisor!

No nonsense, go straight to the topic, just talk about communication and give a raise!!

Oh, I'm going, happy!



The supervisor was puzzled:

"Alas? You joined last year, didn't you? So your salary is higher than others now??"

"Turn to regular and play A, a little more"

"Oh! With this one, it has risen twice in half a year. You can do it!!"

"Good luck!!"



Everyone is very dissatisfied with the new salary, which is much higher than ours. They complain a lot, and the company has not seen any response. Finally, they expressed their dissatisfaction. Although there are not as many new recruits, they are rising after all, right? Gives a little hope!

happy is he who is content!!


Then a brother came to inquire how much money we had added to the dozen A's, waiting for blackmail.

Subjective repeatedly stressed on the phone that we should not make any noise. In fact, everyone should be the same over the past six months.


This is good. I was very happy. When I said how much I had added, others said that I had added more than us. I was depressed!!


(2011-03-13 21:49)

Miscellaneous talk

I played a game yesterday, and today I woke up at more than 11 o'clock. I opened my eyes and found the sun was shining and the weather was perfect!!


Think of yesterday when I told Xiao Chunchun that work was boring, the circle was getting smaller and smaller, and the fun was to be found by myself, so let's have some fun!


I heard Thames town is good, so I checked the route and went out to sun


It took me more than 2 hours to drive across mountains and rivers. Is it easy for me??


Absolutely suitable for relaxation, rare purity!

You can think quietly or in a daze!

(2011-02-26 23:49)

Miscellaneous talk

ZW has left. Tomorrow, the house is due, and he has to move again. Half a year passed. When he graduated from college, he felt that four years passed quickly. After working, he found that the time could be faster


After graduation, four people from different places went to Shenzhen for training together. They met each other intermittently and were sent to Shanghai together. They had no money and had to rent a cheap house together. They went to work together every day. Lao Luo left, ZW left. After half a month, Liangzi left, leaving himself. I'm not nostalgic. I'm not interested in the big men. I just want to go out and have a look, especially when everyone goes out. I just stay here and don't want to stay like this all the time


Recently, I was very tired. I supported the front-line projects in Norway. I had to test myself every day and follow up the progress of others. I don't know why the research and development department assigned this task to me. The department developed it together. After years, there was basically nothing to do. It was purely soy sauce. I just got up early and worked hard every day. I was really tired. I couldn't help complaining and others went home, I still have to carry on. Others work overtime. There is nothing urgent. I can't sleep in the noon nap when I am working hard. I still can't finish my work. Every day, I am urged to catch up with the progress. My brother said that the pressure is really great to get results


When I came back from the weekend, I was numb. I didn't know what to do. Go online, click on the campus, see what funny sharing others have, open QQ, go online invisibly, and see who is there. It seems that every


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