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 High leaf ChLoe
High leaf ChLoe Sina Personal Certification
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  • Blog access: six
  • Focus on popularity: three hundred and thirty-two
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Miscellaneous talk


The Opponent

Miscellaneous talk

Thank you for supporting my friends~I will continue to refuel!
It's cold in Shanghai~
It's colder to act as a spy
Because you've been scouting outside all day! Ha
I'm spy Gao! Invincible leaf!
Anything can be carried!


Miscellaneous talk

My "Love Male Anchor" Thank you for your support

Love of Hawthorn Tree

Miscellaneous talk

It's serious to send pictures... I know you don't want to see me talking. Ha ha

A little bit every time

The unfinished hawthorn tree... ha ha

The revolutionary order needs to be observed. The three of us have played a joke... I can't help it

The standard charming smile of the third brother

The three of us

Ah Yu, Zege, I

Teacher Xiaoding and I

I said: Ah Yu, your face is small, I hide behind you

Family members cannot accompany at night


The fifth anniversary of blog

My blog today one year two hundred and forty-six God!

On January 4, 2009, I settled down at Sina Blog.

On February 22, 2009, I wrote the first blog post: New Blog 2009

On April 13, 2009, the first picture was uploaded to the album.

Over the years, Sina Blog has accompanied me to write my life bit by bit.

Number of articles   19
Number of pictures   17 sheets
Number of visitors   18081 times
  • Summary of the past five years:

    Little by little, bumpy, crazy, happy

  • My mood today:


  • Make a wish for the future:

    I hope... I can go farther and farther on the way I want to go


Miscellaneous talk

Drama "Please tell me a lie"

Performance time: 8 19:30, August 10 - August 22 (except Monday)
Venue: Pioneer Theatre (next to Oriental New World)
Ticket price: 380 150 100   50 (student ticket)
Send some rehearsal photos. Like on vacation



——————————————————————I am the dividing line——————————————————————

Send some big makeup photos of Shanghai performance. I'm a big bitch


Please tell me a lie

Miscellaneous talk



Jingling is another little propaganda.

    Drama "Please tell me a lie"

Performance time: 19:30, March 24 - April 10 (Add 14:30 every Saturday afternoon)
Venue: Beijing People's Art Experimental Theater
Ticket price: 280 120 60 (student ticket)
Booking hotline: 010-65250996 010-65249847

The posters have not been issued, and haven't changed hahaha~ Welcome to watch.



(2010-03-06 22:53)

Film Academy

recruit students

Miscellaneous talk

The annual enrollment work of Beijing Film Academy is in full swing

We, the examiners, are also tired and working happily

All kinds of examinees, their trembling eyes make me constantly recall the original me

Alas...... I'm too lazy to "remember the past"

There are many things I want to say about the enrollment work

I really look at people. I really want to tell that girl

Baby, with your personality and way of doing things, sooner or later you will be fired to death

On the whole, the enrollment work is very smooth


Come on! Examinees! I sincerely hope you can play well!!! come on.


(2010-01-25 17:57)

Miscellaneous talk

Half of the performance is over. I hope everyone will "play harder and harder". Work hard!

By the way, let's do a little publicity. The audience who didn't watch will pay attention to it. Hurry up to watch it

Performance time : January 20-31, 2010 (19:30-21:10) except Monday and Tuesday

Booking Hotline :13488830963

Venue: Honeycomb Theater (Dongzhimenwai Street, turn right at the first crossing from west to east)


——Mr. Jiang Hongbo's group photo at the theatre

——Teacher Cao Yunjin's group photo at the theatre


Miscellaneous talk

These are the stills taken in my group last year when the teacher was free.

Update the article that is very confusing.




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