
Miscellaneous talk

I looked out of the window. It turned out that spring was coming again.

Five years have passed since March 11, 2011. Because of experience, it is profound. Those things that never forget grow with the blood and soul, and are shining all the time. It is not reverberating, but can guide you to get rid of hesitation.

During the Japanese tsunami, I worked in a shop. The mobile phone vibrated. It was L who sent a short message. The content is very simple: Tokyo earthquake, I'm fine. When I call back, the busy tone


Scenario 1:

D, who was sleeping at home, was suddenly awakened by a violent shaking. She thought it was a slight earthquake in her consciousness, and closed her eyes and stayed in bed. After a while, she started shaking again. She was alert and ran down regardless of her pajamas. After going downstairs, she saw that there were few people in the community. She waited downstairs for a while in her pajamas. She was afraid and shy to return to the apartment. She heard that people were safer in the narrow space during the earthquake, so she ran to the toilet, sat on the toilet and began to call for help, But there was no way to dial anywhere... D thoughtlessly thought that the phone was out of service due to arrears, and then changed clothes to pay at the phone store. It was obvious that the phone could not be reached on March 11 for how much you paid.

Scenario 2:

K worked on the 16th floor. When the earthquake hit on March 11, he sat idly in front of the computer in a daze. After a shake, all the LCD screens in the office were lying on the table. K looked at a bookcase in the corner that was also going to fall, and he quickly stepped forward to hold it, struggling to hold it with his body. Later, I praised him for his fearless dedication. After the violent shaking ended, he put the chaotic situation back in place one by one, and then ran away from his post as expected. When I got to the station, I found that the station was already full of people, and there was still a long line under the Japanese expression of fear. The station is very cold. I'd better go back to the office! K thought to himself, at least the office has air conditioning and coffee.

After returning to the office, the boss has come back, and looked at K in doubt and asked: Why are you back? Then he said excitedly: Look at the earthquake resistance of our office, it has no effect... K's smile ripples like instant coffee in a paper cup.

Scenario 3:

S worked on the sixth floor. She was washing dishes carefully when the earthquake hit. First the overhead chandelier, and then the cabinet beside it, they fell in a clatter. She subconsciously ran out of the kitchen. Although her legs were weak, she knew the location of the emergency exit. She ran around the front of the hall on the left, thinking that I could not take the elevator during the earthquake. I had to run under the stairs. In the end, she failed to escape. Instead of being buried, she was stopped by the store manager. The store manager said a line from the movie: If the guests didn't run, you can't run either! I thought to myself, dear S, you should repay him: I can't die even if all the guests are dead!

S, of course, ended up safe, and the store was just a false alarm, except for the shop manager's impenetrable face.

Scenario 4:

The donation box at the convenience store is full. Say thank you twice when checking out, once when delivering change to the guest, and once when the guest puts money in the donation box. On the day of the earthquake, our store received a notice that packages and express deliveries to the northeast will be stopped. Another phenomenon is that newspapers are very popular! The word Dou Da seems to be pinned on the front page by whom: the death of the Northeast earthquake is unknown More than 20000 people


      People's fear of disaster often comes from the unknown, that is, they do not know what will happen next. Since the earthquake on March 11, people's vigilance against disasters has been accompanied by aftershocks, power outages, nuclear leakage, stock prices plummeting, looting of daily necessities and other chaos. In fact, the most violent place of public unrest is not Fukushima, which was leaked from the nuclear power plant, nor Miyagi and Ibaraki, which were hit by the tsunami, but Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Because they all live in panic. The so-called panic here comes from a series of inconveniences caused by the planned power outage of the power company. It is not that we don't know whether the nuclear radiation material of Fukushima will be floating in the sky of Kabuki cho at the next moment. The Japanese are calm and calm beyond your imagination. In fact, psychology believes that panic is more terrible than disaster. On second thought, we are all survivors. Whether we are homeless refugees, people who fear nuclear radiation in Tokyo, or "survivors" who have fled back to China, we have no reason not to cherish what we have in front of us, our parents, family members, and friends.


      In fact, life is not so strong, and sometimes a mouthful of phlegm can be fatal, let alone face such a powerful earthquake and tsunami. But sometimes life is not so fragile, that is, it comes from love. Our pain comes from love, and happiness comes from love


      In the afterlife, love is like a rainbow. We should all live a good life. This is the most I want to say.



Studying in Japan

All over the world



Miscellaneous talk



How are you after a long absence?

I can't answer you for sure. Are we all happy. During the period when you left, some of us were married, some of us returned to China for development, some of us occasionally sent a long and short WeChat message to greet you, while some of us even lost news, such as you, reappeared here again.

In the full tram in Tokyo, they are shoulder to shoulder, but they don't know the temperature of each other. This is an irreplaceable distance, which is better than mountains and rivers. Perhaps, between us, time is the best answer. Thank you for the brightness and warmth you have given, as well as for your concealment and deception. When I took these emotional intelligence accumulated in college and contacted some new friends, I finally found that I was no longer persistent and credulous.  

Memories are worth remembering. Every part of life should be filled with gratitude. Even today, one year after graduation, I still sincerely thank you for those days when we traveled together in college. Because of this, I now carry the camera alone. It is a kind of growth that lets go of inner fear, and also the courage to face the journey alone.

No one can change time and space. Please follow the natural light and rush forward all the way. Don't indulge in the past, nor trust in the future. Live in the present.

Finally, I believe that time will make us better.




All over the world

Studying in Japan



    It is not the end, but also needs to say goodbye.


    At the turn of the year, we like to look back more than ever. Maybe in the eyes of others, your retrospection does not mean much. But for me, such personal induction and summary is like taking my own questions on a long journey. The scenery on the way may not tell us the answer, but it can meet the problem itself.


    I went to Hokkaido in summer. The beauty of Hokkaido is a kind of beauty divorced from the real sense. If we classify it according to the school of oil painting, it should be classified as the abstract school. The roaring train flew along the green coastline, and the sea breeze poured into the window. Put your head on the seat and close your eyes. I really hope this journey will never end and can go on forever.


    After returning to Tokyo from Hokkaido, I immediately found a part-time job. When I get off work late at night, when I look at the surging crowds in the subway, I will think of the sea of flowers of Fuliangye. Maybe this is the greatness of life. First, I will throw you a Nalan Ci, and then I will ask you to go to Guo Degang's crosstalk. It is not that some people are born with literature and art, but life has classified us vividly. Some people are destined to be tall, rich and handsome, and some people are destined to be losers. Before the word "losers" came out, there was a more appropriate term: "second force youth". For me, those so-called counter attacks are like an affair on the way to travel, with the probability less than or equal to zero. For these new words on the Internet, I just recognize them in the artistic conception, just like I can't accept smart phones with touch screens, I always feel that the sense of sureness given by buttons is more important. Even if I accept it now, I will insist on using handwriting and regard this behavior as a morbid one: I have not fully accepted it.

    Recently, the only thing I am happy about is that I have met several new friends, all of whom have your shadow. The boys are very kind, and the girls are clean and neat. They are no more artistic than you, and they don't like photography. When I take pictures of them, I will have shy expressions and my hands that I don't know where to put. But I especially like to be with them, just like when we were in college.
    Now, I finally know that many things have come to an end in this way. Maybe at a moment, such as when I drink warm afternoon black tea, I will think that this is the cup you bought for me. In fact, it is not the case. The time and space we live in are fragmented by the ruthless reality. The moment you want to look back, time has turned the world into a kaleidoscope, and the cup of afternoon tea has also been buried in it.
    Feel the world with your heart and start from the bottom of your heart. Don't forget the pain, just go forward with courage.
    We meet again at the end, but also at the origin.
    In 2013, I sincerely wish you well.
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