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 Li Shuyan
Li Shuyan
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cost performance


Eat at


Classification: A fantasy journey for teenagers to eat
  Over the past year, Valencia has gradually become the most frequently visited city in Spain. There are not only comfortable Mediterranean climate, charming beaches, a group of good friends, but also Mediterranean style food that I can't refuse. Although I live in Madrid, I know more about Valencia than I do where I live. This Michelin one star restaurant named Riff, I heard from my friends a long time ago, and finally came to have a taste this weekend.

  The owner and Chef of this Michelin one star restaurant in the old city of Valencia is a German. Born Bernd Herbert Knoller

Michelin Three Star Restaurant


delicious food


Classification: A fantasy journey for teenagers to eat
  If tomorrow is the end of the world, God can meet my wish today. I will definitely say: "I'm going to El Have a meal in Bulli's restaurant, and then have a bottle of good vintage P é truss wine ". Some friends said, look at your success. But for a foodie, it is the greatest enjoyment to have a dream meal and a bottle of good wine to worship on the last day of life.
  Well, enough gossip. Ferran, the chef of El Bulli in Spain After Adria announced the temporary closure of its business and refused to receive diners, Denmark's Noma Restaurant became more unscrupulous and occupied the first restaurant in the world for several years. After the first selection of the world's best 50 restaurants in 2002, El Bulli has never been in the top three, and has been the world's first restaurant for four consecutive years. Noma first introduced El in 2010 Bulli pushed to the second place, thus starting the unbeaten situation. Until this year, Spanish talents regained the title of the world's first restaurant. El Celler de Can Roca, this


Sports car




Classification: Emini Romagna
  If Rally is a symbol of the era of sports cars, owning a Lamborghini is the dream of most men. Bologna is the hometown of sports cars. There are not only Ferrari but also Lamborghini here. Of course, in addition to these two famous super running brands, Maserati and Pagani are also synonymous here.

  In a small town called Cento, we met Fabio, the curator of the Lamborghini Museum Lamborghini)。 He is Ferruccio, the founder of Lamborghini Lamborghini) is also the only person in the family who continued to stay in Cento to continue the legend after Lamborghini was acquired by Audi.
  Fabio Push

New York Auto Show



Normal tension


Classification: A Lonely Journey
  Two weeks in the United States have passed unconsciously, and the journey to escape from reality has finally ended. When I breathed the cold air again in the early spring morning of Madrid, I realized that I had to face the busy study and life again.
  After returning to New York from Atlanta, I accidentally saw the information of New York International Auto Show on the Internet. As for me, who has never seen an auto show, I am naturally unwilling to miss this opportunity. After two visits to the United States, I feel that Americans have different tastes for cars from people in other countries. The cars Americans need are large in size and displacement. For example, Mercedes Benz ML, GL, and New York can be seen everywhere in the 550 or AMG version, as well as a variety of large local SUVs and pickups, roaring on the road, frightening.
  There were not many people in the exhibition hall on Tuesday, but the big guy outside the main exhibition hall has attracted everyone. DEVOLRO is a local American automobile manufacturer headquartered in Miami. It is a manufacturer of customized modifications for global car modification enthusiasts, mainly engaged in heavy modifications of SUVs and pickups, which can be customized



Duero Valley


Classification: Studying in Spain/Being in Madrid

While living people are immersed in the graceful taste of the top French wine, the flame in the old world of wine is also burning along its path. Spain is known as the back garden of Europe. Because of its climate, it has already become the best place for European people to escape from the haze. There is abundant sunshine, clean air, blue sky and rich and varied soil. Everything is also writing the Spanish wine story.

The Duero River is an important river connecting Spain and Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula. It also nourishes the vineyards on both sides of the river. Spain currently grows grape noodles in the world

(2012-10-26 21:34)


China National Geography



Classification: informal essay
  In the past year, we have experienced many things, and our life has changed greatly. Leave your own environment and give up the past. The number of trips is getting less and less, even the pen in hand is rusty. On the one hand, it is because there are many other things to deal with, on the other hand, it is my laziness. Equestrian and wine make it impossible for me to spend a lot of time away from Spain to travel abroad. The travel life, which was originally full of unknown, has gradually become comfortable. Drink tea and drink wine every day, chat with friends, and visit my horse on weekends. Such a life seems comfortable, but it is actually painful in solitude.
  However, in this year, I really felt lonely and lonely, and it was also this year that my heart began to become stronger and stronger. Since the release of the first book, I have almost stopped blogging and accepting contributions. Even if the manuscript is received, it is always rushed out in a hurry. In many cases, my thoughts are confused. Every time my father asks me to pick up the pen again, I always take more things as the reason. It was not until last night when I was passing photos to Sister Qi Wen of China National Geographic magazine that I suddenly realized how chaotic my previous life was and how much I had lost. I searched for 25 photos in three hard disks for more than an hour. In this more than one hour, I felt the beauty of orderly life before. I can't go on like this. Publishing books, doing photography topics, including some business matters, should be done after all






Classification: Studying in Spain/Being in Madrid
  Shakespeare once said: "Sherry is like the Spanish sunshine in a bottle, bringing people a bright mood."
  Shirley, like many famous European wines, is named for its origin. It originates from a small Andalusian city called Jerez, which is not only the birthplace of sherry, but also the place where Spaniards celebrate their soul art Flamenco. Every year, Jerez's Flamenco Art Festival always attracts many people to watch performances and drink sherry.
  Andalusia is the hottest place in Spain. This climate has given Andalusia high-quality agricultural crops and the people here are enthusiastic and unrestrained. At the same time, it has also provided a very good growth environment for the Palomino grape, which is the raw material of sherry.
  I remember that the first time I tasted sherry was at the exhibition in Seville in April. The enthusiastic Flamenco singer Francisco invited me to taste it. He also repeatedly stressed that sherry is a kind of fortified wine, which is very strong. After tasting at that time, I thought Shirley was not



Frankfurt Airport



Classification: A Lonely Journey

Arrived at the airport at about one o'clock in the afternoon, due to Christmas, the journey was basically smooth and sunny. Although the air conditioner was not turned on in the car, the sun was still warm on the body. Thinking of flying from the warm Iberian Peninsula to the cold Scandinavia today, I could not help but cherish the sun. Lao Lu will be back at about two o'clock today santa cruz Recently, his mother's health is not very good, and the family always needs someone to take care of her.


Before leaving, Lao Lu said he would take a picture of me. Suddenly, he thought that he had gone to so many places




pass through



Classification: A Lonely Journey
  Put jumping thinking into action, and be a giant of action. Cui Xiaozhan said that I must have type B blood that day, because my thinking is too jumpy. Although there is no barrier to communicate with normal people, normal people can't understand me. For travel, I am also quite casual and creative. As Boss Cui said, it was because I was a man of leaping thinking and a giant of action that I finally made a travel plan across Eurasia this winter.
  There was no fixed plan. I had bought a ticket to Finland at the end of October. Because the state of the past few months was not very good, I closed my door to practice in Toledo, an ancient city. Although I usually drink tea and read books, write things and ride horses, I can still bask in the sun if I have nothing to do. Although such a life is pleasant, it is a kind of depression in the heart for a person who loves traveling. But now I'm used to such a life. I'm very quiet. But as Christmas is coming, I haven't made any travel plans yet. When I can't read a book for one day, I opened the LP travel guide in Northern Europe. Finland really doesn't have much attraction for me. I can't think of any more reasons to stay in this cold country for two weeks except Helsinki and Santa Claus Village. So I began to think about the surrounding countries. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are the countries that I have been thinking about for a long time. However, due to the persistent high air ticket prices, every time I wanted to check the air tickets, I was disappointed



Black Death

Hof Church

Classification: Roaming Farihobi
The winter of this year seems to come earlier, colder and, of course, more difficult than usual. I haven't updated my blog for a long time, and my travel has to stop for a while due to various things. However, the yearning and impulse to travel can only be pinned on turning over some old photos. I said to my friends that this winter is very difficult. Although it is cold and quiet, I seem to have seen the warm spring.
Thinking back to the winter of 2009, the ticket I bought the day before Christmas took me to Switzerland, a beautiful country. Without any travel plan, I stumbled along with the new friends I met in the youth hostel and took the first train from Zurich to Lucerne in the morning. Unexpectedly, this small city has become my favorite city in my life journey.
In Switzerland in winter, the sunshine is very short. At about nine o'clock in the morning, it was almost dawn. It was much colder here than Zurich.

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