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At the handover of 1314, I was in the urban and rural fringe of the capital. These four numbers may have multiple meanings for others, but they have only one meaning for me. I am one year old again.
This year, I was still wandering alone and still had no sense of belonging (a classmate's evaluation of me). This year of mine is miscellaneous and unorganized. I can't get rid of the big and small exams, and I am confused about my graduation. I listen to the island of sea egrets, travel south of the clouds, and study in the imperial capital. In the past year, I didn't have a decent answer sheet, and I did nothing, but I felt that I had a lot of aftertaste Maybe it's because I have nothing but this smelly bag. Having nothing, I cherish these only memories more and more.
For 14, there is little expectation. The people I love, the people who love me, are all safe. As for myself, I have more memories to remember in the Imperial Capital, which will become more mature.

Group rent, cramped living, capsule apartments... The reality of high housing prices and high rents makes young people lose their morale. The remaining salary after paying the rent every month is only enough to eat. It's lucky to be a member of the Yueguang ethnic group. Unfortunately, those who still need help from their parents can live on their own.

Fight for father, relationship and background... The clandestine competition of family social resources and contacts makes the struggle of some young people more difficult, and also makes other young people less laborious.

Countless young people are sighing that the world is difficult and their life is out of time. Indeed, in this era of soaring prices and resources, it is just a dream for young people to gain a foothold in this country by their own hands and efforts.

If you are poor Loser Si, as long as you work hard enough, you can really earn money to support yourself, but



Red Cross Society

Raise money



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: War of words


08 In the Wenchuan earthquake in, the Red Cross Society of China (hereinafter referred to as the Red Cross Society) raised funds in total one hundred and ninety-nine A donation of 100 million yuan; stay thirteen year four month twenty After the Ya'an earthquake on March, the Red Cross Society's online fundraising announcement received a full screen "roll" response. The on-site fundraising activities of its Shenzhen branch also ended in silence. Shenzhen citizens made a detour when they saw the Red Cross Society. According to the official microblog of the Red Cross Society, the Red Cross Society raised money this time fourteen Ten thousand yuan.

Such a sharp contrast is enough to see how the Red Cross Society's credibility has declined. Tracing back to the source, the image of the Red Cross Society after the Guo Meimei incident was seriously damaged. In the eyes of the public, the Red Cross Society has become a cheater association under the banner of public welfare to induce ordinary people to donate money for the enjoyment of its staff. However, the response of the Red Cross Society at that time was just a few perfunctory responses and ended without taking any measures to repair its damaged image in the eyes of the public.





Spring Festival

fond dream

year of the snake

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: artistic young people

The warm red color is fresh on the eve of the Spring Festival, smiling and beaming on the doors of every household. The warm color of fire dispels the chill in the cold wind, and also wakes up the memories of the warm years that people have been cold for a long time.

The Spring Festival means that people who travel all year can take a little rest for a while, that they can meet their parents and children who think day and night, that old friends who have not met for a long time can drink and reminisce about the past, that the old end and the new start, and that everyone can have a dream of planning the new year after they are refreshed.

In the new year, there are too many dreams to dream and too many beautiful dreams to wake up.


The change of the national leadership has made people more confident that this country is going to be better.

The unprecedented anti-corruption efforts, the unprecedented shantytowns and naked children in the news broadcast, are not


Group hooligan

Blind conformity

Miscellaneous talk

As the old saying goes, when a scholar meets a soldier, it is unreasonable to say clearly. If a bean sprout scholar who is powerless meets only one rogue, it is doomed to be beaten and suffer losses. But at least this young scholar can go to the Yamen to accuse the rogue after being infringed. Of course, whether the officials deal with the rogue impartially is another matter. So, what if the scholar meets a large group of hooligans?



Blind conformity

play a game

Individuals and groups

Miscellaneous talk

If a person is independent, if he goes his own way, if he doesn't get along with others, there are only three outcomes waiting for him: one is to become famous and respected; One is to be criticized by words and words, but still adhere to individuality despite being despised in isolation; The last is to be assimilated by the public and lose personality.

In real life, the third outcome is often the most frequent. There is a saying that can well explain this reality. The barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, because the wearer should care about his shoes and the barefoot does not care about anything. What most people care about, he also cares; Most people don't care, so does he.

In this game, the more you care about, the more constraints you have on yourself, the more you can only end up with a big defeat.

One side of the game is a person, and the other side is a group of people. In the game process, the loneliness of a person's fight is deep in the marrow. This sense of loneliness gnaws at his heart day and night, torturing himself day and night. Is he wrong? If he is right, why is only he right? Why do so many people choose to be wrong. These questions can not be answered by others, only their own day and night of self torture like meditation. If the hard thinking is fruitful, the soul will be like a phoenix nirvana. The sense of loneliness on the self will disappear, and the strength will multiply in the game. If you win the game, you will also win the admiration of the opponent crowd. If the hard thinking is fruitless, either self collapse, or surrender into the opponent's camp.

Either explode, or


The second generation of farmers


big city

Duck making

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: War of words

After graduation, do you want to stay in the big city?



More opportunities, better living conditions, better public resources

What are you willing to pay to stay in the big city?

My youth.


Similar dialogues often take place in a corner of the city. Hidden behind the dialogue are the young hearts with infinite longing for the future life.

So many hearts are beating stubbornly and tenaciously in suburban areas, basements in big cities, and capsule apartments. The place where they live may be dark, only a few square meters, or hot in summer and cold in winter. Their living conditions may be untidy, or they may be poor, and a box of instant noodles will last for a month. The number in their bank account may be growing, but the growth rate is not exponential, not linear, or even the root sign type, so slow that they doubt whether they can stick to the beautiful life they have always dreamed of.

The majority of the ant tribe is the second generation of farmers whose roots are just Miao red. They either drop out of school early to work in big cities to earn a living, or study all the way to universities in big cities. What they have in common is that they are imperceptibly branded by their cities. Their lifestyles and habits are all urbanized, and they gradually become unfamiliar with everything in their rural hometown and lose their sense of belonging. Occasionally back to their hometown in the countryside, they often


South University of Science and Technology


obtain employment

college student

Classification: Amazing the Table (College Chapter)

The once noisy South University of Science and Technology reappeared in front of the media after a period of inaction ——

Zhu Qingshi, member of the CPPCC National Committee and president of South University of Science and Technology three month five Japanese said that they have confidence in the employment of South University students. He also said that more than 40 students of the first class had been asked to leave by many large companies.

Zhu Qingshi also said,


State owned Assets Department

Illegal land use

real estate


Lose one's hat

official position

Miscellaneous talk

The reporter learned from the symposium on promoting the construction of a common responsibility mechanism for law enforcement and supervision of land and resources held in Guangzhou that, with regard to the rebound trend of illegal land use nationwide in 2011, Xu Deming, vice minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, stressed that to make illegal acts pay a huge price, the offenders should not "change their positions", but "lose their hats and reduce their positions". (Xinhuanet, Guangzhou, February 17, by wire (reporter Liang Zhiwei, Oudianqiu)


rip off



Benefit black box

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: War of words

There is a box. You put a dollar into it. After a certain process, it will generate ten dollars for you, or it will give you the right to enslave ten people.

Do you want this box? Do you want others to own this box?

In all walks of life, there is such a box, but it is a black box. People outside the industry have no way to know the reaction process in the black box. It is a mysterious black box for each industry to generate interests. The process of interest generation may be extremely complex and simple, but these black boxes have one thing in common without exception - many people are involved in the chain of interest generation.

In the American TV series "NIKITA", the villain PERCY has mastered the black boxes that record the scandal secrets. Once the secrets in these black boxes are exposed, they will cause social unrest, and a group of people will be buried with them.

The same is true of the secrets in the black boxes in various industries. Once the secrets in the black boxes are exposed and the industry's interest chain is exposed, the public opinion will judge the industry. Most of the industry's vested interests will be notorious because the secrets in the black boxes cannot be seen.

There is an industry that is very popular recently. It is a robber who dares to steal money in broad daylight. It is an elder brother who dares to ensure that his subordinates can work with it for several years. It is called tourism.

Recently, the tourism industry has been plagued by scandals. Lujiazui scalper tour guides run rampant, Xiamen has sky high prices for meals, Sanya has offers for butchers, and Southeast Asian fakes are sold at high prices, which are frequently reported in the press


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