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 February Girl
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Miscellaneous talk

1、 Activity time: two thousand and twelve year nine month twenty-two Day afternoon 14:00-17:00


2、 Purpose:

Led by the media, help the current non registered youth in Shanghai to choose the right concept of real estate


Miscellaneous talk

      Wang Zhenyu, a lawyer and deputy director of the Public Decision Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, once submitted a review proposal to the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council for express delivery. He believed that Beijing's regulations on house and car purchase involved discrimination against household registration. Lawyer Wang, is the purchase restriction for non Shanghai singles in Shanghai unconstitutional?

Differential treatment due to different household registration

On February 16, Beijing issued a "purchase restriction order" for real estate: non resident families who are unable to provide valid temporary residence permits in the city and have paid social insurance or personal income tax in the city for more than five consecutive years will be suspended from selling houses in the city.

Non Shanghai


buy a house

house property

Classification: Essays on People's Livelihood


If I don't get married, I will not go away!

—— For the room! Resist the absurd "purchase restriction for non Shanghai singles" to the end!



Miscellaneous talk

      Sorrow is still firmly rooted in the heart. Every day when I go to feed the wandering children in and out of the community, I will pass by the grave of Baobao. Baobao died to save those poor children. May the baby rest in peace, and the spirit in heaven can bless more poor children. It's very painful


      Thank you for your concern, and I'm sorry to find my friends these days! There have been too many things recently, and the pain inside cannot be described in words!


      Fortunately, I went there early in the morning. Maybe the rain stopped and everyone came out; As soon as I went out, I saw Bai Xiaobai waiting; When you see me coming, run to me; Feed Bai Xiaobai and hurry to the park outside the community; I was also surprised to see that Qiu Zai and rhubarb had already eaten the cat food I put down last night. It rained heavily last night, so I still went to release them with an umbrella, because I knew that coffee would always wait for me even if it rained again. This silly girl would always squat under the car next to me, waiting for coffee to wait for me until more than one o'clock when it rained last time. So, even if it rained again, I would still go to feed them


      Fortunately, that girl and another new stray cat were really waiting for me under the car last night. When they saw me, the girl, Coffee, was rolling on the ground full of water and cried happily; Feed her well, put other cat food in place, and put your umbrella on it, thinking that this should make these cat food last all night



leisure time

Classification: Funny kitten

Miscellaneous talk

February Girl

Tianmu Lake


Classification: Essays on People's Livelihood

  After two years of separation, I came back several times in spring.
        Think back to those days, be less frivolous,
Holding the pen on the left and taking photos on the right, singing and singing, laughing and cursing are all written.

  A daughter's body is a man of spirit. still If you are not good at your own body, you should always try to help the world.

  When talking and laughing, there were many heroic words in the Jianghu. The Internet is wanton, and in a moment, it is beautiful

  never I know that the world is full of suffering, full of pride and empty, but I can't afford to throw all my money away.
        The so-called empty name and false reputation are like floating clouds, with two arms clear, leaving endless regret.            




Classification: Wench anthology
In Dashan Village, I feel good with a group of simple and lovely people. I like this simple life. Everyone is equal. Every family stays open at night and helps each other.
I haven't updated my blog for a long time.


Classification: Wench anthology
The lead is washed out. The truest me - plain face (almost) is shown to my friends who love me
In March last year, I was suddenly very angry. Hehe, followed by a number of friends who had lost (or deliberately) contact with me, came out one after another, and they were very happy to show their concern for me
However, a few days ago, I had dinner with a female "friend" whom I met after I became famous. When the other party saw my plain face and clear soup noodles, I was no longer as exquisite as before, nor did I have the ambition to continue to become popular on the Internet, so I stopped the next day No word, I never saw her again
Hehe, it's a failure. I'm not the kind of person they want. I didn't manage the "February Girl" well according to their desire, because I have my own life plan. I didn't want to become famous online, especially after the unforgettable changes of this year

Miscellaneous talk on education

Classification: Wench anthology
        Recently, there is a popular article on the Internet, which is spreading like a raging fire. It roughly means, "February girl said that if the picture of a South China tiger in Zhenping, Shaanxi is really a real tiger, she will mate with it".
I hereby solemnly declare that this article is the work of "Li Gui", an ID named "February Girl", and has nothing to do with my February girl. Before this article, the real "girl" has not made any comments on the "South China Tiger" incident. I hope that the "masses" and media colleagues will polish their eyes and stop misinformation.
I admit that at the beginning of the highly publicized "South China Tiger" incident, I paid attention to it, but later I heard that both parties even gambled on the so-called "brain", which almost turned into a farce. He felt funny and thought that it was pointless to continue to dwell on the debate of truth and falsehood.
First, this zoological issue


Classification: Wench anthology

I seldom express my private world on my blog, and what I write is nothing more than novels, gossip or emotional essays.

Suddenly, today, I want to say something!

Four months ago, my beloved grandmother went to heaven, and I could not return to normal life order for several months. Once, I thought that I was rational enough to control my emotions, but this time, I was completely defeated.

Originally, I didn't want to say that. Maybe some experiences have made me a loner, who likes to be alone and is afraid of staying with others for a long time. So, all the time, I never said anything about the pain in my life. Maybe, I think it's a very personal thing

Just, she loves me so much, unconditionally and unreservedly... I can't repay her forever... I love her... I really love her

Three days and nights, seventy-two hours, four thousand three hundred and twenty hours


Just like the lines of the play I shot today - time can't heal our wounds, if those wounds are worth remembering.


Good thing. Life hurts me


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