




                          "High enthusiasm for life can sometimes promote our success.

                                  This is it. Keep life interesting all the time The ultimate meaning of.

Sometimes life is so boring that everything is gray~~~

Sometimes life is full of


South Korea Tour




delicious food

I want to go to South Korea with my friends temporarily... Anyway, the plane is fast, so I immediately took action!

I chose a hotel that is more friendly to the people. The main reason is that the location is relatively convenient and the internal facilities are average. The card with four flowers is economical..






white shirt

On the second and third days of the lunar calendar, the spring day has come.

At this time of the weather, 'temper' is confusing! "What to wear??" is something that many people struggle with

Let's take a look and see how fashion people match~~

At least six to ten degrees, and at most ten to twenty degrees, cold and hot weather alternates, and moisture is heavy... The moisture absorption and permeability of clothing fabrics will directly affect the comfort and warmth of wearing!

Silk cotton shirt is suitable for skin affinity at this time Priming be dressed in. Moisture wicking, easy to wear and take off~

With the trend of spring and summer this year, in terms of details, large silhouette&perspective is also a detail design that will appear on many white shirts.

(2015-03-26 17:13)



Equestrian style


: "Fashion" is a kind of spirit

In fact, there are many things that we can't understand now, which are more focused on a "spirit"~an "attitude"! For example, punk style, Harajuku style, rock spirit... and even the "secondary space" after 90 and 00..

There are always people with such spirit around us. They don't necessarily have to wear different clothes and talk hippies every day. It's just that in their spirit, there will be attitudes of one kind or another... A recognition and perception will be integrated into their subconscious in all aspects of clothing, taste, dressing and modeling.


Make up


Natural eye makeup


After more than a month of vacations, all the good sisters went to the "door" to meet their parents... relatives and friends came to meet... vacations with boyfriends to meet friends

A series of occasions that are not suitable for beautiful pupil+false eyelash makeup, natural and energetic eye makeup is particularly important!

It is impolite and lack of spirit not to make up. But only lipstick, the eyes are not enough to 'talk'~~I can't dazzle my boyfriend and hold my future mother-in-law. Therefore, an appropriate amount of eye makeup can not only improve the aura. At the same time, I'm not afraid of being robbed! Hee hee


Skin care



Skin fire extinguishing

Sensitive muscle

At the end of each year, the beginning of each year is always the time of most festivals and gatherings.

One meal after another, we played until we were tired and got up at noon. In addition, lack of exercise... With the increase of age, the metabolism of the body begins to slow down. Maybe last year, you only need one week to recover~ This year you may need two weeks! This is actually a very unhealthy holiday "rhythm"~~

Therefore, after so many years of experience, we should pay attention to diet, sports and entertainment from the beginning of the festival. In this way, with the external conditioning of the post festival period. No matter the body, mental state or skin condition, you can recover to the rhythm of normal work and life more quickly!

The New Year holiday is actually the time of annual leave


Miscellaneous talk

"Advertising" seems to be getting closer and closer to our life It is also because of the improvement of consumption ability that the brands that can be contacted are more and more extensive. Choosing a product no longer only focuses on 'cost performance'~'beauty' and 'style', but also becomes one of the factors we value when paying for it.

The most typical one is the OL people who are new to the workplace... The first brand bag is because of the publicity and logo of "advertising" and "brand"!

When people no longer only pursue food and clothing, the quality of personal life will become increasingly prominent~~We need to get more recognition, seek higher value status, and hope that their lives are full of more exciting and dynamic... Therefore, brand publicity begins to show effectiveness! Practical fast consumables, such as firewood, rice, oil and salt, are often poorly publicized or simply


Beauty and skin care

Eye care


Many people choose eye care products because of the dark circles or fine lines around the eyes. Some people just love beauty, and think that useful can always look more beautiful and younger~~ Brands are also keen to constantly introduce their updated eye essence, eye cream, etc. to meet everyone's needs!

So, is it true that the more frequently you use it, the better your periocular state will be?






Bright color

Image & Text All by: @elizab_Y  

Although the winter of this year has been cold and warm~

Less pure colors are more "worn"——

However, it does not affect us to seek the collocation of "warm heart"!

In fact, just a touch of bright color~~   Can warm the whole "shape"..


Skin care


Recently, the most popular topic in the JMS group discussion was the "facial cleanser". Han Dai, recommended by a friend, finally arrived... By the way, he also brought some other skin beauty products, which were discussed more frequently.
And the empty bottles used up in the whole summer, let's write together!

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