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Miscellaneous talk

What I say most to my friends around me is: Read more! There are generally three kinds of responses: First, "Yes, I have to review myself. It's too shameful that I haven't finished reading a book in recent months"; The second kind is to nod and echo: reading is good, you should read more; The third is to ask me: Why should I read more? What are the benefits of reading? In a word, no matter what kind of response, it is actually saying that I did not read.

That is, because there is no reading, there will be such a reaction. If you meet a person who reads books every day, his feedback to you will be completely different. For example, my good friend Kochi and I often talked about:

Me: Read more!

Kochi: What books are you reading recently?

Me: Innocent Anthropologist, have you read this book? I'm watching. It's funny~

Kochi: I have read this book. Speaking of anthropologists, I think you can refer to the recommendation of the introductory books in various fields of douban (scientific squirrels will work together to create it).

Me: OK, OK.

Kochi: For example, I have seen Survival of the Sick, Confession of an Advertiser, and Black Comedy of Neurosurgery.

Me: Well, well, I haven't seen it.

Kochi: All of them are very shallow, but they can be regarded as the basis of some disciplines or the stories of some industries.

Me: I went to search just now and found that Confessions of an Advertiser was published by China Price Publishing House!

Kochi: I also searched. I


Miscellaneous talk

When we reviewed her relationship after our friend was lovelorn, we said the same thing: we were still too worried. After knowing each other for more than a month and the boy confessed, the two began to communicate. I remember the night after the boy confessed, she invited our girlfriends to dinner, drank a lot of wine during the dinner, danced and shouted: "My mother is no longer single, and will never be looked upon differently.". It is said that our people are also excited, and frequently raise their glasses and cheer. At the end of the party, it seems that it is not only saying goodbye to "single", but also saying goodbye to "abnormal" life.

"Normal" life is standard For example, after finishing the high school entrance examination and going to a fairly good university, after graduating from college, you can enter a public institution or enter a company and enterprise smoothly. After working for two or three years, you can fall in love and get married, and then you can get married and have children. With stable work and peaceful life, you can stumble through a quiet life. Many people will tell us that the choices we make when we are young will influence the direction of our life. There is a certain truth in this. You see, for ordinary people, many turns and changes in life occur in the first half of life. But in this passage, I forgot one premise: The choice in the first half of life is basically not made by our own free will. To a large extent, we are "forced", and we are "dominated" by the so-called life stages.

One is called "public opinion eye"


Miscellaneous talk

  http://ww1/large/5232f019gw1ermq600u53j20 b406e3yx.jpg     Article: Suo Yi

Xiao Nuan is confused recently, because she wants to change jobs, but facing the high rent every month and the accumulated customer resources, she has no courage to resign. When I saw that she attributed all this to her lack of courage, I knew that she was not a person who was mature enough to understand herself, because she was not without courage, but unable to let go. The reason why she is obsessed with whether to change jobs is that she is not qualified to make a choice now. Everyone has the right to make a choice, but in the face of reality, as an adult, we must recognize one thing: whether you are qualified or not.

She asked me sadly, "What should I do now? I work overtime every day


Miscellaneous talk

Article: Suo Yi

A girl who was just a sophomore told me that she wanted to give up her studies. She told me many examples, for example, three people in the dormitory took the computer level two exam. Two people passed, but she didn't; She failed the CET-4 exam with her deskmate. So she asked, "I am very smart and hardworking. Why can't I surpass others far and be left behind by people who are not smart and hardworking?"? This gap makes her physically and mentally exhausted and overwhelmed.

  I tried to guide her to say, "Don't just focus on those who have better grades than you, maybe your achievements in the whole class


artistic talent




Classification: Private thoughts

                                                                                                          Confusion means talent is not worthy of dreams




Classification: Private thoughts

                                              Except you, everyone else worked hard

                                                                                              Wen/Suo Yi

Now we open the circle of friends. Every day, people say regretfully, "I slept until ten o'clock again today, and the plan of getting up early and running failed.". I believe that everyone has a beautiful and exciting long cherished wish when making plans, but no matter how realistic and effective this long cherished wish is, for example, running can reduce the weight on the body, but it cannot change their lazy and procrastinating state. After a long observation, I found that such a person must have such "regret" at least four or five times a month

Classification: Test Ox Blade



Let everyone wait for a long time. Today, "The Beauty of the World, Only You" is finally on sale



Classification: Life perception

                                              "Long distance love" is the normal state of life

                                                                                                          Text: @ Suoyi( http://weibo.com/suoyi8888 )

To put it bluntly, the state of long-distance love is the daily state of two people after long-term relationship


If you do a survey of the reasons for the breakup of the couple, it is sure that different places are among the best. Some of them started out in different places, and slowly, they could not support them; Some people suddenly want to leave their hometown when they are in love. Their psychological gap is big. They always feel that they are not as loved as before, so they end up breaking up with each other.




female sex

Girls, they need to live alone for several years

                                                                                    Article: @ Coir coir( http://weibo.com/suoyi8888 )


Just as you can take care of others only after taking care of yourself, you can take care of two people only when you live one person's life.


Duo Duo is a native of Shanghai. Even if she went to college, she also went to school locally. Although the school has arranged dormitories, she never lived for a day. She would rather take the subway for two hours every day than go home. After graduating from college, she found a secretarial job in Shanghai. The salary was not high, but because it was close to home, she readily accepted it. After two years of dating, her boyfriend begged her to move out of the house and live a small life for two people



Classification: Private thoughts

                                                  Even if love is full of holes, it is worth going

                                                                                                        Wen/Suo Yi

Love is fragile, anyone can abandon it and damage it; Love is also powerful. It is firm but not hurried. Even if the whole body is a single hole like stars, it can still provide a shelter for everyone.


There are so many men and women in Mexico, but I only know one person named "Frieda". Not to mention her gender, it is better to say she is a man. When she was 18 years old, she was in a car accident. An iron bar pierced her vagina from her abdomen, leading to her lifelong infertility; In the following 29 years, she accepted 30


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