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Blog 10th Anniversary

Miscellaneous talk

Brighten the blog's 10th anniversary badge GO>

Ten years, I will never forget that I am at Sina Blog!

  • On December 28, 2006, I registered Sina Blog, officially
(2015-04-13 22:06)

Miscellaneous talk

When to Return

Ci/Song: Marshal



Please dry your eyes,

Do you know your crying,

It's my darkness.



One can hardly fall asleep,

In the days without you,

Everything has gone wrong.



Pat the ash on your shoulder,

Ask your wandering heart,

When will you return?


Sunrise, sunset,

The four seasons come back again,

The picturesque scenery makes people drunk.


Absurd time,

Slowly withered your beauty,

Who will remember who many years later.


The wind blows gently,

The flowers you love are floating all over the sky,

I look for your fragrance in the wind,

People waiting,

I've been chasing you,

It began to rain, and I shed tears.


It's so dark,

Where does your shadow wander,

Have you already tasted all the hardships,

Dear baby.

Please forgive me for my mistake,

Don't let my life be filled with shame.


The hands of the clock date at midnight,

Today's ending is still not perfect,

I forgot my tiredness,

But learned not to sleep at night,

Dear, when will you return?

Monologue: Dear


Miscellaneous talk

http://ww4/large/4bca666ejw1eqykaaknuaj20 hs0ddjsg.jpg

Give it to the cabinet

Song: Star Clear

Words: Marshal

At half past eight, I have to appear on time. I will hold the morning meeting. If I am late, I will be charged. I will clean the table and plug in the electricity. After receiving the heavy empty money, I will be the teller ready to start work.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the customer came to the front and reported the loss. There were three copies in green. The password was forgotten for a few days. Please try again several times. It was useless to make up a random number. The section chief authorized it!

Call the number again. It's an elder sister. There are a hundred folds in the RMB bag. Please show me your ID card. Please wait here for a moment. I'll use the big machine at the back.

Aunt, the interest rate has been declining all the time. The three-year interest rate is only a little. I advise you to buy some insurance, but I never cheat you. It's sweet to make another order! yeah!

Try to steal some time at noon. After dinner, smoke a cigarette quickly. Hurry up. There are still people behind to take money!

Call the number, a1、a2、a3、v4001, Get a card, change a card, make up a card, or lose the card again and again. The service is tireless. Ask the customer if he can see it.

Counting the money, ten cents, two cents, three cents, four cents, five cents. It's not easy to see the customers, one, two, three, four are eliminated. Finally, it's five o'clock, and I found that there is an old man, whose annual fee has not been exempted~Oh~I will solve it!

(2013-08-17 22:06)

Miscellaneous talk

Recently, when dealing with business at the counter, I often met a child who had just entered college with a bank card issued by the school to activate and change his password, usually accompanied by a father or mother. Today, I met a little girl with her father nearby. I told his father how old the children are. It's time for her to exercise herself for such small things.
In 2005, when I was 19 years old, I was admitted to college. When I checked in, my parents sent me to Tianjin to help me with my work; In 2009, at the age of 23, I walked a graduate student. When I checked in, my parents still sent me to Tianjin, still helping me run before and after; In 2012, I graduated and was ready to work. My parents sent me to Shenyang Airport and waited for my flight to Xiamen to take off.
I still remember one time when the plane just landed on the land of Xiamen, I called my father to report safety, and then my father sent a message: the plane took off and my heart landed; The plane landed, but the heart flew away.
In fact, sometimes, we should all understand that parents' love is unreadable in any case. As the old saying goes, parents should not travel far away. When we resolutely turn the scales to our own feelings and embark on the journey of leaving home, in fact, our parents will bless us, although there will be tears in our eyes.
When you are tired, just think about home. If you can't hold on, just go home. No matter when, no matter how well you develop, no matter what setbacks and hardships you encounter, my room, my bed, and my bed are always warm. The refrigerator is always full of my favorite ice-cream, but maybe one time you go home
(2012-09-28 12:03)

Miscellaneous talk

White hair



        Since I came to work in Xiamen in June, I have said goodbye to my school days and said goodbye to all kinds of fashionable hairstyles that I once wore. In fact, my requirements for hairstyle can be said to be quite harsh. Every time I cut my hair, I would talk about my requirements to the hairdresser. I didn't like others to touch my hair when I was young. If someone did this, I would turn my back on myself, even my favorite mother.

      When I came to a new city, it was very difficult to find a favorite barber shop and a hairdresser, which I had expected before I came. After three months of painstaking searching, I went to four barber shops, changed several hairdressers, and finally found one that I was satisfied with. This is also an important harvest when I first arrived in Xiamen! At least I can afford the RMB I paid for frequent haircuts in recent months.

      I went to the barber shop again after work yesterday, and I still named No. 5 hairdresser Xiao Lin. After simply expressing his own requirements, Xiao Lin started to work. It's true that there is a difference between the carefully sought hairdresser and the randomly selected hairdresser. There is a natural tacit understanding between him and the customer, which is called "tacit understanding"


Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today five year two hundred and sixty God, I got my badge    

  • 2006.12.28 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2006.12.30 , I wrote my first blog post: Beauty in Winter.
  • 2008.07.10 , I uploaded the first picture to the photo

New Concubine Drunken

Liu Yunshuai

Cover singing

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Leave footprints in the moment of life




feel as if a knife were piercing one 's heart

Liu Yunshuai


Classification: Leave footprints in the moment of life
(2011-01-22 10:05)


take a shower



old person

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Leave footprints in the moment of life



      Yesterday, I went to the bath with my father, which has not been used for many years. I said that the "bath" was not suitable, but it was upgraded. To be exact, the "bath center".

      The conditions for taking a bath at home are good, but I just don't like taking a bath at home. First, because I have a habit of cleanliness, I feel uncomfortable not to polish the bathroom every time I take a bath. It's just that I'm too lazy to kill myself, plus a bit of dignified filial piety - I don't want my parents to clean up; Second, because of taking a bath at home, my father always wants to give me a bath. Since I was a child, he has always liked to give me a bath. Every time, he is very tired and always enjoys it. When I grew up, I was less at home, and the old man was more active in fighting for every chance to give me a bath. I also grow taller than him. The young and strong young man always asks the old man to take a bath. Even if I feel comfortable, it is not so important for outsiders to hear about it.

      The bath was upgraded, but the basic structure is unchangeable, so everything is still the same as it was six or seven years ago. I remember that when I was near the college entrance examination, my father took me here to take a bath whenever I was free, which always had a refreshing and inspiring effect. I went to take a bath with my father and my son. The water in the pool looked very clean, but after a lot of effort, I couldn't resist the water temperature. I smoked a cigarette, but I didn't get half down. In order to prevent the New Year's Eve from being caught



Enterprise spirit

Sina Blog

Market economy system

Customer base


Classification: I am a grass-roots, original



        Tencent, as a well-known portal website in China, does not follow the principle of being highly responsible to customers and the spirit of enterprise. Knowing that a large number of users are using 360 series software such as 360 Antivirus, Tencent orders users to uninstall 360 related software, and threatens not to log in to QQ without uninstalling. Tencent has completely lost the "user centric" attitude to customers The most basic enterprise spirit and professional ethics of Tencent do not reflect the demeanor of a large company that is well-known in the country and has a wide customer base. In my own name, I express strong dissatisfaction and serious protest against this kind of petty behavior. This irrational behavior will greatly reduce the loyalty of the enterprise and reduce the customer base, and Tencent will bear all the adverse consequences arising therefrom.

      Tencent improperly takes advantage of its QQ customer base, bullies the weak, uses customers as a shield, and at the expense of users' interests, openly avenges and vent private anger. Tencent, you let me down.

      Under the socialist market economy system, we call again: fairness, justice and openness. We advocate reasonable and legitimate competition. We are users, and all user centered enterprises are really good enterprises.


This article is original, the first Sina blog, all rights reserved, thank you for reading.


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