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(2011-03-28 09:15)




Fleeting years


Miscellaneous talk



                   When I can't comfort you, or you no longer care about me, please remember that  

In this meager time, twelve egrets flew by.



                                              -----This blog is officially closed


(2010-12-17 11:42)

Mixed grief and joy

Can't do it yourself

black humour


A dream

Miscellaneous talk



God's trick has been immune for a long time.

It is the kind of ending in a desolate position after fireworks. Arrived, they scattered in a crowd.


Affectionate departure has been born since ancient times. The departure before us is full of black humor, which can not help but make people smile. In the end is the day of separation, without normal melancholy, I wonder if I will regret it. The whole family is worried about the visa. I really don't want my parents to send me, but it would be selfish. How wonderful it would be if prosperity were really like a dream. In this way, people will not feel frustrated. I will easily compromise with the reality. This is something that has been fixed for a long time. I can't help but say it. It's useless to struggle. If you want to count the disappointments in life, it is like a broken glass. If you touch it carelessly, it will hurt and bleed. I know that too many people can't let go of such emotions. Can you just be drunk and still live a dull life after waking up.

I cherish every new start, sad and cautious. However, at the end, there will be many obscene reasons to make excuses for their failure. It is full of disappointments. Your parents are not asking you anything, but you are eager to prove that you can't get out of your own bad habits. Do you hate yourself for not being able to be yourself.


In my heart is a floating corpse, which has already died. Now it has gradually begun to reveal the necrotic spots - revealing the truth of death.



(2010-12-13 09:36)

Life Week

China National Geography



Old Chinese parasol tree



Carina Lau said that Tony Leung Chiu wai was a stranger. He was very lucky to find someone who understood him.


Like every drop of wine can not return to the original grape, I can not return to my youth. At that time, I never rebelled, repressed myself viciously and submerged my passion. I always peel off the cocoon alone in the current situation of safety, but I cannot spin out happiness. I don't believe I can be happy, she always unknowingly left me on the lonely shore. I don't mean visible loneliness. I like being alone. It is the loneliness of world outlook. It's hard to have a person who understands himself and is willing to accept him. I hate myself.


Recently, I have been packing and buying things I may need at any time. be thrown into a panic. The cold current is coming, which is the strongest cold air since the beginning of winter this year. The atmosphere of Christmas is beginning to appear around us, and people are busy with expectations. I don't like that they are colorful in my winter and don't calm down and think in the quiet cold air. I want to tell them that they were cheated. At the end of the year, I felt a difficult ending for the first time. Standing at the crossroads, the traffic is heavy. Dizziness, trance, constantly enlarging pupils, red light and green light are a bit ironic. It works normally, but I have no direction.

I think I was faint, forgive me, thought this winter only belongs to myself.



The night market bookstore is a place that has been visited since high school. Not far from home, it is located behind the old plane tree at the corner of the viaduct. I used to go shopping almost every week. All new books are discounted at 8.5%, and old books are discounted from 5% to 7.5% according to the publishing time and popularity. Distributed in different price regions. The reason why it is called the night market bookstore is similar to the night market snacks. It has a wide range of varieties, appropriate prices, and is open all night. Of course, it is not only open at night.


Shanghai Translation Publishing House is mostly a translation of foreign literature. In addition to the novel itself, the layout and cover design of the book are very simple. The classical tone or simple pattern of the whole body is that first of all, you will not dislike its appearance, which will bring about some flaws in the book. L'amant, It is conspicuously printed on the cover, which should mean "lover" in French. I used to read, but I didn't understand it. Because of limited experience and knowledge, the bright and straightforward words have to be understood with the help of footnotes. However, there is still a feeling that one has more than one's ability. Read again later, the classic things need to be repeated. Her definition of lover is humble and unspeakable love. Among her many lovers, Yang Andrea is always special. Shunji Iwai also wrote a love letter, and Japanese novels are nothing more than suspense. I have been paying attention to the new version of "Su Nian Jin Shi" for a long time. The new version is simple, but it is easy to carry on the plane. The old version has the curiosity and excitement of the first time, and the yellow pages of the scroll also leave their own delicate fingerprints and familiar flavor. To tell the truth, I really don't want to go far.


I had an appointment with my friends to buy books together, but I decided to go alone. Books will make people have shallow joy. I bought English learning materials and "Muslim Funeral", an old book that I always wanted to read but had no chance to read. Go home satisfied.


If you want to travel far or stay far away for a long time, it's like taking your favorite books with you, your favorite friends, and your spiritual comfort. I hope to bring with me love stories and prose collections that I have read many times. Review again, warmth and security, so as not to make everything so strange.







(2010-12-02 19:42)


Midnight Barcelona




Miscellaneous talk




When it is dark and white, we will not forgive the hasty destruction of fingerprints because we forget to refrigerate them.

Every second is so cruel, especially for the weak.  

If youth is a defect, it is also a defect that we will lose too soon. All my life, I haven't found my place and learned how to be grateful, but the night comes again and again. As the song says: suddenly found that youth has white hair.


God seems to be crazy Yes, hysterical wind is artificial. A spontaneous carnival.

I have never been to Europe, and I really yearn for it. Prague is approachable. I don't know whether she created such writers as Milan Kundera and Kafka. Harmony that complements each other. I remember when I was young, it was the age when I dared to dream, and the place I wanted to go most was France. Now when I think about it, I blush like I did something ridiculous. When did I become so realistic and hypocritical. Barcelona, a place full of temptations, the movie "Midnight Barcelona" has a good name. The relationship between the four people is ambiguous, and the funny script conflicts with the realistic outlook on life. I'm afraid that is the charm of such a city. Greece's Aegean Sea, Milan, Berlin, fairy tale Stockholm, Monaco's white beach.. It's a bit of a teach. True envy is a kind of yearning for the state of mind. I like clean and quiet places. If one day I can put it down, I will go to those places involuntarily. Walk, walk for a long time. If one day I can stop, I want to stop there and listen to lazy street artists playing guitar and singing folk songs all my life. But don't be greedy. Once hiding in a confused dark place, I wanted to think that too strong sunlight would burn me. You can make plans for your departure only after you are well prepared for the transition. Only when I find that I still have such a dream, I will smile.


Said that youth should not be the age of dreams. I know this well. Find a new starting point and start again. I don't even want to believe it anymore. That's why I don't want to believe in any commitment. I know myself because I often think about myself and persuade myself. I am always humble in front of my ideals, and I am not qualified to talk about them. Subconsciously, the ideal always contradicts the reality, and the wanton ups and downs of youth may never return. Ride on the wind, with me can never be stable, no compass track. Where did you go?


My youth, dull pain. Worry no longer continues, tears no longer can not help. It is a dream that cannot wake up.








(2010-11-19 14:08)




Haruki Murakami


Miscellaneous talk

In recent days, the sun is very good.

Lazy nest in the balcony, sweater loose evaporation of the flavor of softener, touch, is thick. Soft, really cute. I can't close my eyes or open them. I really feel the swing of my heart, which transcends all loneliness, insecurity and uncertainty. Don't think too much at this time. I only know it's warm. Greedy sucking temperature, want to have been like this for a long time. The hair looks like a goldfish in the shallow water under the sun. With a touch, it swishes and slides away. Breathe carefully, the blood vessels on the neck are clear and bright, gently agitated, and overjoyed.


Fresh hawthorn gives this season a lot of beauty. Slice hawthorn, add boiling water and honey. Sour, sweet and slightly fragrant. The honey melts into the water and dances like a thousand threads. The hawthorn turns irregularly. Or light green, or bright red. But it is also light.


Such abundant sunshine only exists between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. It is satisfying. This kind of profound experience is not equal to the facts that are talked about with relish. It can be unreal heat or the temperature of skin relatives. Writing such a text is a habitual pessimism and timidity when everything is almost beautiful. Suddenly, I thought of Haruki Murakami's words: I always thought that people grow old slowly, but in fact, people grow old instantly. It's really sad.

If you can't refute the essential truth, you should be convinced and make some necessary choices on the way of gradual change. When we are tired, we look back at the footprints in the distance, which is nothing more than disorder, composing countless indistinct deep and shallow past.

What we can clearly touch is the short and simple happiness at this moment.



It's romantic to bathe in sunshine and be surrounded by warmth in winter.







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