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Yao Ming

Houston Rockets




About an hour ago, Yaxu Sports posted a reporter Adrian Wojnarowski Yao Ming has decided to retire, the full text of the article is as follows:


According to the information disclosed to Yahoo Sports by insiders of the league, as one of the pioneering figures in the process of NBA globalization, Yao Ming has decided to retire after nine seasons of injury plagued Houston Rockets.


Yao Ming played only five games in the past season. Then he underwent surgery to repair the stress fracture of his left foot in January, but so far he has not been able to fully recover. The news said that the veteran center had informed the Houston Rockets, the league office in New York and NBA China of his decision to retire in the past 48 hours.


Once the lockout ends, Yao Ming will become a free player. He used to be the most dominant big man in the league, but his lower limb injuries made him miss a lot of his career




Chinese universities




In March and April, graduates of Chinese universities can be divided into two categories. One is the people who have found jobs. They visit the mountains and rivers every day and enjoy their last college days. The other is the people who have not found a job yet. They are afraid that they will miss the train to the future. However, this classification is not very accurate, because there is a third kind of people between these two types of people. They have already found a job, but they are still desperately trying to apply for a job. The purpose is to break the contract with the employers who have signed up now and find another job after finding a better job.

I admire the positive attitude towards life of the third kind of students, but I have to question their morality. The pursuit of a better life is not a good reason. For example, in Wang Jingwei's opinion, his betrayal of the country to the enemy is obviously to pursue a better life. It seems to be a very private move, but it involves many interests.

As far as the current employment situation of Chinese college graduates is concerned, as long as the coming employers are not particularly bad, the applicants will always queue up. So no matter whether you are really talented or not, as long as you can stand out from many interviewees and finally sign the contract successfully, it is an opportunity worth cherishing. The reason for cherishing is not only that you rely on your talents


science and technology




International consumer rights


In the past 315 International Consumer Rights Day, 50 writers, including Jia Pingwa, Liu Xinwu and Han Han, released the March 15 Chinese Writers' Debate for Baidu Books, jointly signed by Murong Xuecun. What makes people angry, and also makes people feel reasonable, is that Baidu has not made any response so far.

Baidu's silence is certainly not because they are thinking about how to compensate these writers whose legitimate rights and interests have been violated. They are just learning from the dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. Of course Baidu is not dead. They are living in the sun in a despicable way that everyone knows. However, some things are indeed dead, such as Baidu's sense of responsibility and mission that should be displayed in public. Of course, it's too much to demand Baidu with such a noble standard. After all, people are used to bandits or strongholds for bandits to hide stolen goods. Naturally, they will act according to the logic of bandits.

Baidu's current style is quite like a silent grandson. Maybe I'm cursing. If you want to understand me that way, I don't object. But it is true. I am not just cursing people, but pointing out some obvious facts. A person with life experience knows that grandsons usually hold a silent attitude when they are taught a lesson by their grandparents when they make a mistake. The grandchildren knew very well that grandpa was just upset and angry

(2011-03-16 00:28)

Fuling District

physical labor

mental labour

human beings

Zhu Zi's Family Instructions


Recently, an unusual move by a health school in Fuling District, Chongqing attracted people's attention. The school ordered 2000 students to suspend classes for a week for general cleaning, which is said to be one of the contents of moral education practice classes. This reminds me of a kind of fact that is often ignored by us. For example, if we now take the use of computers as a habit, electronic reading is eating away the traditional paper reading at an extremely fast speed, but many people have never thought that if one day we are in an environment without electricity, even if electronic books have the characteristics of convenient carrying, large storage capacity and long storage time, We must return to the track of paper reading. There is no doubt that with the development of technology and economy, our closeness to some traditional things is dying. Behind the seemingly innovative decision of this school, I saw that when the economy developed to a certain extent, the physical strength of the society was contracted to some people at the lower level to do it. Most people's instinct for physical labor was dying, and this death was particularly obvious in the group of students.

The source of student groups is nothing more than two, one is rural, the other is urban. It is reasonable to say that because of the living environment since childhood, children in rural areas should have a little more experience than those in urban areas in their cognition of physical labor. However, this is not the case. The phenomenon of only child in the generation after 1980 has led to parents' doting on children, so whether it is rural or urban children


Boating lake

Guanyin Temple

Moon Guitar

Southerly wind

Guanyin Mountain


Classification: Academic affairs

Three young people who failed in the college entrance examination, Nanfeng is a singing girl in a bar. Ding Dong earns money by driving a taxi on the street. Soap has a very fat body and is extremely delicious. As tenants, they rented the house of middle-aged woman Chang Yueqin. Chang Yueqin has no husband. His son died in a car accident. His daily spiritual sustenance is to practice his voice in the morning and write calligraphy when he is free. The story of "Guanyin Mountain" revolves around these three young people and Changyueqin.





Jiangbei International Airport


Chongqing City

Classification: City affairs

Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Government issued the Chongqing Road Transport Driver Management Measures, which stipulates that taxi drivers who do not speak Mandarin will be fined between 20 yuan and 100 yuan. After reading this news, I have to sigh that the desire for rapid development of a city is too destructive. When a batch of material memories with Chongqing characteristics, such as the Eighteenth Ladder and the Jialing River cableway, have been erased from Chongqing's urban construction territory, and when the main streets in Chongqing are decorated with thousands of uniform appearances, I can vaguely see the future of Chongqing. Chongqing's future is a modern metropolis. It is constantly mentioned in China, Asia, and anywhere in the world. It is praised and held high above the world. It is arrogant, and it has never been so brilliant. However, Chongqing is no longer Chongqing at this time. Because of the numerous buildings, the rapidly developing economy, and the stereotyped street buildings, we can find them in other cities, Chongqing can be Shanghai, Beijing, Xianghong, Manhattan, New York, a synonym for the highly developed urbanization of China and the world, and the birthplace of any dream in people's hearts. But it is no longer Chongqing, the city full of personality and passion.

There is no doubt that we can



Graduate Entrance Examination


Emotional animal



Classification: Academic affairs

Maybe I got up too early today, so I was doomed to encounter bad luck.

In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that a senior brother I usually see is not as enthusiastic as before. I met him after I went to the Agricultural Bank of China to do a password unlocking business. However, when the password of the bank card was unlocked, another lock in my heart was locked. In my wishful thinking, as a friend, we should meet again after a long absence. It is necessary to have a good talk and talk about the recent situation with each other. This is not secular human feelings, but human beings, as an emotional animal, have their own needs in their emotions. Or even if this is included in the secular human relations, it is quite different from those flattering and flattering acts. Of course, this must have a premise, that is, to get along with each other as friends, respect and love each other. Because of the existence of this premise, I feel that I am wishful thinking and self imposed.

"Eh, Elder Martial Brother, why are you here?" This is my joy after meeting again after a long separation. I know this is not very elegant, but it's true, and it really shows my stupidity.


"Oh, I remember, you live nearby." I finally got rid of my stupidity and began to think with intelligence.



a fierce dog

hydrophobia vaccine


Officialdom novel



Classification: Academic affairs

When we walk on the road, we often encounter fierce dog fights. The beginning of the fierce dog fight must be that one of the dogs moved first, and the other dog was unwilling to be lonely. It was just time to accept the move. Between coming and going, the dog barked for fear of smelling three or four miles away. There should be many reasons for the fierce dog fighting, such as one dog robbing another dog's bone, or one dog who is rich makes other dogs jealous. In short, there is no unprovoked love and hatred in the world. There must be a reason for one dog to compete with another dog. In this era when dogs all want to eat meat, the fight and pursuit of meat often become the fuse of the struggle.

However, even in the dog world, no dog can eat meat. You need to be famous. If you are a famous dog, the barking sound need not be beautiful, but you need to frighten passers-by. You need to be famous for your dog's way, so that someone will pay for it. If someone pays for your account, you can pay for meat. The way to become famous is very simple, that is dry fight. It is for this purpose that when we walk on the road, we will always see fierce dogs fighting.

In fact, it is not necessarily a vicious dog. It is not necessarily a competition. Dogs may be smart dogs, and rivalry may be joint hype. Of course, the hype may not be agreed by the two sides in black paper and white words. Naturally, one dog will not go to the corner and say to the other dog, hey, brother, I want to buy meat recently. Let's fight. If so, we may not be too low


Chinese universities



Eat, drink, laze and sleep

the milk of human kindness


Classification: Academic affairs

On the third day after writing this article, I found many notices of students searching for missing persons on the Internet. Maybe this effort will also be futile, but it is these efforts that make hope continue. In fact, this is not the first time that a student has disappeared. Maybe last year or the year before last, there were also missing students in the same college. The society is dangerous, reminding students to pay attention to their own life safety. Now we will subsidize the notice. I hope you can forward it. (Added on March 2)


I had a hard time trying to control my emotions and let myself be a good person. I didn't care about the broken things that were irrelevant to me. As the saying goes, "If you are poor, you will be alone. If you reach the goal, you will help the world". Now I am just a social vagrant who has graduated for more than half a year and lives a muddleheaded life all day long. It is not enough to be alone. If you want to take care of other things, you can really call it


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