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Miscellaneous talk

I thought I could adjust my mood and bury many things in my heart. I thought I could force a smile and be calm. But when I think of you, I can't bear it.




I was crazy all night. I didn't even bother to recharge my mobile phone, so I fell asleep. When I woke up and started charging, I found N messages about you. When I read the first two messages, I really thought who was making a fool of me. But when I found that my father and cousin both sent the same message, I was really stupid for a long time. The whole person seemed to have lost his vitality and collapsed on the sofa for a long time, Your mind is full of pictures of you.


When we recovered and gathered some clothes to rush over to see you, the family prohibited us from going there, saying that we had also added chaos in the past, and even irritated our aunt. In this way, we didn't even see you at the last sight, and then you left.




It is said that my aunt doesn't cry, she just sits at home with your photo every day.

The first thing my uncle did after you left was to buy the same car as yours and take you back, but I don't know whether you really went back.

I really wanted to call my aunt last two days, but I dialed the phone many times. Every time I thought of the first sound, I hung up again. I was afraid that she would pick me up and I could not talk to her for a long time as before, and I was afraid that I could not cry before she opened her mouth.




Anterior segment



Daily rental


      At the end of February 2009, a letter to a college student friend who opened a room with a couple and stayed in the hour room 》Once the network was exposed, the daily rental of Xianlin University Town was immediately pushed to the forefront of the storm. At the same time, the daily rental of Xianlin University Town also attracted the attention of major mainstream media. Nanjing Zero Distance and Jinling Evening News both reported on the daily rental of Xianlin. Under the strong pressure of public opinion, the Xianlin Neighborhood Management Committee and the universities in the university town have introduced various measures to reduce the number of college students, especially college students' couples, renting houses every day, An electronic gate has been set up in the residential management station to increase the patrolling and punishment of students who do not stay at night in order to deter students and reduce the number of students staying out overnight.


      Although neighborhood committees and colleges and universities have shown great sincerity to rectify the prevalence of daily rental in Xianlin, most of the daily rental tenants have legal procedures (for example, they are basically issued by Xianlin Migrant Population Service Management Station entrusted by Qixia District Real Estate Bureau



    The so-called "professional bargaining group" refers to a group composed of three or four students to help those students who are not good at bargaining on the spot, and obtain a certain amount of compensation from it. More simply, it is a group of people who accompany the students who know or do not know to buy goods and bargain on the spot on the premise of paying.


      Everyone knows that the May Day holiday contains business opportunities, but as far as I am concerned, I have never been associated with such business opportunities, nor have I ever thought that I can make a lot of money with the help of the small and long holidays. In the face of the holiday, I mostly pray silently, hoping that I will not be involved in the complicated promotional activities of businesses during the holiday


Jiangnan University

Fruit door


      Recently, an article entitled "Fruit Gate" of Jiangnan University This is the real college student. The video of "This is the real college student" was wildly reproduced on various forums and websites by netizens. Due to the goodwill and cordiality generated by having been to Jiangnan University for many times, I opened the video at the risk of computer poisoning. From the video, not only the voice of the photographer can be clearly heard, More importantly, I saw the spectacular scene of thousands of students shouting "10, 9, 8..." around two blue iron doors in the familiar campus of Jiangnan University. After a closer look, I found that the place where the students gathered was Chaojun Fruit Supermarket, which I had passed many times but had never entered.


      The video, which lasted for more than ten minutes, has told a general story about the "Fruit Gate" incident in Jiangnan University: a girl from a mechanical department of Jiangnan University went to Chaojun Fruit Shop to buy fruit at noon, accidentally knocked down the bananas in the fruit shop, and the boss asked the girl to buy the spilled bananas, but the girl was unwilling, At that time, the girl's boyfriend who went to buy fruit with the girl had a dispute with the owner of the fruit store, and then two clerks of the fruit store chased him out

(2010-04-26 07:42)

Jiangsu Province

civil servant



give up


    It is said that 185000 people participated in the civil service examination of Jiangsu Province this year, and I am one of the nearly 200000 provincial candidates.

    I took the provincial examination only to complete the task my parents gave me. As for the result of the task, I never reported any hope, nor did I want it to have any hope, because what I wanted was far from a "stable" life!

    When I returned from the provincial exam, I felt that there were too many latecomers and too many quitters. Of course, I was also included in the latecomers. I just recorded the eight o'clock exam as nine o'clock, but I almost wasted 98 dollars. Fortunately, although I was five minutes late, I still caught the last bus of the provincial exam and successfully completed the exam  

        Too many latecomers

    Different from any previous exam, this time I took the provincial exam without any tension. To be more precise, it was quite relaxing. I didn't know that the time of the exam was 8 o'clock rather than 9 o'clock until half an hour before the exam. So I took a taxi to the exam site with half an hour to go, but the driver was not familiar with the route, The examination room I was in was too far away. In short, the driver walked around the alley for more than half an hour on the way that could have been 15 minutes





refuse to confess or reveal information


April is supposed to be a sunny season with birds singing and flowers fragrant. However, this year's Nanjing is cloudy and sunny, hot and cold, which makes people feel no spring breath; April was supposed to be the day of our outing and spring outing, but this year we were overwhelmed by all kinds of trivia. Spring did not come because the flowers were brewing emotions and waiting for the arrival of spring, competing to bloom, and what we were waiting for, perhaps even we do not know.







    On the rest day, the busiest bus in Nanjing is 97.

    Bus No. 97, the initial station is Nanjing Station, and the terminal is Xianlin Lingshan Mountain. There are buses every five minutes on the rest day. However, every bus is crowded, especially when returning to Xianlin from the initial station Nanjing Station, the queue is quite spectacular. Here are some photos taken at Nanjing Station this Saturday.


  Picture 1: Busy bus drivers

  Picture 2: Busy Black Car Pickers

  Picture 3: Busy order keepers







                                                      (The picture above shows the live picture of 97 taken by myself standing at the railway station this Saturday.)


      After waiting for nearly 40 minutes, I finally got on the No. 97 bus. But soon after I got on the bus, the little sister beside me shouted, "My mobile phone is missing. I sent a text message when I was waiting for the bus. Why is it missing now?" Then two girls found their mobile phone stolen on the bus, and then another boy found his wallet missing, In this way, at the initial station of the bus, before the bus starts, when everyone on the bus just got on the bus and no one got off the bus, four people's money and things on the bus disappeared.


    In fact, for me, it's not once or twice to meet someone stolen on the bus, especially on the 97th Road. It can even be said that once I get on the bus







        Recently, Jiang Fangzhou wrote an article entitled "Uncle Saves the World"( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e89803f0100ig9k.html?tj=1 )'s blog has aroused heated discussion among friends around. Some people say that Jiang Fangzhou is too biased towards "girls", while some people think that "girls understand girls". As a girl, Jiang Fangzhou's analysis of the phenomenon of "girls love uncles" is really up to scratch. She has made her friends who have been single for four years finally find the real reason for not pursuing girls, Because I am not uncle!


      At first, like many friends, I believed what Jiang Fangzhou said, that today's college girls are very secular, and that today's college girls have become more intelligent,


Nanxin Industry




        After Southeast University, Central South University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Taizhou College of Nanjing Normal University and other universities successively broke out a sensational courtship event on the Internet, Nanjing University of Information Engineering recently re exploded the "courtship door". Unlike any previous courtship, this time the young man of Nanjing Information Engineering courtship not only won the unanimous praise of his classmates, The most important thing is to move the heroine and bring the beauty home.
      According to the description of the students witnessed by NTIT on the spot, it was about the time for class to end in the afternoon, and many students came out of the Mingde Building of the school. But unlike usual, there was an additional banner about five or six meters under the pine tree in front of the teaching building, which said, "Bunny Xin, I want you to be my girlfriend". The students after class were very surprised, So they waited at the door of the teaching building to see the heroine. However, a few minutes later, no heroine appeared, so many students scattered. When the crowd of onlookers gradually dwindled, the heroine

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