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 Doctor Garden Wang Chaogang
Doctor Garden Wang Chaogang
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Hair transplant


Doctor's Garden

Hair encryption

Hairline adjustment

  “ The blue clouds on the temples are dyed by indigo, and the crescent moon on the eyebrows looks like a knife. " A line from Journey to the West, one of the four classic Chinese classics, describes the appearance of Red Boy. The original line is "the face is as white as powder, the lips are as white as paint, the lips are as talented as paint. The sideburns are tied with blue clouds to deceive indigo dye, and the eyebrows are as white as a knife cut." What does that mean? Red Boy's appearance can be described as "exquisite". His face is pink, his hair is black, and his eyebrows are a little red, which shows his playfulness at that age. Xiao Bian asks everyone to imagine what kind of image Red Boy would be if his hair, like some modern people's, was dry and short, or even lost a lot of hair. His hair was not dark and thick, but sparse and almost bald? [Doctor Yuan Xiao, Doctor Vx: bosyelmx] Although his face is beautiful and his eyes are clear, his hair has the above situation, so it seems that his appearance and his age cannot be equated. To make a joke, there was no technology like hair transplantation in Doctor's Garden in that era, let alone virtual novels, which were even more unrealistic. It can be seen that hair plays a vital role in our health and appearance.

      Time scares most, in the blink of an eye; The skin is most afraid of the old look; Hair is most afraid of changes like green silk at dawn and snow at dusk.

Although the years are merciless, but as soon as possible "maintenance", the hair can always keep dark and healthy, white hair delayed for ten years or even decades.
It is well known that Empress Dowager Cixi has her own unique secret of hair care, which enables her to still have beautiful hair in 60 years old and never fade; Zhao Yazhi, Liu Xiaoqing and other women's hair is also very beautiful and healthy; There are also many folk hair care experts whose hair is still black and shiny at the age of 80 or 90.

It can be seen that the power of the years can not completely turn green hair into white hair. As long as effective methods are adopted, white hair can be delayed.

1. The kidney is the root of nature, the viscera that contains essence, and its flower is in the hair, which shows that the rise and fall of kidney qi in the body can be revealed through the hair. Although the nutrition of hair comes from blood, it is basically the kidney, and the vitality that maintains the power of human life also comes from the kidney, which can stimulate and promote the growth of hair. Therefore, if you want to have beautiful hair, you should first raise the kidney well to lay a solid foundation for the healthy growth of hair.
2. The role of daily shampoo and hair care products should not be underestimated, and middle-aged and elderly people can choose



health preservation

Classification: Medical beauty, health preservation

A host once interviewed Fan Bingbing in the program and asked, "What are you doing at home when you have nothing to do?" Fan Ye answered without thinking: "Apply the mask!" Sure enough, he is a mask maniac. He is applying the mask at any time, anywhere and under any circumstances. More than 700 masks a year are definitely not blown. Is the mask really so powerful that people can't put it down?

Some people are very enthusiastic about the efficacy of facial masks, while others believe that facial masks will clog pores and have no effect. In fact, the mask can be regarded as a kind of "tonic" for the skin to some extent, which can meet the needs that cannot be provided by daily cosmetics, so that the skin can absorb sufficient nutrition in a short time and quickly glow. But if you want to maximize the effect, you must master the correct skills.

First of all, before using the new brand and new efficacy mask, test whether the skin will be allergic. Take out a small amount of mask liquid and apply it on the back of the hand or wrist. After 20 minutes, clean it with water. If not


Doctor Garden Wang Bo

health preservation

1. What fish is more suitable for babies? Now, many parents want to give their babies more fish, but they think that fish like swordfish and squid contain too much cholesterol and are not suitable for babies. However, the content of cholesterol in general animal food is higher. When eating these foods, eat a variety of vegetables and fruits at the same time to avoid excessive cholesterol. In fact, as long as the baby is not allergic, any fish can be eaten. The richer the variety, the more comprehensive the child's nutrition. However, the quantity should be appropriate.

2. Can the baby eat raw fish? You can't let your baby eat fish until it is thoroughly cooked. If you often eat uncooked fish or raw fish, you may suffer from parasitic diseases, such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, yellow bile and edema, and even ascites in serious cases. Because there are often parasites in fresh fish, especially fresh water fish. Therefore, when making fish, parents must cook it thoroughly and do not let the baby eat raw fish or fish that is not thoroughly cooked.

3. Eat less fish floss for your baby! Fish floss is of high nutritional value, convenient to eat, and needn't worry about fish bones. Parents may think it is the best way for babies to eat fish. Therefore, some parents let their baby eat a lot of fish floss: mixed with porridge, noodles, and snacks for the baby. However, some studies have shown that the fluoride content in fish floss is relatively high. If parents feed their babies 10-12 grams of fish floss every day, they will absorb 8-16 mg of fluoride from the fish floss, plus the fluoride taken from water and other foods every day, then the amount of fluoride in the baby's body will easily exceed the safe value. Fluoride accumulation in the body


diet tyerapy


health preservation

Classification: Medical beauty, health preservation

There are many beautiful young women around. Once they are over 30 years old, their skin begins to become rough and dry, and fine wrinkles slowly climb onto their faces, becoming a veritable "yellow faced woman", and they have to step into the ranks of housewives who only have daily necessities. They also expect beauty to last forever, but they are afraid of consuming a lot of time, energy and money. A ruddy woman will not be swallowed up by time. She is charming at 20, charming at 30, refined at 40, and elegant at 50... Beauty does not depend only on expensive cosmetics and beauty massage. Some simple and practical beauty methods often have unexpected effects.

An important reason for female aging is iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when the iron content in the body cannot meet the needs of normal red blood cell production. There are generally three reasons for female anemia. First, monthly menstruation will cause the body to consume a lot of blood unconsciously; Second, most women pursue dieting to lose weight, which leads to malnutrition and the decline of hematopoietic function; Another is that during the pregnancy of women, mother and son will compete for blood. One person's blood can hardly meet the needs of two people. If you do not pay attention and recuperate in time, it is easy to cause dizziness, limb fatigue, nervousness, shortness of breath, sallow complexion, dry and rough skin and prone to wrinkles, dry and fragile hair and easy to split off.


health preservation

Hair nourishing

Classification: Medical beauty, health preservation

We can always hear words like "the dike of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant nest", which means that small things often have a big impact, as does our body. Some seemingly insignificant internal factors often lead to serious imbalance of the body. Today, I would like to share with you some vitamins that are very important for hair and body.

   vitamin A: Also called retinol, its metabolites participate in regulating various functions of the body and cell growth; It can effectively fight against free radicals, reduce the damage of free radicals to cells, and improve the antioxidant capacity of human body. At the same time, it has obvious effects on delaying skin aging and combating keratinization, keeping skin young, and avoiding excessive dandruff or dry hair.

Vitamin A is generally found in animal foods, such as animal liver, hairtail, mackerel, eel, squid, clam, shrimp, butter, milk, eggs, and β - carotene in vegetables such as carrots, spinach, leeks, rape, Xuelihong, cabbage, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, etc


Black hair


Hair nourishing

Classification: Medical beauty, health preservation

Black sesame, also known as flax, oilseed and Jusheng, is rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin E, lecithin, calcium, iron, chromium and other nutrients needed by the human body. It is the "product of the immortal family". All kinds of medical books and records have made many introductions to the magical effects of black sesame. The Compendium of Materia Medica says that "taking black sesame for a hundred days can eliminate all chronic diseases. One year, the body is shiny and not hungry, two years, the white hair returns to black, and three years, the teeth fall out.". Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica also records that "black sesame has the effect of tonifying the five internal organs, invigorating qi, growing muscles, filling the brain, and taking it for a long time will not make you old.".

Because black sesame is so rich in nutrition, it plays an important role in delaying aging and beauty care. Eating sesame often can cure constipation, so that friends who lose weight through diet can still keep their skin soft, tight, smooth and bright; In addition, black sesame can improve the utilization efficiency of vitamin A in the body. By fully combining with vitamin C, it can reduce skin infectious symptoms, improve the ability of collagen fibers and elastic fibers, make the skin more elastic and energetic, and delay skin aging.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the brain is the sea of marrow, the liver is the organ that stores blood, hair is more than blood, and the kidney is the place where essence is stored". Good hair means that the kidney has strong essence and good health; On the contrary, if your hair turns gray and dry and yellow, it indicates that you may be deficient in essence and blood. According to ancient medical records, most of the prescriptions for black hair and black beard are for nourishing the liver and kidney, and black sesame is one of the necessary medicinal materials. It can be seen that it plays an important role in the aspect of black hair, and it is true that it is called "natural hair dye". Black sesame can prolong life thanks to its rich

      The liver is an important organ of the human body, with bile secretion, metabolic function, coagulation function, detoxification function, phagocytosis or immune function, so liver health is very important. At present, due to the accelerating pace of life, many office workers neglect the protection of the liver. Bad diet and living habits cause many people to have bad liver. How can they recuperate if the liver is bad? This is a topic of great concern to many people.

How to recuperate if the liver is bad

First, patients with poor liver should maintain an optimistic attitude. For hepatitis patients, it is very important to maintain an optimistic attitude. Hepatitis patients should adjust their emotions and treat the disease correctly. Keep optimistic, normal and healthy
      The Dietary Guide for Chinese Residents has put forward that a moderate amount of coarse grains should be taken every day. I also like coarse grain very much; However, there is a problem that steamed buns, noodles and other foods made from coarse grains are not good in taste and difficult to digest. It comes to mind that this healthy food "wheat rice" is full of color, fragrance, delicious, nutritious and easy to make.

      Have you ever eaten the food made of coarse cereals! From the perspective of nutrition, coarse grains can not be separated from fresh green vegetables. Therefore, today's theme is green celery leaves with coarse grain corn flour; Yellow embellishment plump green monotony; Hehe, I will be intoxicated with delicious food with attractive colors; Feel the vitality of food. In addition to attractive colors, nutrition is the most important thing for us to choose delicious food; Now let's talk about the nutritional value of food materials.

      Celery leaves: Celery stems are usually eaten for celery, and leaves will be discarded. Celery

      The treatment of the three dryness of autumn people - lung dryness, intestinal dryness and skin dryness - depends on nourishing yin.

Because the deficiency of kidney yin and kidney yang in traditional Chinese medicine are all diseases, and the average person has not reached the degree of disease. The so-called nourishing yin and helping yang in traditional Chinese medicine is said from the perspective of tonifying the body rather than treating diseases.

In autumn, we nourish lung yin, stomach yin, heart yin and kidney yin.

To nourish the Yin of the five internal organs safely and peacefully, tremella is the best choice. Since ancient times, Chinese people have regarded tremella as a top tonic, and the queen of ancient times ate the most. At that time, tremella was wild and equivalent to bird's nest. Now, we can be the "queen" every day, because the price of tremella is cheaper.

Tremella is very peaceful, so it is safe. Eating every day, a long time

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