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 Only bitterness is close to Buddha
Only bitterness is close to Buddha
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It is almost certain that people in this life are connected with thousands of generations;
Who we admire in this world, what we are attracted to, and how we tend to understand the world are all connected in cause and effect.

I want to be a person like you, independent, serious and not superficial;
I want to be a person who will not be despised by you. I am proud, progressive and not easily hindered;
I think that on different tracks, we may have a moment to look at the same direction.

I want you to know me, and it doesn't matter,
Because through you, I know myself better.

I also have my enemies, my greed, anger, ignorance, slowness and suspicion,
I am anxious, confused, realistic and utilitarian.

I may not have time to find you

Miscellaneous talk

This article was first published on WeChat public platform: Dentist Han Xu (WeChat: orthodontist Han Xu)

This public platform was opened on December 19, 2016.

The original intention of the opening is to use my little hobby of writing to produce some useful and interesting popular science articles on teeth for the general public.

Why is science popularization carried out?

There is a saying in China“ very old ”Before I entered the major of stomatology, I always thought this saying was OK. As we grow old, our teeth will naturally fall off. Our grandparents may not have many teeth left in their mouths. However, in developed countries, there are many old people with well preserved teeth, and even some people in their 60s and 70s can have enough conditions for orthodontics (orthodontics). Therefore, aging is not a natural phenomenon, but an artificial result. Because there is no awareness of oral health care, the habit of brushing teeth and visiting dentists regularly is not well established, and various misconceptions about oral treatment, the incidence of periodontal disease, dental pulp disease is very high, which is the main reason for tooth loss and missing.

If the old are old, will the young do better? No.

In a WeChat group, there are alumni with medical background. However, people's cognition of oral health is almost out of the state of "wilderness". They and


Miscellaneous talk

On January 29, a man in Ningbo Yargo Zoo escaped a ticket and climbed over the wall to enter the tiger free range breeding area. Later, a tiger bit his neck and dragged him. The other three tigers watched and attacked. At last, one tiger was killed, three tigers were expelled by firecrackers, and the injured man died after being sent to the hospital for rescue.

The live video shows the whole cruel and horrible process. During this one or two hour long period, the man tried to stand three times and kicked the tiger 13 times, but he couldn't escape. Finally, the tiger bit his neck and suddenly lost his resistance.

After the tragedy happened on the second day of the lunar new year came to light, netizens immediately blew up the pot. Most netizens thought that it was ignoring the rules and taking the blame, and felt sorry for the killed tiger; There are also a small number of people who believe that ticket evasion is not a serious crime, but that people's hearts are too indifferent.

However, what we are going to discuss today is why tigers can be so deadly. Just biting their necks is enough to turn a middle-aged man into a prey without resistance?

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/dfHqxSX7g76QTh40AHoVQL2J jb4Jl5x5UGvQnk6ktF9Mu8ui a6rmLFrHXXS48qpHDz6fDojF 1b87rDezEuJ5skA/640? wx_fmt=jpeg&


Miscellaneous talk

Some people say,

Wearing braces is very fashionable

Blingbling steel tooth sleeve

Splendid and crystal clear ceramic bracket

Beautiful and comfortable invisible braces


People have a long thirst for beauty

If you don't believe me, look

Those old braces

The initial exploration carried out by our ancestors

South North America

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/dfHqxSX7g77yjlsCzxmFfb3v UDhdlkkxoqicrvqLQbjQ4OIi aksmRbQibejHnCbUlheBqoQy icXAUjibR7maLGEUN9w/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

The history of tooth inlaying gems by Native Americans can be traced back to about 500 BC. It can be said that the early inhabitants of southern North America were one of the "earliest known dentists" in the world. They embed gems in their teeth for "beauty". However, it is worth noting that this kind of beautification is not a sign of social class, but purely a decoration.

Ancient Egypt



Miscellaneous talk


Friend A asked me if you had met such a person. I was curious and asked Guan Xin: Tell me about it.

A So he talked about it.

"There are three or two outcomes for people born in poverty. One is to be content with the status quo and follow the fate of their ancestors, the other is because of their tough personality and sunny personality after the rain, and the other is the type of bitter hatred. I want to talk about the last one."

"Such people have deeply felt the cruelty of fate since childhood, and their desire to change their fate is more urgent than that of ordinary people. This is the source of motivation for struggle, but unlike the second kind of people, this source is dirty from the source. They put their desire for material first in their life goals before they realized what is the most beautiful and precious in the world Premature vicissitudes for desire. So they lost the ability to feel the truth, the good and the beautiful very early, so they also lost the ability to create the truth, the good and the beautiful. They tend to be more conceited than ordinary people, not because they are different from ordinary people in ability, but because they have been showing inferiority in their bones for a long time; They can win the sympathy of others in the short term, giving people an illusion of motivation; Because of the obvious utilitarianism in interpersonal communication







It may be inappropriate to say that he is a monk, because he returned to secular life a few years ago and got married more than a year ago.

The first time I saw him was in a temple. At that time, my alma mater cooperated with a temple to launch a Buddhist summer school. I successfully applied for it after several times. At that time, he was a knowledgeable monk of the temple. In his own words, he was "equivalent to the teaching director of the school", responsible for receiving and managing the temple guests, while maintaining the daily discipline of the temple. He has a proud personality and strict management. He will never allow anyone to be late for class or talk when eating in the canteen. Even the temple supervisor said a few words in the canteen. I didn't like him very much at that time, because his cold, harsh and inhuman style was very different from other masters in the temple. In the morning class, he would stand on the front right side, beating the instrument while singing. His voice was very loud, and he would leave after singing as if nobody were around. He would never be among those who were surrounded by students and asked various questions. Occasionally I see him driving with the people who deliver vegetables to the temple

(2014-11-06 23:56)

Miscellaneous talk

I saw the music fountain in the West Lake this evening. To be honest, the design and aesthetic feeling were very good, but I didn't feel it in my heart. Instead, I thought of the fountain in the Spring City Square. Every time I went to see it, I was filled with emotion. After I left school, I came to Jinan again because of my household registration. Then I went to Quanguang, which happened to be the fountain again. It was raining, music, dancing fountains that day, I have never been so nostalgic for Jinan, so aware of the sadness of leaving, as when I stood on the second floor of the observation gallery that day, tears poured down my eyes.

Seven years of memory, seven years of friends, I miss you, but also miss the city that is not gorgeous but warm enough.


Cover singing



Cover singing


Autumn is strong

Miscellaneous talk



Cover singing

Li Shutong

Recalling childhood

Miscellaneous talk

At first, an old friend recommended it, and then liked its words, very much, like the clean beauty and quiet sadness.

It is precisely that unique feeling about the journey of life that made Li Shutong's departure and Hongyi successful.

The reason why I haven't written for a long time recently is that I feel more and more that all changes have become commonplace, which makes me have no impulse to open my mouth.

In our life, we stop and go. Sometimes we go fast and go far, and the once confiding will be as light as a glass of water. But don't forget that the person who accompanied you through that section is still worth remembering and thanking.

Recently, I met some people who are worth cherishing and need to be grateful for this rare fate. Their arrival makes me suddenly feel guilty about this gift of fate; I gradually recognize many people, and you can never expect them to have similar feelings with you.

In general, life is colorful and we choose a lifestyle,


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