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 Red Dream Chaser
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Classification: Qingcong Campus


Classification: Obama's important speech

The WhiteHouse

Office of the Press Secretary

White House Press Secretary's Office




Classification: Qingcong Campus


For many wage earners, having a good job is the basis for a good life. Although everyone has different understandings of what a good job is, from an economic perspective, a good job is nothing more than a high income, a satisfactory working environment, and opportunities for development. Recently, the American media selected the 200 jobs with the highest income in the United States in 2010, which can be described as promising and promising. The following are the top 20 highest paid jobs, from which we can also learn about the economic benefits of American career choices and job opportunities.
1、 Anesthesiologist, the anesthesiologist ranks first in the highest paid job in the United States. The median annual income of American anesthesiologists is 290000 dollars. What is the median income? That is to say, among all anesthesiologists, half of them earn less than this amount, and half of them earn more than this amount. The annual income of high-income anesthesiologists can reach 393000 dollars. It can be seen from this statistics that half of anesthesiologists in the United States earn more than 300000 dollars annually. Of course, if you want to earn more, you have a great responsibility. The patient can't operate without an anesthetist. If he takes too many anesthetics, he can't do it. If he takes too few, he can't do it,


Valentine's Day



Your love


Be loved





Classification: Qingcong Campus

1.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

2.Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

3.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Social gossip


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Qingcong Campus

Hello, friends of Sina Blog, welcome to your home! I recently participated in the sponsorship of American Airlines HelloAmerica The American Dream Contest was held, temporarily leading. Hope



Classification: Qingcong Campus

 Dongcai Campus in Spring       Today is the last day of the military training for the freshmen of Northeast University of Finance and Economics in 2010! So this afternoon I took the camera to feel the atmosphere of the new military training again. During the conversation with the new friends, everyone generally said that it was hot! Tired! Yeah, three practices a day, hehe feel indebted as if it were received in person!

      Entering college means that they must accept military training. For those who have been living under the wing of their parents, it is undoubtedly a challenge - a self challenge. During this short period of military training, we must get to know each other with classmates we didn't know before, and we must help each other and be united For most of them, it is really a

Classification: Qingcong Campus


Today is September 10, 2010, and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics welcomes the freshmen of 2010! Wish you all a happy study in the new campus!

Welcome the freshmen of Dongcai 2010

Book from PLA Logistics Department

School bus welcomes new students

Green channel for freshmen


the United Nations

The seventh session

Youth representatives

an assembly






Classification: My Documents

[About the United Nations Youth Congress]

    Youth Assembly at the United Nations) is a world youth conference sponsored by the Friendly Ambassadors Foundation, a non-governmental organization affiliated to the United Nations, and co sponsored by the United Nations Information Agency and the Friendly Ambassadors Foundation. It is strongly supported by the World Federation of United Nations Associations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Friendly Council and other institutions. The General Assembly is held every August at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United States, attracting more than 1000 young people (aged 16 to 26) from more than 70 countries and regions around the world.



Classification: Qingcong Campus

Source; Dongcai Showtime        

          At present, with the hot economy and the impetuous society, campus students are also in a turbulent mood. The wave after wave of postgraduate entrance examination is stronger than the wave after wave, which constitutes a climax in the surge of college graduates' minds. The postgraduate entrance examination is no longer a synonym for "learning", and its social meaning is even more meaningful. The continuous warming of the postgraduate entrance examination phenomenon is not only a reflection of the mentality of undergraduates and postgraduates, but also has brought a far-reaching impact on the education of undergraduates and postgraduates with the characteristics of the times. How to face the postgraduate entrance examination is not only related to the undergraduates before the postgraduate entrance examination, but also the problem that the graduate students need to think deeply. What has the postgraduate entrance examination brought us


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