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Spring Festival

Baiyun Temple



Play the eye of money

Classification: My home is in Beijing




      In Beijing, Buddhist believers will first choose the Lama Temple as a place for pilgrimage in the Spring Festival; Where should Taoism, as a traditional Chinese religion, burn incense and pray for God?

    "Touch the monkey, touch the special happiness, and the bell rings good luck."

      This sentence refers to the activities of burning incense and praying for blessings during the Spring Festival in Beijing Baiyun Temple, which is different from other activities




Silk Trading Hall

Science and Art City

delicious food

Classification: Ramble on the westward journey



      There is a city that is classical like a graceful and calm woman, modern like a vigorous youth; The cultural infiltration left over for hundreds of years and the fresh blood of the new century are at war with each other, just as the humid sea breeze and the flaming sun shape the unique temperament of Valencia today.

      As the third largest city in Spain, it is easily forgotten by tourists. It has been under the shadow of Madrid, the political center, and Barcelona, the cultural and economic center for a long time. Even Segovia, Toledo, and Lunda, the small cities, are far more famous than this Mediterranean city, until the Science and Art City came to Valencia as an outsider, This indescribable city finally came into the sight of tourists.

      The two-day city tour started from the Municipal Plaza. The impression of it came from the lady who showed us the way, which was accompanied by a series of kisses and laudatory recommendations. The neoclassical city hall echoes the Baroque General Post Office from afar,


3d Museum



the republic of korea


Classification: East Asia Self service Tour


      When doing homework before leaving, my companions and I were deeply attracted by the Hongda 3D Museum and decided to take a half day to go around Hongda. Hongyi University is the most famous art school in South Korea. It is surrounded by many interesting creative shops, galleries, cafes, and the artistic atmosphere here has attracted many films and TV dramas. If you are a Korean drama fan, you must come to Hongyi University for a walk. Maybe idols have stopped where you passed!
      The 3D museum we often say is translated into Trick eye museum, Located in a small alley near Hongda subway station, the door is very small and easy to miss. Follow the instructions and go down the stairs. The left side is Santorini Cafe, and the right side is the ticket office of the museum Our membership card can be discounted! We stayed for more than two hours. It was very fun. We took photos of all kinds of concave shapes in it. After we went there, please don't let it go!


Bogelia market



delicious food

Classification: Ramble on the westward journey


      The Bogelia market on the Lambra Street in Barcelona is undoubtedly one of the most famous markets in the world

How can it be called having been to Barcelona? The colorful vegetables and fruits in the Bogelia market were carefully arranged and placed by the stall owners, and turned into beautiful works of art. The strong and bold color matching shocked people's eyes and murdered many tourists' films. Although it has been listed as one of the "must see attractions in Barcelona", the fresh ingredients in the market still attract a large number of surrounding residents to go shopping. If you are lucky, you can even meet the chef of Michelin Restaurant. You can see the food market from Liceu, the No. 3 subway station on the Green Line.


      The most popular among them are all kinds of fresh fruit juice, and the combination of twenty or thirty kinds of fruits is dazzling. Booth at the entrance



the republic of korea


Coffee Prince No.1 Store

Green tea coffee

Classification: East Asia Self service Tour


      Friends who have been to South Korea know that South Koreans love coffee, and there are various cafes everywhere. Spanish friends who went with us praised the coffee there, and when they left, they scraped a pile of coffee and brought it back to China. Every coffee shop in South Korea has a unique decoration style. Most of them take a warm and comfortable route. From the small details of the layout, we can see the owner's ingenuity and love for the shop.

      In the short four-day trip to South Korea, one of the places where we stayed the longest was various cafes. Drink something when you are thirsty, sit down and rest when you are tired, walk outside in the cold for a long time to warm up, chat with Korean friends who have not seen you for a long time, and use the wifi provided by the cafe to surf the Internet and microblog to keep in touch with China. Unlike China, where the price is high, coffee is the most common drink in South Korea, which can be bought from the vending machine in the convenience store, and the taste is very good. In coffee shops, a cup of coffee is usually 3000-3500 won, or 20 yuan. In popular business areas such as Mingdong, it can sometimes be as high as 6000 won. After experiencing so many cafes


Beiwuhan Village


the republic of korea

snow scene

new year

Classification: East Asia Self service Tour


      In this New Year's tour of Seoul, the most amazing scenic spot is Beiwu Hancun. The day before yesterday, we received a free postcard from the tourism bureau. One of the photos taken here deeply moved me: a girl with a bright pink parasol was walking between long ramps, with ancient Korean buildings on both sides of the road, which formed a sharp contrast with the high-rise buildings full of modernity in the distance. This village was formed in the Korean era, and many traditional tile roofed houses have been kept in this area so far. Walking through it seems to have an illusion of time reversal.

      On the first day of the 2013 New Year, we got up in the morning and opened the curtains. We found that a heavy snow was falling outside the window. On the ground and on the roof, there was a layer of white snowflakes. We can't help sighing our luck when the snow is auspicious, and the silver bound Hanwu Village must be particularly enchanting. We are afraid that the workers will sweep away the snow later, so we will directly kill Han Village in Beiwu at the first stop of the New Year.


Metropol Parasol



Contemporary Architecture

Heritage protection

Classification: Ramble on the westward journey



      When we mention Seville, we will think of a Spanish girl who is as passionate and enchanting as Carmen, wearing a big flower skirt and red flowers; Or it is reminiscent of the vigorous and heroic manner of the matador who has no fear of the bull in the blue blood and yellow sand bullring; Or the strings of sweat of flamenco dancers flying in the air with the melodious guitar and the sound of "ole" cheering. There is no doubt that this city meets all our imaginations of Spain. The distinctive symbols of the West, Flamenco, bullfighting and football are gathered here; The ancient cultural heritage, one of Spain's largest churches, Seville Cathedral and the royal palace where the king's royal family stayed are located here; The sunshine is always bright, even in winter, it is rarely lower than 10 degrees here.

      With the completion of this building that seems to come from another planet in 2011, Seville has added another landmark building, representing a new direction in the field of contemporary architecture. This building project is called "urban parasol". The large area of reticular structure made of wood is like a huge parasol to hide a large area of shade


Little Devil Running Fire Array

Meisai Festival




Classification: Ramble on the westward journey



      On the day of Messe Day, we had lunch after watching the Tower of Man. When we walked along the street, we saw the gates of hell where the devil ran in flames, a traditional activity in Catalonia, Spain. I had never participated in this activity before, so I asked the staff next to me when the activity started and what the specific route was. At first, the little devil ran from the seaside to the city center, because it was a safe activity for children to participate in; Later, the Great Devil ran from the fire array from the gate of hell, which would be more dangerous. We discussed it for a while, and thought that "it's important to protect your life" should be based on children's activities!

    The Little Devil Running Fire Array is a group of children dressed in fire-proof clothes and dressed as little devils, shaking the flame sticks that are splashed with fire and running in the street, while the audacious audience went under the umbrella formed by Mars. The Great Devil runs the fire array is also a similar activity, but the firecrackers and fireworks are bigger and denser.



Human folding tower



Meisai Festival

Classification: Ramble on the westward journey




  Originating at the end of the 18th century, the human tower is one of the most distinctive traditional activities in Catalonia, Spain. A human tower can be as small as six or seven floors, and can reach as high as ten floors. It is really a Spanish version of the human tower. "Strength, composure, courage and reason" are the four best words to describe this activity: the adult men at the lower level need to lift the weight of several people and maintain stability, and a small shake may lead to a failure; Any burst







Classification: Ramble on the westward journey

      Since it rained several times last week, Barcelona has swept away the stuffy heat, becoming sunny and warm. I went to the romantic maze park on the mountain in this beautiful weather. When we mention the parks in Barcelona, we first think of Guier Park, but in fact this classical garden is the oldest park in Barcelona. It originally belonged to the Desavalls family. In 1967, the family donated it to the Barcelona municipal government. In 1971, it was opened to the public as a park. The park consists of two parts: the neoclassical garden in the 18th century and the romantic garden in the 19th century. Labyrinth Park was built in 1791. The sixth generation marquis of Desavalls family, the owner of the manor, and the Italian designer jointly designed the neoclassical part. In the 19th century, the successor decided to expand the garden area, plant more tall trees, and build a small square and a mini waterfall.
After arriving at Desavalls Palace, you can walk a short distance to reach the famous maze. The labyrinth area is not very large, but go inside

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