(2014-12-26 08:58)

National Day

Li Na

Strawberry Music Festival

Beijing Marathon


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

A wedding, a ball game, a music festival, half a marathon, a whole blue sky.

Hr's Wedding

At four o'clock in the morning of the National Day, I stood in the waiting hall of Tanggu Railway Station, waiting for the incoming train. The railway stations on holidays are always crowded, no matter what time it is, big or small. I gained the trust of a woman with a Shandong accent and helped her carry a bag of bulky and heavy luggage onto the platform. Then, I found my own carriage seat and got on the train to Beijing.

Y The train from Ningbo to Beijing was late On a gloomy morning, I stood on the square of Beijing Railway Station and watched the passing passengers coming and going in a hurry. Some waited anxiously, frowning; Some hug each other eagerly and smile. Whether you come to Beijing or return to your hometown, it's all for reunion and reunion. WeChat gave Y my location. Half an hour later, she came to me with bright green.

The wedding ceremony of Hr was held at the Hilton Hotel near the mouth of the market. A wise man will lose something if he thinks twice. If he wants to hurry, he will lose. His focus on talking with Y will lead him to the wrong direction of Metro Line 2. Na had arrived at the hotel before me, which was very good. She didn't miss the chance to help Hr close the door.

After graduation, Hr chose to work in Beijing. He has always been strong and stubborn. It is not easy to find your own happiness in such a place that is difficult to describe. For several years after work, we have always met once or twice a year, either in Beijing or back to Heihe. In the Spring Festival next year, we will no longer meet at KFC Huafu, where the tables and chairs are mottled, to report to each other at the end of the year.

At the wedding, I sat next to the top of the flower where Hr's father took her out. It was like watching my family get married. I had mixed feelings. I think of a year when we were still ignorant teenagers, and a day when we were still aspiring students. At that time, she would cry because of ghost stories, but fight for injustice, speak English but don't love mathematics, and love sadness but don't admit defeat. Only once met, Y sincerely said that she was an excellent girl. I wish you happiness when you grow up and see you get married, I said.

China Open

The autumn rain began to fall in Beijing, where the whole country celebrated. After the wedding banquet of Hr, Y and I went to the diamond court of the National Tennis Center again. The tickets for the Lotus Stadium match were booked before, but all matches were transferred to the Diamond Stadium due to rain. I have always wanted to watch an outdoor game with bright sun.

Upgrade the ticket to the Diamond Stadium, and I happened to meet Wozniacki against Stosur in most of the matches. Watts, currently ranked seventh in the world, is Wc's favorite. Unfortunately, Stosur is in better shape. Then came the men's singles world number one, Djokovic's game. Y was also excited about this, and the result was naturally no suspense.

When De interacted with the fans on the spot after the game, I couldn't help thinking that just the day before, the same stadium, an era finally ended. On September 19, Li Na announced her retirement through microblog; On September 30, China Open held a retirement ceremony for Li Na. Since then, there has been no superstar in Chinese sports.

She won the Grand Slam and ranked second in the world. Li Na chose to retire at the best time. Although helpless, despite regret. When giving her best wishes, she couldn't help recalling that she has been promoted to the women's singles finals of the Grand Slam four times and won the cup twice. On the hard up and down tennis road, she created countless pride, emotion and aftertaste.

Do you remember that she said to the referee "Can you tell the Chinese don't teach me how to play tennis? ”; Do you remember that she was still smiling after falling twice in the Australian National Day match against Azarenka in the second Australian Open women's singles final in 2013; Do you remember that the French Open women's singles final against defending champion Schiavone, the first Grand Slam champion fell to the ground in the excitement of Roland Garros clay court; Do you remember that she finally won the Australian Open champion and the second Grand Slam champion in her third Australian Open women's singles final against Kibulkova this year. Every aftertaste, touching and pride is like the brightest star in the night sky. Guide the way forward and wait and see.

Tianjin Strawberry Music Festival

There is a saying that in life, I should have seen an incomparable concert before I was 25 years old. At this time, Y and I, who are nearly 30 years old and embarrassed, went to the Strawberry Music Festival. Is there any suspicion of pretending to be tender and shameless. Anyway, I've been there and learned a lot; Yes, I've seen the world.

At the Love Stage, I remembered a band called "Fire Bells", but I never remembered to listen to their music again. The one who "snorted and scored the lowest" could also appear on the strawberry stage, and there were really people burning incense and saying goodbye. Y said that she was not proud of Zeng before, and could start to like him after the music festival. For me, the opposite is true. Her fans waved red letters and yellow symbols, and the hands waving big yellow flags were covered with vitiligo.

Listening to Shuimu's time, I miss my youth. They are all in other countries, and they want to return to their hometown and each other. It is a pity that it is already late, and the night in the suburb of Bolong Lake is even more desolate. Without the courage to pull the calf, I hurried away.

Although Y's National Day trip was full of twists and turns, and I was cruel enough, it was also full of richness. There are some things that you should watch Erbi make a fool of others, but you can follow some people to do them. You will never be tired of doing them, and you will have endless aftertaste. Friend, you can't get rid of this poison.

The 34th Beijing Marathon.

R is a lucky dog. He can always get a piece of shit luck. He is doomed to be forced to rely on life, but he is really lucky. Some people run every day to participate in Beima, but they never thought of this magical country, even to participate in a half marathon, they have to lottery. R couldn't run down at all, but he was shaken.

The day before the Beijing Marathon, I lay in a daze on the hotel bed for the whole day. It is not to run a horse to refresh, but to make up for the sleep lost the day before. Because some things came in a hurry, all the previous plans and preparations were quietly stayed in Tianjin apartment. I wanted to give up playing R in the haze. In order to make R live more, I secretly put on all my equipment except underwear, including Lo's new hard running shoes.

After running 10 kilometers, I began to feel dejected for my secret joy. Lo's cross-country running shoes were really hard. Half marathon is not a problem for me, but this pair of shoes on my feet makes it difficult to relax. Although it was not easy, I still ran for two hours.

Lo finished the whole race. I no longer worship his transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change. He regretted that he was lazy in the middle of the journey and didn't refresh the PB. In fact, every minute of improvement requires countless sweats. It's worth the trip to get a commemorative medal. Besides, 4 hours and 18 minutes is a result worth celebrating with hot pot.

Another smoggy Beijing, another marathon. Lo and I dragged our aching bodies to have a meal of old Beijing instant boiled mutton with R. There is no agreement, but it seems to be a common practice. Harbin sees Q for hot pot, Chongqing sees P for hot pot, Shenyang sees Yo, F and G for hot pot, Tianjin sees Y for hot pot, Heihe sees Xu for hot pot, Beijing sees R and Lo for hot pot. Hot pot records too many comings and goings.

After washing the pot, R sent me away. They didn't eat the sausage I had promised.

APEC Blue Sky.

In those days, the air was particularly fresh; In those days, the sky was particularly blue. The most direct benefit from APEC is the whole blue sky. Thanks, Grandma!
(2014-12-23 08:28)




Mount Tai


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

One day, I counted the stars in the sky to the fourth night in late summer in Tianjin.

The eighth day from August to August, the month of virginity begins. I don't know when the Black Virgo thing came down from the sky. I am not a person who believes in constellations, nor do I understand them. I counted my friends' constellations and found that Virgo is the most.

The last three days of August are the nights in Beijing. I lie on the floor of K's rented house near Songjiazhuang and chat. K is an alumnus of my generation, who was familiar with him at the Harbin University Winter Games. When we went to school, we worked hard to learn the same surveying and mapping major. After work, we hated the same engineering industry. K also worked in Tianjin at first, and later went to Beijing to fight with his girlfriend. After wandering and changing careers, he labeled himself as a Beipiao and an IT man.

Today, K travels between his work unit and his home in Songjiazhuang alone. One person has enough food and the whole family is not hungry. One person does not sleep late and will not be sleepy. As for feelings, that is the reality of encountering the most bloody in the best time; As for reality, listening to K's description of what happened in this space in the past is enough to understate it. Take the past and give the future.

It rained late at night in Beijing. Although I still had to take part in a 10km running activity after dawn, my mind still beat my sleepy mood. I think of a person who has experienced something different, and I fall asleep when I think of the words of Long Yingtai. "Some things can only be done by one person; some things can only be done by one person; some roads can only be walked by one person."

The last two days of August, the night of Tai'an. There is nothing more worthy of my following one after another than friends gathering to climb the mountain. Even after just finishing the 10km run, I came here with the high speed railway smelling of sweat. C and S are Virgos who are two days apart. To celebrate their birthday, they climb Mount Tai. Later, I realized that the two Virgos are really tall. Such a birthday is high enough, cruel enough, meaningful enough, the birthday of the Five Sacred Mountains, the birthday of national peace and security.

Ordinary days seem to be careless, and we often remember special dates. Just like "mountains are not high, immortals are famous", time does not depend on the length, but it shines because we spend together.

One day in the last August, I counted Venus's book "How many hardships can I bear? How many lives can I ask God?"; One day in the last eight months, I counted Liang Hong's "The Story of Coming out of Liang Zhuang", which was "an important but ignored thing, a special but unknown life"; One day in the last August, I counted my aunt Yan Geling's book, "How can I understand a land criminal?".

Count back to eight months, when C was still in Osaka. Eight months later, before I went to Hokkaido, C was already in Shanghai.

One day, I could not count the fourth star in Tianjin, only the fourth night in late summer.
(2014-12-22 08:45)



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

I received two gifts from afar, a pair of dragon and phoenix bells, and a box of flower cakes. When the bell was sent out, An had already left for two months and two days, with the clear sound from Guiyang; When receiving the flower cake, An had left the south of the clouds, as if the fresh flowers had just come out of the oven. Ride all the way to the west.

Tibet is a pure, mysterious and lofty country. Lhasa has become increasingly vulgar due to more and more people entering her in recent years. An's decision to ride to Lhasa from Tianjin did not surprise me, nor did I feel vulgar. On the contrary, I yearn more and let me be convinced. Whether it's feelings or dreams, they all come at the right time.

At the end of the university, I heard that An said that he wanted to go to this place, maybe by train, maybe with someone else. Nowadays, riding alone is unavoidably worrying. I said that a person should be like a team, but I didn't understand its meaning. Thinking of the movie "Zhuanshan", which influenced me for a long time three years ago, I did not hesitate to release others and yearned for myself with all my strength.

I am always glad that there are always some people's dreams that will remind you to remember your dreams, and there are always some people's actions that will encourage you to stick to your actions.

When Lo was in college, he was so weak that he would occasionally faint at the entrance of the main building in Area B without breakfast. Now, he is a runner who has run thousands of miles and won several marathons. I have also been running off and on. I broke the treadmill and ran in the opposite direction along Central Avenue, Dalian East Road and Gangbin Road. Night running can kill the loneliness that comes at night, and can evaporate the inner heat in the hot summer season. For me, running is nothing more than that. I haven't been able to become like Lo. It's a bit awesome!

Back then, running was like Haruki Murakami. Thinking while running, I have some insights. I can also write a book, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. At the beginning, learning swimming was the same. While swimming, I thought about it and got some insights. I also wrote a book casually, "What do I talk about when I talk about swimming". But now, "missing the beginning" has become "taking for granted".

Running is not like Lo Niubi. Swimming is still at a low speed. Talking about everything is bragging. Although I do a lot of things intermittently, I still have my heart in the distance and never forget to pursue. So, thanks to those like An and Lo, we can see the possibility of dreams and life.

I will run all the time, off and on, all the time. I will always think, off and on, all the time.
(2014-12-19 11:19)



You at the table


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

There is a wandering heart who dreams of taking a long vacation every month to see the outside world. I also want to have a house of my own in every city I like, to meet with my relatives and friends on special days, and to invite people who share the same ideals to talk. In the dead of night, when I think about this, I often feel moved. But the sad thing is that I still get up early the next day and go to work.

For someone, a holiday is like a scab that never heals. No touch, no pain, no touch, no itch. It can be triggered at a touch, painful at a touch, affectation and irritability. This is a basic right that should be enjoyed, but it makes people become narrow-minded and indifferent on the way of fighting for rights, and can only heal themselves. After graduation, S had just received his first salary, so he invited me to visit the back garden of Shanghai. So ecstatic and flattered, there is nothing that can't be cured.

In the past, when traveling with people, they would make plans, make sufficient preparations and act as guides. S is always good at eating, drinking, playing, and stirring up the atmosphere, so this trip to Suzhou can be done without thinking.

After sleeping with the train all night, I stretched at Suzhou Station. The water of the moat, the renovated city wall, and the sun. Suzhou on May Day was full of people everywhere. The crowding and noise drove away the light sadness of white walls and black tiles. The Humble Administrator's Garden is about to be trampled down. It looks like a crazy market, like a bustling place, but there is no way to see it. In my opinion, Pingjiang Road is Suzhou's Nanluogu Lane, Ciqikou Stronghold and Tianzifang. The big pants by the Golden Rooster Lake are still under construction, and the luxury residential area customized by the private is prosperous and mysterious. The Qilishantang in the night can only pick out the beauty from the chaos. The Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, moored at night at Maple Bridge, can only be imagined. I failed to buy student tickets when I went to Tiger Hill and stayed in the park. I no longer looked like a student, which made me feel lost and aged instantly. The dreamland is no longer what it used to be.

Life lies in sports, young people have to struggle. In No Zuo No On the way back to Die, luck brought my will back to life. I had to be thankful that both trains were late and missed and returned unexpectedly.


For our generation, behind the movie "Return" is a strange history that has been passed by. What we know about the true appearance of that era is only scratch or nothing. As we know from history, it is always cosmetic. It is the unclear and vague performance of the film that makes it released. Maybe our generation prefers the movie X-Men, which Fan Bingbing doesn't even have a line, and I also like the superheroes under Marvel. But this time, How to Know Land Criminals has aroused my greater interest and curiosity. After learning more, I will talk to my grandma again.

For our generation, the movie "You at the Same Table" is a love affair we experienced personally. In this era, we are in it, we know everything. Youth, we know, is limpid and beautiful, vulnerable, impulsive and crazy, regardless of the consequences. In the dead of night, when I think of all the things I have done, I often move myself to laugh and cry. But the tragedy is that we are always small in front of reality.

However, all can be cured and will heal themselves.

(Ps: The movie "The Master of Hypnosis" is a rare and good domestic suspense film)
(2014-12-18 08:15)


Just go


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

There are many kinds of acquaintances. If it is a relatively pure cognition, I must thank our great party. When I saw the WeChat sent by L, he said that the train had slept soundly all night long, and I didn't know that both socks were showing their big toes, so I came back to Harbin. I can't help laughing. It seems that this trip of "just say yes" has carried forward our spirit of hard work and plain living and deepened our profound revolutionary friendship.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and travel is the only criterion for testing friendship. L spent four nights on the train during the three-day Tomb Sweeping Day trip. What kind of understanding and tolerance is it for my lack of holidays? What kind of support and affirmation is it for me to find out a way to seize time for a long time. A person who has broken away from low tastes and is beneficial to friends.

In the grassland of Inner Mongolia during the Qingming Festival, the spring wind is blowing away the withered glory. In the morning, we finally stopped at Hohhot East Station, which is still under construction in Qingcheng. Obviously, we didn't come to see the grassland. Departing in the hazy Hohhot station at night, the fear of violent terrorist cases in the previous railway station disappeared. A day of violence, a body of fatigue. Although time is pressing, harvest should be abundant. A person should be like a team, and a day should be like a week.

Hohhot, everything is integrated, and everything has its own characteristics. Multi ethnic integration, Mongolian, Han and Hui meet and collide, seeking common ground while reserving differences. All religions coexist, including the Great Calling, the Xilitu Calling, the Five Pagoda Temple, and the Great Mosque. Hu Fu rode and shot there, and Zhaojun went out there. There is Princess House of the Qing Dynasty, and there is Suiyuan General's Office. Drink local milk tea and buy Starbucks coffee. There are milk, meat and wine. You can eat, drink and sing.

The dinner before leaving was at the milk tea house called Ama Gezile. Ordering food is confusing and the taste is overwhelming. The unique and wild decoration saved some face. When the shouts of punching came from across the table, and when the songs were sung at the banquet, those muddleheaded and ignorant people disappeared, completely infected by the atmosphere on the spot. It is bold and unconstrained from the grassland, and it is the natural enthusiasm of the nation. There are wine, songs, and feelings.

Leave Qingcheng, transfer to Beijing and return to Jincheng. L will go to Nankai University in order to carry out the revolution to the end. This is the season of flowering crabapple. After looking for a half day old campus, I did not see the blooming flowers. I looked back at the dusk and went straight to the canteen door. In order to further deepen the revolutionary friendship and take it to a higher level, we climbed up the Tianta. Since then, the revolutionary friendship has gone up to the Heaven Tower and down to the canteen.

A journey of violence and violence, a revolution that will go to the end even if the socks are worn out. To April, Hohhot and L.
(2014-12-16 08:46)

Miscellaneous talk

That man

deja vu

feel helpless

ask people whether they feel hot

Classification: two thousand and fourteen

For the first time in my life, I put aside my reserve and let myself fantasize about you and me. I love you, and I love you in the end.

Seemingly familiar, I fell out with my family one evening last year when I was about to leave home; There was no alternative, but this year, the morning when the journey was about to return, the resentment resumed. We are always too tolerant to strangers and too harsh to relatives. I still stubbornly criticize my loved ones and stubbornly hurt my loved ones. Self willed thinking, childish behavior and unbridled implementation are enough to make any close person grasp the heart and make any kind of close relationship full of holes. At the same time, I was too regretful to say the words "sorry" and "I love you". Even if that person is a parent, although that relationship is called blood relationship.

One day, there will be a person who will stand in the morning of twenty degrees below zero and pick you up, regardless of the phone you hung up in anger a few months ago. That person must be Dad. Thinking about one night, there will be someone who, regardless of your ugly face to her, feels wronged and dazzled, stumbles to spell short messages, and cares more and more, that person must be Mom. More than 20 years ago, you had me, more than 20 years later, I have you.

Seemingly familiar, the excitement of last year also ended in February. Helpless, happy time is always interrupted by carelessness. Intimate greetings, lively cup pushing and cup changing, awkward mutual support, brief reunion, and sudden stop in half night snoring and night dreaming. Maybe tomorrow, maybe this time. The friends who once walked side by side, after toasting, all got separated. The brother who used to go to the bar all night and fight at night left in the opposite direction after packing his bags. Stubbornly, go all the way back there. It is in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Sichuan and Chongqing.

Gathering on a certain day, more than ten years of accumulation. When we lament the tenth year, we are no longer young students. One day, we were sitting on a cruise ship in Heilongjiang River, looking at Prague Visinsk on the other side, and we agreed to get hung up on the yacht in Dalian Harbor ten years later. Now one day, we can't solve the difficulty of getting together because of our work, our feelings and our money. One day in the future, our simple imagination will become more and more precious with time and desire. Ten years ago, I didn't know you. Ten years later, I will be longer than my lover.

Seemingly familiar, lovers are always on and off, but the more they love each other, the deeper they love each other; There is no alternative. Although goodwill can shorten the distance between two people, time pushes them farther and farther. One side is enthusiastic to pay, but the other side is silent and indifferent; On the one hand, it is a kiss of crying out for food, on the other hand, it is a slap with a cold face; One is a happy pessimist, the other is an optimist who yearns for death. Feeling is unfair, but there is no fairer feeling than it. How much pain you are suffering now must have brought you much happiness.

One day, the runaway wild horse; A few days, the string kite; Some days, a walking stick. One year, persistent youth; Another year, uninhibited man; Another three years, hesitant guy. Time can make people experience and grow quickly and easily, but the change in someone is silent and low-key. The reserved person is eager for success, and the eloquent person is not good at expression. It is doomed to be a love that cannot be talked about.

Because of the heavy emotion, we wasted too much youth. The embarrassment of one day and the sleeplessness of one night only prove that I am still a person, that's all. Another year, you are still you. Three years later, I am still me.

For the first time in my life, I put aside my reserve and let myself fantasize about you and me. I love you, and I love you in the end.
(2013-12-31 09:06)
(2013-12-20 22:39)

Miscellaneous talk

(2013-12-20 22:38)

Miscellaneous talk

(2013-12-20 22:38)

Miscellaneous talk


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