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 Good Xiaoqiang
Good Xiaoqiang
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You are the only one

Guo Yingsen

Gravitational wave

Classification: Folly
    These two days, many people in the WeChat circle of friends are turning to a video entitled "Five years ago, he first mentioned gravitational waves, which was ridiculed by guests, and now they all owe him an apology", which tells the story of laid-off worker Guo Yingsen who was ridiculed by the host and Jiabin on the TV program "Must You Be One". I watched the video. The reason why it is called a story is that I have had the privilege of being exposed to the editing work of TV programs. I know that many of the so-called "program effects" are edited. For example, in this program, the effects of the host and guests interrupting Guo Yingsen's speech several times do not look like actions that occur at the same time. Even if the scene is really tit for tat, it is unlikely to "fight hand to hand" as shown in the program. People who don't believe in it can make up for it by themselves. When you laugh at a person, it is generally clear what rhythm you adopt.

    Of course, I was wrong. The whole program completely presented the scene at that time.

    Many critics focus on the word "respect", which is nothing more than to set up a premise for unilateral discussion, that is, Guo Yingsen's right and wrong, truth and falsehood are all not talked about, only to talk about whether he should be allowed to finish his words, whether he should say that others "have not learned well in junior high school", whether he should shout "cure the disease and save the people", if not, he should take it to a higher level, Should we sneer at the dreams of others?






Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Living together with Guihua

(This story is made up in spring



zhang wuji

Yin Li

"Yitian Slaughter the Dragon"

The illusion of love

      Yan Li reached out his hand, gently stroked his cheek, shook his head and said, "Brother Aniu, I can't marry you! My heart has long been promised to that ferocious Zhang Wuji... Brother Aniu, I'm a little afraid, can I meet him in the underworld? Will he still bully me so hard?"

                                                                                                        ——Chapter 31 of Heaven Reliance and Dragon Slaughtering


      Zhang Wuji saw that she spoke clearly, her cheeks flushed, and his heart was shocked: "This is a reflection. Is she going to die today?"


      With his medical skill at this time, it seems that his life is not long. Since he can save many people and judge a dying person to die, it is not difficult as usual.


      But in love, Zhang Wuji is a muddle headed person who can't tell who he loves or who loves him.



(2013-05-02 08:15)


Champions League

Bayern Munich



      Bayern won again and scored three goals in the Nou Camp.


      Before the game, I predicted that it would be a draw. After all, it was decent and didn't hurt the harmony. Besides, Bayern and Barcelona were not enemies. The first round of 2009 was 4:0 because of their strength; Back to Allianz 1:1, I think it is very good.


      I was not nervous at all during the whole game, which was really a strange emotion. Barcelona, which lost its dominance, had a layer of mystery and was more unpredictable, which added a strange color of "the monarch must die, the minister must die" to the "flop". In fact, Bayern did not play firmly. Although the general direction of defense and counterattack is certain, the whole team seems to be Linghu Chong who suffered from internal injury. Several genuine qi in his body were intended to save him, but they did not use them together. The good thing about Bayern is that there is Robben. The more confused others are, the more unambiguous he is. It seems that only he has a strong desire to survive. Throughout the game, he practiced the demeanor of an "Erlengzi" player. Don't talk nonsense. The only yellow card for Bayern was for him. Led by Arjen Robben, the Bayern players on the field were unified, and they wanted to win when they kicked. In fact, in recent years, both Barcelona and Spain have become formidable, but not absolutely flawless. However, because of the "terror", most teams are afraid before they fight, and they will automatically surrender their guns and get beaten

(2013-04-03 10:10)



Champions League

Quarter finals

Bayern Munich

      In the early morning of this morning, Beijing time, the first round of the quarter final of the Champions League began a competition at the Allianz Arena. Bayern Munich defeated Juventus 2-0 at home, ending their opponents' five consecutive wins and 18 unbeaten matches in the Champions League. Alaba scored in the opening 25 seconds and Cross was injured. In the second half, Manjuki assisted Muller to expand the score. Bidar and Lichtener were booked and missed the second round.


      Whether it is "talk on paper" or "real guns", it is not surprising that Bayern won the first merger as expected. The strength and level of this Bayern team today are truly reflected by its excellent team and high morale. However, the game was not without accidents. For example, Cross, who believed that "drawing to Juve is the second worst signing after Barcelona", was injured after not playing for 20 minutes. It can be seen that Bayern's signing is not bad, but Cross undoubtedly won the next lot.


      Before the game, some people worried that Bayern might be a loser in the 9:2 bloodbath of Hamburg. In addition, being out of form too early was also a big taboo in the knockout phase. More importantly, the weakness of set pieces defense was exposed too thoroughly, and Vucinic, Quagliarella and Martelly were also good at grabbing points. If Juve's tactics

(2013-04-01 10:05)

Zhang Guorong


      Ten years of life and death are boundless. I will never forget it if I don't think about it.
——Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi, A Dream on the 20th Day of the First Month in Yimao"
      I always feel that for most singers, although they sing their own songs, they are talking about other people's stories and feelings; However, for most actors, they have shaped their roles by virtue of their roles, and they have achieved their roles by virtue of their roles, that's all.
      Zhang Guorong is another kind.
      His songs were first sung for himself; His play first fooled him.
      As a result, his departure is more and more regrettable, representing the end of an era.
      Ten years, not enough for a reincarnation, but enough for people to aftertaste.
(2013-03-13 08:18)


Nou Camp


AC Milan

Champions League 1/8 Final

      The advantage of two goals is in hand, which misses the life of Milan Qingqing.


      Before the game, I was curious about how Allegri would arrange his troops? Leaving aside the technical and tactical arrangements involving specific formations and personnel, we will only talk about strategic issues that are slightly macro.


      Looking back at the 2009/2010 season, Inter Milan won a "3:1" at home. Although the result was somewhat exaggerated compared with the process, the two goal difference gave them the capital to choose to defend in the Nou Camp. First, under the rule of Mourinho, the Nerazzurri may not be as strong as a rock in attack, but they can say that defense is as solid as gold; Second, the gap between the two goals means that even if they lose the ball first, they do not need to change their own rhythm quickly, and are forced to improvise a new play style, resulting in the tragedy of military distraction, confusion, and then being overturned.


      Although there is a gap between the defensive ability of Milan and that of the original Inter, it is an indisputable fact that Messi was entangled in the first round, which made Barcelona lose every penny. Even without Gattuso and Balotelli, the San Siro swordsmen do not look like the most ferocious evil spirits of Meazza at first glance. However, the defensive line built by Mourinho around the world's top goalkeepers cannot guarantee that the Nerazzurri will retreat in the Nou Camp, but Milan can? I guess Alegre is also not confident that his team can






Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Living together with Guihua

(This story is purely fictitious)



Maybe I really don't know what love is, maybe I will never understand it, but I know that I love you.                                                                  







Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Living together with Guihua

(This story is purely fictitious


Time is money, efficiency is life, so the former love is a lifetime, while the present love is a period of time.








Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Living together with Guihua

(This story is purely fictitious


Even many bad women will naively think that the standard of a good woman is gentle, beautiful, generous and single-minded; But in fact, the really good women are those who know how to protect men's self-esteem, especially those who like themselves.




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