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 Miss Lin Er
Miss Lin Er
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(2013-12-25 00:43)




Holy Family Hall


I decided to go to Barcelona because of a film called "Midnight Barcelona". The director Woody Allen described the city as a dog and a horse, the warm sunshine of Catalonia, the blue sea water of the Mediterranean Sea, the hot and unrestrained Flamingo, the world-famous Barcelona football, and the Spanish paella, which has a visual impact on appetite, The handsome boys and girls everywhere make me curious and expectant about this city. This is the end of Europe and the beginning of Africa.

The journey began with my amazement at Spanish handsome men. They passed by on the street with sculptural outlines and three-dimensional sense like Dali's sculptures. Until now, I still believe that only Spanish men can be as handsome as Italian men in the world. Of course, the visual enjoyment in Barcelona is far from just a handsome guy. The longer you stay in the city, the more you will find that the charm of the city is not superficial, but full of every inch of her texture. In the old city, in the middle of La Shrumb


Food, prayer and love

Film impressions

Life attitude

    "Destruction is a gift!" Because I love this line crazily, Food, Prayer and Love has become the movie I have seen the most times so far.

        The most wandering scene in the film is the heroine Liz sleeps in the middle of the night When I woke up, I looked at my husband who had been married for eight years and the familiar surroundings. I didn't feel a sense of happiness, but she was more lonely than when I was alone. She quickly found that on the way forward in life, the two had lost their common ground

(2010-08-01 19:16)


World Trade Organization


In February, I was very depressed. Because the computer was stolen, all the pictures of the Christmas holiday in it were forever lost. Then I kept thinking to myself that I would go to Austria and Switzerland again if I were a dead Dutch thief!! As a result, we have the opportunity to go to the WTO headquarters in Geneva to teach international trade law! I still remember that last time when I walked to the WTO headquarters, no one was allowed to enter. This time, I had the chance to stay inside for a whole day and listen to experts. It would be silly not to go. But here I suggest that the school should stop using BUS to organize such activities next time. We are exhausted from driving from Holland to Switzerland

Wednesday evening at 12:00, BUS Full of 60 students from different countries, of course, most of them are children's shoes from Holland and Germany. They set out from Maastricht in a magnificent way The seat of the BUS is not very ergonomic, so I didn't sleep well all night. Later, the first words when everyone got off the bus were: Did you sleep?

At 11 o'clock at noon, we arrived in Geneva, allocated rooms, made beds, and headed for the UN Palais des Nations~~


The reason why we want to post this picture is that we have passed this Ferrari store on our way to the WTO for three consecutive days, twice a day, which is a pain. These cars are really



Overseas Study


two thousand and ten

Spring Festival Gala

      2010 Spring Festival Gala for Students and Scholars Studying in Netherlands at 2:00 p.m. on February 14 in Theater, Rotterdam Zuidplein Rotterdam was held. In order to catch up with the performance, I, who lived in the southernmost part of the Netherlands, took a train from Maastricht to Rotterdam at 7:00 a.m. with two friends and relatives. When I arrived at the railway station, I found another group of Chinese students, about 15 of them, who seemed to be carrying the costumes of the performance in their hands. I couldn't resist curiosity and asked them. This group of people came from Einhofer. By contrast, we are really weak~~   I hope that some students from Ma University will come to give me a slap when we perform in the afternoon~~~


This is the theater where the performance is held. It will be seen soon after leaving the subway station. It is eye-catching


(2010-01-31 01:27)


Overseas Study

informal essay



      Start to plow this field that has been abandoned by me for a long time. Let's start with snow as the theme.

      It snowed again in Maastricht, and the town outside the window was once again decorated with silver flakes. It took two weeks for the heavy snow to melt away. How long will the snow last this time?

      I still remember when the first snow fell in Macheng, I was walking on the way to the examination room. At first, I felt that there were dandelion like petals floating in the air, and I wondered: Are there patches of dandelion flowers around here? The wind in Holland is too strong. O (Researcher) o arrived at the examination room and saw my Taiwanese friend Angela. She was so excited to tell me: Yanlin, It's snowing. I've never seen snow in Taichung. Amazingly, it's the first time I've seen snow in my life. Ha, it was snowing, so I realized that I had been excited with her for a long time, because I have only seen snow three times in Sichuan for more than 20 years, and I will definitely see enough snow this year.



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