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 Miss Wang Xinhong
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In the past ten years of my image consulting service,

I found that the key point at the beginning was not that we should wear more fashionable, more avant-garde and more distinctive clothes,

But we need to wear the clothes well without breaking them,

To wear like



Do you believe that the color of your clothes every day reveals your life state?

During the more than ten years of image consulting work, dressing and beautifying has been the focus of my mind every day, and gradually developed a subtle sensitivity. It is found that choosing colors to match colors is not only a matter of looking good or not, but also a matter of energy.



Where we go, we can observe the color there. Discover that behind every color there is a story of energy.

Why do you dance square dance




In recent years, I have been walking, yoga and jogging non-stop, and found that there have been surprising changes in both the physical and mental levels.

When I was young, I really didn't have any sports cells, only cheerleaders. The result of each run can only be just passed, and ball games will never be. Never thought forty After the age of, he began to exercise intentionally or unintentionally. From being lazy at the beginning to being able to form habits with great self-discipline now, what really changed was his attitude towards life.

I'm not an athletic person, and I don't want to be a lightning bolt. However, as people grow older, they can obviously feel the lack of physical strength and energy as well as the flabby skin, small belly, cervical vertebra and migraine

http://img.xiumi.us/xmi/ua/11guI/i/042db618cd4163e48dd1b7c6 f4d20190-sz_121647.jpg

Every relationship we have can be seen as a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. When we do not accept our true self, we will project the unacceptable part onto others.

http://img.xiumi.us/xmi/ua/11guI/i/b1ed24d1089485655a284bec 99f2806d-sz_96517.jpg

To tell the truth, in many cultivation methods at all times and in all over the world, "Perception" is placed in a very important position. Without the perception of kungfu, it is impossible for people to have an in-depth observation of the body and mind, let alone correspond to the Tao. This is also true of clothes.



aesthetic education


I am often asked: What is the value of your work? In addition to teaching students to dress, accompany shopping, and make wardrobe integration for customers, what can you provide for customers?

Look back on the road I have traveled in the past ten years and see the changes that have taken place in me


Sports & Leisure


To be honest, I certainly don't belong to the forefront of fashion, but living in this social trend of thought, it is inevitable that the lifestyle and lifestyle are also changing imperceptibly, which can be clearly seen from the clothing.

Fashion sports style has been popular for many seasons. It means that fashion draws on the design inspiration of some sportswear, weakens some special functions, and makes fashion more fashionable, simple, high street, and comfortable and versatile with sports style. The influence of this style is as great as that of cowboys. Even the famous brands who have always been cool have also introduced sportswear and accessories.

To be honest, when I was young, I didn't have the ability to exercise. My friends who often read my articles know that,

Mature women who can't feel their age have one thing in common

Moderately sensitive to fashion trends.


As you grow older,

We need more elegant and tasteful clothes in our wardrobe,

On this premise,

To make The overall collocation should not be too rigid and professional,

It is recommended to match some casual styles with fashionable styles



Red New Year


A red hot New Year,

Without some red, I always feel that something is missing.




The current trend is fresh and interesting,

It can be a little decadent in elegance,

Luxury can also be added to sports,

It seems that nothing can not be expressed,

The key is to have your own attitude.




There is an old saying: Be filial.

After careful consideration, it is quite reasonable.

Whether it's deep black or bright white,

The upper body is in excellent color.

The former shows quality,

The latter is elegant and refined.



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