


Classification: original

      Just now, I watched a Chinese blockbuster just downloaded from the Internet on my home's super large screen TV, This is really a fantastic movie. It's amazing. If I get a full score of 5 points, I may give 6 points! There is no dead angle in the whole 360 degree film. All kinds of cool praises. If I want to find a failure in a film, I can only blame it on its bad title.

      First of all, the film drew on the "fake documentary", a recently popular technique to shoot this film, which added a touch of entertainment and was enough to lift the audience's appetite. It's just that the reason why teenagers get super ability is a little sweaty... The mysterious rocks in an underground secret cave let them gain superpowers, but they didn't explain clearly. First, when they found the rocks, the cave shook violently. How did they escape? Of course, the "camera" can be used to cover up the unclear explanation. But second, why was the mysterious cave buried by the police after the accident? Can you give me a reason? Of course, these are not what I want to say. Because these doubts obviously cannot cover up the amazing of this film.

    Extraordinary power of imagination

      How to use this super power after three teenagers acquire it



Classification: original

1 hour and 41 minutes. For a young man, there are many things he can do. But I chose to watch movies at home alone.

This is not a very new film, but it was a film that shone in the Chinese cinema not long ago. Guanyin Mountain.

It has not been released yet, and has been labeled as a literary film by the media. Most literary and art films are slow and hot, and the climax is often just a small detail of understanding, and it is often a worrying detail. Perhaps this is also the reason why literary films are not the staple food of today's novelty hunters.

However, this is a unique literary film.

It is not a simple stream of consciousness style literature and art. It has funny passages as plain as the market, scenes as vulgar as network novels, and profound poetic and picturesque artistic conception. Each frame is integrated together, which is grounded.

Back to the film itself, its storytelling is not strong. Three wayward young people squandered their youth, and one middle-aged woman lost her son and spouse. The director not only let these people have an intersection, but also specifically placed them in the context of post earthquake reconstruction in Sichuan. Of course, they have the same feature, that is, they are helpless. It's not all material,

(2012-06-06 20:22)


Classification: original

    On a quiet night, the bright moon and white light gently fall on the antique pavilions and song pavilions. A cool and quiet voice sang alone.
    The pool water with black light is like a pool of ink. By the light of the moon, you can occasionally see one or two birds flying across the branches of the ancient tree.

    However, she is as thin as a figure in a ink painting. She is immortal, and melts into understatement. A pair of deep bright eyes like jewels, embedded in the pale and delicate face, aggressive. A cool river wind blew, and women's plain skirts danced. If you glance at Yuli's back carelessly, you will think that it is an unusual snowman standing there. The white hair on the woman's shoulder is thick and dignified, shining with moonlight, like the snow light in winter night, a kind of tension and brightness.

    Although he has white hair, he still has a good face. The difference is that there is a kind of persistence and
(2012-05-31 20:22)


Classification: original
Memory is a peaceful lake. After several interruptions, it is still calm. And life is a quiet blue. Mysterious, but simple and clear.

One Nostalgia

Please tell me what you are thinking. For example, now. This is a delusional and boring question. Who will tell you his inner world? The answer is no one. That is everyone's most private state.
It has been said that this is an era of rampant voyeurism. Everyone wants to pry into others, but keeps his privacy to himself. This is the psychology of modern people. A curiosity based on a lack of security.
This yearning is beyond reproach. Because this is human nature. Human nature can be criticized, but cannot be destroyed.

II sure



Old Time



Classification: original

I suddenly remembered the silly days of riding a silly bike home in primary school.

Recently, I suddenly recalled that when I was young, in that age of pure thought, everything seemed so beautiful to me. Especially the green scenery passing by. Those beautiful scenes, like oil paintings, are frozen in my mind, one by one, like phantom lights, superimposed into green time.


At that time, the road was not as spacious and smooth as it is now, but it was asphalt road, but it was especially suitable for cycling.

At that time, the road was not as busy and chaotic as it is now, but it was quiet, especially peaceful and safe.

When turning or going downhill, you don't even have to look around, because it is quiet around, so there is no worry about other vehicles passing by.


At that time, when I went home, I would have a fixed companion. Because I was on the same road, I was often a classmate. It will be more interesting. We will compete together at a faster speed



Classification: original
In this boiling network era.
Always captured easily.
The mind that was supposed to be closed is opened again.

I don't think this unplanned runaway is a bad thing.
There is no need to die without Twitter.
But at least there is a comfort like microblog.

Various forwarding. Various comments.
In the end, I don't remember what I saw.
It's like the feeling of time.
You have no idea when she left.
Just go.

Occasionally, I went to a blog of literary youth.
Listen to abstract background music.
Look at other people's mood stories.

Then I couldn't help writing something.
In fact, there are many things to write.
But when you really write, you can't find any meaningful words.
But keep it in mind. Good.

The most important thing I want to do now.
It's going hiking.
I especially want to take a super large lens.
Take a complete picture of the scenery.

Then wash it out. Stick it on the wall.
Or it can be pasted on the board of countless compartments.
(2010-11-11 21:24)

Miscellaneous talk

I'm going on a long journey alone

One person's travel
Climbing mountains and hiking thousands of miles
It's not a whim

Or I'm at a loss
Just as proof that I'm young and alive



Classification: original

That summer, the stars in the sky and the light wind moved your eyelashes. The earphone is playing the tune of "marshmallow".

The soft atmosphere between you and me seems to have become the barrier as thin as plastic wrap. We looked at each other, speechless. I looked into your eyes very carefully, but I could not see me anymore. I wanted to say something, but you turned your head and looked at the big plane trees on the left bank. The big Chinese parasol tree, however, has lost all its leaves. You suddenly asked me, is it shaking? It still maintains a farsighted attitude. I didn't answer, but took your hand. You hesitated a little and followed me all the way. The breeze is blowing on my face. I don't know how long it took to reach the other side of the Indus tree. You reach out your weak hand and touch the hard bark. You look at me carefully and say that it is shaking. I said, really, how do you know? You just say that it is like you.

Today, when I came to the Indus tree again, it had withered. But it still stands. And we are already far from each other. I took off the earphone and hung it on the top of the tree. I think it will hear the song of single cycle, and then convey it to you.

The breeze holding the river reminds me of your eyelashes waving in the breeze. As you touch the hand of the plane tree.


(2010-09-11 20:46)


Classification: original

Angelica/Little Evil


The sky water slants the clouds,

The sunset dances in autumn.

Looking forward to the bright moon night,

My dearest at the festival.




What's wrong with me? More and more indifferent, more and more isolated.

It's so arrogant, like everyone owes me. But I was depressed, and I didn't really smile for a long time.

Maybe one day, I will collapse and die of my own personality.

Now, I will not cry because of loneliness.

I don't know why I want to go to this dead and empty pale network to tell everything.

Today, I was lucky not to say a word to anyone.

Today, I was lucky enough to live alone all day.

I am too lazy to talk or listen to anyone. Noisy, all the sounds transferred to my eardrum have become an unbearable noise!

Imagine that Gu has a riverbank, a rooftop, and a Ferris wheel in the movie and cartoon, to bear the endless pain alone!

Now, now, countless future present, I can only use this ridiculous self deception code words to talk, to cry!

personal data
 Small evil
Small evil
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