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 Knowledge is power
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On January 20, Huai Jinpeng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Executive Vice Chairman, First Secretary of the Secretariat and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led a team to enter the magazine office of Knowledge Is Power.

 Huai Jinpeng's Interpretation of Knowledge Is Power

"Knowledge is Power" magazine left me a very warm memory. This is Huai Jinpeng's first words when he saw the editors, which instantly made the serious scene become friendly. "Knowledge is Power" magazine has built a platform for scientists to spread scientific content, socialize scientific content, and spread scientists' spirit and scientific methods more widely. This is the prominent value influence of Knowledge is Power, and is also a new realm of scientific communication. Knowledge is not only Power, but also Idea. ".

Huai Jinpeng explained the persistence and core values of the magazine Knowledge is Power for more than 60 years. In recent years, Knowledge Is Power magazine has been deeply engaged in the socialization of scientific content, the media integration platform has been steadily promoted, and has accumulated rich and high-quality original science popularization resources. Nearly 30000 high-quality original articles, involving five disciplines of natural science, agricultural science, medical science, engineering and technical science, humanities and social sciences. More than 100 academicians made their voices heard in the magazine, and nearly 6000 scientists, scientific and technological workers and popular science writers became the creators of the magazine

Lecture Newspaper


 Registration | "Knowledge is Power" in the lecture of Science Museum: "Little brother of fairy mouse contains big secret"

Time: 10:00-11:30, January 18, 2020 (Saturday)

Venue: Report Hall on the first floor of China Science and Technology Museum

In this lecture, we invited Dr. Wang Dawei, associate researcher of the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, to reveal the secret of the Elf Mouse!

Guest Profile

Wang Dawei   He graduated from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and worked in the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, mainly engaged in rodent biology and comprehensive management research. Served as the Deputy Secretary General of the National Rodent Control Commission, the Deputy Director of the Youth Committee of the National Plant Protection Society, and the Deputy Secretary General of the National Innovation Alliance for Grassland Biological Disaster Control.

This article is synthesized from the magazine Knowledge is Power, China Meteorological Science Popularization and Outlook

This Spring Festival is the earliest lunar New Year in the past eight years,

11 days earlier than last year.

On January 10,

China has officially entered the "Spring Festival Travel Time".

The term "Spring Festival travel"

It first appeared in the People's Daily in 1980.

Since the reform and opening up,

With the relaxation of restrictions on personnel mobility,

More and more people choose to leave their hometown to work and study.

Many people return home during the Spring Festival,

It has formed the Spring Festival transportation, which can be called "the rare population flow in the world".

In fact, "Spring Festival travel" has existed since ancient times.

Although the ancients were limited by conditions,

Unlike modern people who work outside on a large scale,

But ancient officials, merchants doing business abroad

Scholars who travel abroad and go out to make a living,

They will also try to get home and get together before the Spring Festival.

The ancients also had a holiday during the Spring Festival

according to Song Dynasty It is recorded in the historical notes "Miscellaneous Records of Wenchang" that on the first day (Spring Festival), cold food, winter solstice


Miscellaneous talk

 Experts suggest that every person should have one jin of vegetables and half a jin of fruits every day! How can small owners who do not like fruits and vegetables ensure a balanced diet?

Author/Liao Ying (National First class Nutritionist, First class Health Manager, Member of Chinese Nutrition Society)

Recently, at the official kick-off meeting of 2019 National Nutrition Week and "May 20" Chinese Student Nutrition Day, the Chinese Nutrition Society released relevant survey data: in 2012, the average vegetable intake per standard person day of urban and rural residents in China was 269.4 grams, compared with 2002, the overall average vegetable intake decreased, especially the rural residents reduced by 29.5 grams; The average fruit intake per standard person day of urban and rural residents is 40.7 grams, which is at a low level.

 Experts suggest that every person should have one jin of vegetables and half a jin of fruits every day! How can small owners who do not like fruits and vegetables ensure a balanced diet?

Screenshot of Weibo: @ Caijing

Some experts suggest that a person should eat one jin of vegetables and half a jin of fruits every day. So, how important are fruits and vegetables to our health? How to choose fresh vegetables and fruits? How to ensure food for those who don't like fruits and vegetables


Miscellaneous talk

 If you want to keep fit, skip Guozhuang! How can traditional Guozhuang dance help us keep fit| Tibetan Popular Science

 If you want to keep fit, skip Guozhuang! How can traditional Guozhuang dance help us keep fit| Tibetan Popular Science

This article is from the Tibetan journal Knowledge is Power

As an ancient folk dance art form in Tibet, Guozhuang dance is listed as "China's intangible cultural heritage". It originates from people's needs for life and production. In the Tibetan areas of Guangdong, whether in festivals, house building, the arrival of distinguished guests, weddings and harvest celebrations, or in bereavement and grief, everyone will gather together to sing, dance, and drink in a circle to share joy and pain.

With the widespread popularity of the national fitness campaign, Guozhuang dance has also evolved with the development of modern society. People began to integrate Tibetan traditional Guozhuang dance with modern fitness forms, making it gradually develop into modern fitness Guozhuang dance in inheritance and innovation. Today, let's take a look at the fitness effects of Guozhuang dance?

 If you want to keep fit, skip Guozhuang! How can traditional Guozhuang dance help us keep fit| Tibetan Popular Science


Miscellaneous talk

May 4th Youth Day is coming! Special plan for Knowledge Is Power "Young scientists talk about science" For the series of contents, we will select young scientists from the fields of aerospace, life science, chemistry, artificial intelligence, animals and plants, physical astronomy, and so on. On the one hand, we will lead you to know China's outstanding young scientists. On the other hand, these young scientists will lead you to read science, know science, and love science.


Cross border has become a trend, such as:

The singer went to the movie,

The crosstalk guy went to play a TV play,

The air conditioner manufacturer has gone to develop mobile phones

There are more cross-border phenomena in the phytosphere,

The small one is like a purse flower, and the large one is like a red lip flower,

Some flowers just grow out

It looks like instant noodles (Panama grass).

Of course, there are also some cute animal imitators,

For example, the little dragon orchid with a cute face,

The hairy hornet eyebrow orchid,

There are also drunken butterfly flowers that look like butterflies.


Miscellaneous talk

Written by Jiang Hong (expert in popular science of paleontology)

How many kinds of people are there? White, yellow, black? In fact, in terms of biological taxonomy, 7.5 billion people on the earth today belong to the same species, that is Homo sapiens)。 Homo sapiens belongs to the genus Homo and is the only existing species in the genus Homo. However, in prehistoric times, there were many human species in the genus Homo (including our species Homo sapiens). But right here On April 10, 2019, archaeologists announced the discovery of a new human species - Luzon people.

New breed 50000 years ago!

The cover of Nature magazine published on April 10, 2019 is very special. It is two human teeth. The title below the teeth is "OUT OF ASIA:A newly discovered species of hominin from the Philippines”, The magazine published a paper entitled "A new species of Homo from the late Pleistocene Philippines", which introduced a kind of ancient human, Homo, who lived 50000 years ago luzonensis), The two teeth on the cover belong to Luzon people.


Miscellaneous talk

This article is synthesized from the magazine Knowledge is Power

The countdown of the first black hole photo of mankind is coming soon!

It is reported that 15:00 Central Standard Time on April 10, 2019( At 21:00 on April 10, Beijing time )Six places around the world (Brussels, Belgium, Santiago, Chile, Shanghai and Taipei, China, Tokyo, Japan, and Washington, USA) will hold a global press conference in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese, and the EHT will announce a major achievement related to pictures of supermassive black holes, The first photo of a black hole will be released in six places around the world! We will become the first humans ever to "see" a black hole.

The smallest black hole ever discovered, with a mass 3.8 times that of the sun

Before waiting for the black hole to appear, let's take a look How was a black hole discovered!



Miscellaneous talk

Data sorting/Zhili reporter

Zhilijun was lucky to invite Liu Cixin, Wang Jinkang and Superman, the three sci-fi giants, to talk about sci-fi with the three writers with warm greetings from many sci-fi fans.


Writing and inspiration

Q: What motivated me to write science fiction?

Wang Jinkang: In 1992, my 10-year-old son listened to me every day. One day, my son asked, "Dad, did you make this story yourself or did you read it in the book?" I said, "I made it myself." He said, "This story is good." Praised by my son, I took time to turn the story into words. This is my first work.

Liu Cixin: I am an out and out science fiction fan. As I read more books, I have a desire to create. I want to share my imagined world and creativity with more people, so I began to write science fiction.

Chao Xia: I am a science fiction fan and a swordsman fan. When I was in high school, there was a magazine called "The King of Science Fiction". I wrote a piece of science fiction martial arts novel called "Duel" to contribute, which was unexpectedly published. I got 100 yuan after publishing, I think


Miscellaneous talk

Author: Wang Xin (Doctor)

Reviewed by Ye Shuijian

The Year of the Golden Pig 2019 is coming,

"What is Page" has become popular all over the Internet recently.

Huh? What is Page?

Page, is a super cute pig!

Many people must be impressed by this "social pig",

It was once the "king of animation" of children,

So, how much do you know about "Page" pig?

You know what?

In the eyes of scientists, "Page" pig is a sweet cake!

Page pig on the left



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