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Miscellaneous talk


        When I came to Shanghai for business at the end of last month, I went there again Remanufacturing I mentioned the sharing of my first hyaluronic acid injection in the last blog post. Today, let's share my experience of the second hyaluronic acid injection ~


The wedding dress is a memory and a dream of every girl. The princess in the fairy tale is wearing a beautiful poncho skirt, which is always the most beautiful side. Every girl has a dream, Dream that you will always be the focus of the world and have a man who will always love you. Having a beautiful wedding dress is of great significance to me! Although I can only wear it once in my life, even if I lie in the wardrobe, I will not When I think of it, I can look at it, touch it, and recall the feeling at that time. In foreign countries, some people even leave their wedding dress to their daughter as a family heirloom. There are also real brides who wear their mother's wedding dress to get married, of course It is modified, plus and minus, retro and innovative.

There are many ways to choose wedding dresses. You can buy brand wedding dresses directly, find wedding dress designers to make advanced customization, or buy big brand styles from Taobao and modify them yourself. Originally, I also wanted to find a wedding dress designer to design, but I was tortured by pregnancy and vomiting at that time, so I had no mood and physical strength to find a designer, let alone go to Taobao to find my own goods. So, I




Classification: Footprint of travel


After making up for the previous experience of staying in the peninsula, the biggest surprise for me to come to Thailand is this hotel—— Peninsula Hotel Thailand I like the scenery and decoration of the hotel. It has Thai characteristics



Classification: Makeup teaching


    The Korean makeup in the whole Korean drama is very attractive, and Yin Enhui's petal lip gloss in Miss You


Clothing matching


Classification: Dwarfs' dressing philosophy

My friends who read my microblog know that I am going to France for one month soon, so I have been working hard recently, which is the driving force!! Also, my last update was on June 18, and I haven't updated my blog for a month. Have you forgotten that you have a blog = =   This time, we took two sets of street photos matching the summer. One is a retro celebrity style, and the other is a very street look. I'm also exploring the clothing matching myself, but I think it's boring because it used to be black and white. The combination of long curly hair and sweet style is too boring, so I sometimes feel different

(2013-06-18 19:35)

Recently, a microblog about "washing your face with drinking water" was released on the microblog, which caused negative discussions among many netizens. Many people say that drinking water is used for drinking, and how extravagant and wasteful it is to wash your face. In response to this question, the water in the care products you use is all drinkable water, even precious mountain spring water. Besides, I can save this money and use the filtered water from the water dispenser at home. I really don't think this is a waste.

Again, netizens expressed curiosity about how to wash their faces with drinking water, and I would like to share my own methods here. Before I wash my face, I will prepare a clean washbasin (it is better to scald it with hot water every day before using it), and then I will use the facial cleanser, a facial brush and filtered drinking water.


Early Spring Street Shooting

Clothing matching


Classification: Dwarfs' dressing philosophy

A few weeks ago, I played some different street shots with the photographer's friends, which was also the first time since I cut my hair short. The advantage of short hair is that it can have a variety of shapes. It used to be a lady, but this time it is a change of face, Hippies, And a sense of future! I think any girl can play street photography. She doesn't have to make a pose like a blockbuster. Her makeup is exquisite, or she has an exaggerated look. It's simple clothes that can be worn at ordinary times, hair that can be scratched at random, very ordinary makeup and color lipstick. Just walk around and smile. Don't be too pretentious Pose. This is the essence of street photography!

This time, we shot two groups of Look, one of which is a more gorgeous and feminine street shot, One group compared Vintage with handsome Fu, Compare the two sets and see which one you prefer?  

(2013-03-07 14:32)


Clothing matching

Classification: Dwarfs' dressing philosophy

Since I started making makeup videos, people have also called on me to make clothes matching videos,
This video of clothing matching is mainly about a small white dress. I believe everyone should have a small white dress like this in their wardrobe,
Maybe it was bought at the high school dance, or maybe it was bought on the first date when I was in the beginning of love
My little white dress was bought online last winter, and I haven't found a chance to wear it until this time when I took the clothing video
I found it through rummaging. In fact, there are many ways to wear this little white skirt, which will be introduced one by one in the video.

Purchase address of small white skirt: (myself
Classification: Special special

Have you seen this Valentine's Day makeup? his

Clothing matching in early spring of 2013

Classification: Dwarfs' dressing philosophy
Facts have proved that the Mayans were not as reliable as they thought, and the end of the world did not come. In fact, another version I heard said that the Mayans only predicted that December 21, 2012 would be the end of a century and a new road would be opened in 2013, but did not say that 2012 was the end of the world. This rumor is also that human beings scare themselves out of their own imagination = =  So believe Human beings will be lucky if they survive a disaster You'd better live a good life! I still remember that on the night of December 21, I was nervous and had some insomnia. When I woke up and saw the first ray of sunshine on December 22, I felt very happy. I don't know how many people feel the same way as I do. How can we leave this beautiful world when we still have so many things unfinished!


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