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(2018-01-24 16:47)

Miscellaneous talk

Both men and women have passed twenty-five At the age of, I would never mention age again, but the difference in appearance often makes people more frustrated! Don't want people to see through your real age at a glance? An effective age reduction plan is absolutely your top priority. As long as you follow it, you can quickly save your youth capital and make you a perfect winner in the age reduction maintenance!

https://wx3/large/4065c347ly1fnrnu1ms9bj20 fa0af0t1.jpg

-3 year

Say goodbye to "mature" details

Careless little details make you look more "mature": fine lines, dryness, roughness and dullness are actually only symptoms of early aging. Many young girls will also encounter similar problems. What you need to do is to erase these obvious old details as soon as possible!

Age reduction scheme:

  Firming essence bottoming, small dry lines disappear

The fine lines of early aging are mostly caused by dryness. Try changing your skin care program, and the base anti-aging essence will strengthen the firming and improving effect for the skin. Take appropriate amount of essence and massage with finger joints according to lymph circulation to stimulate blood circulation. The texture of firming essence is light and soft enough to quickly


Miscellaneous talk

Nicole Meiyan List

It's a list of my own

It's your own Annual summary and Forward looking List

Not subject to any commercial influence

From the perspective of my skin

(The mixture is oily in summer and dry in winter)

It is a reference aid for purchase

Not 100% suitable for everyone

Cleaning department

  Remove makeup

Omorovicza Hot Spring Makeup Remover 50ml RMB 499

I wrote about this brand in 2013, and its hand cream has also been on the Nicole Meiyan list. This makeup remover is very popular with eve Lom is neck and neck. He has won many international awards such as beauty shortlist and bazaar beauty. Paste texture relative eve Lom has a more delicate touch and a more obvious mud like feeling than Predia mineral mud skin cleanser. The mild surfactant combined with the lake mud with adsorption has a very good makeup removal force, which is easy to push and wash. After use, there is a sense of moisturizing after spa, or even a sense of oil film, which is similar to the feeling after fresh brown sugar mask is used up. It is suitable for dry skin that does not like to use makeup removers.



Miscellaneous talk

In fact, this column of the weekly magazine is not a comment. Most of it is recently posted on Weibo or Nicole's personal circle of friends. Every once in a while, it will sort out a small column for everyone to see. This issue focuses on what new products Nicole has received in the last month and private comments.

There are few updates recently. First, I am busy, and more importantly, I am lazy! Forgive me, everyone!

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/GhY7BmxL0vLANXgu3GCMIDbR Kk431Nyh7WSzZpic9iamiaZp u4m20KoNWlRCHffLG9bG9r9J FLV1VC7nZHfYovMicg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

In fact, in addition to makeup remover, EVELOM has many product lines, such as facial masks, which are submerged in the aura of makeup remover, but its cleaning mask is actually very good and highly praised. In addition, I received a gift from Lane Crawford. This water bottle looks very powerful!  


Miscellaneous talk

Autumn has come, because it is not easy to leave with summer because of the problems left by too happy summer.

In fact, if you Always read my beauty articles If you really do it in summer Whitening and sunscreen cutin repair Basically, you don't need to read this article because you can't have sunburn, sunburn, blackhead and acne or various problems in summer. In fact, the post summer legacy in this chapter can be completely avoided.

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/GhY7BmxL0vJNakAPVfY1QaZR iawpIPFTpRoXich3myrag6zi cp5IBSsiamOQSMJFuYibnpia zr0NicGEnAnnFwE5zxDXw/0?wx_fmt=gif&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

Fire extinguishing 1, problems after exposure

Solutions to various problems such as sunburn, tanning, and tanning

But I understand. You will say with a pitiful wink that I missed it Forgot to paint Sunscreen, I'm afraid my clothes are stained with sunscreen Don't dare to paint When the general reason causes the general problems after sun exposure, let's sort out how to solve the problems after sun exposure.



Miscellaneous talk

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_jpg/GhY7BmxL0vLQBfoYVzAMBBgG 6GiaUWH1nN6nQMALxEdblYDW ARjicdy4PKlpibF6a87gf652 SBBEjn2myCYia3GbFg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_gif/GhY7BmxL0vILic3ibTNV5ias J9TIUMKIV90grehshsVNSpYI B8saRZhTaqbOSgC8LicQJFLL yCHKSByEk3vLWNMchQ/0?wx_fmt=gif

Recently, I saw a problem with more than 4 million views on, "How to have a sense of girlhood?" In the previous skin care and beauty survey on Weibo and WeChat, more than half of the people focused on "anti aging", hoping Keep your girlish attitude



Miscellaneous talk

In autumn, skin care products are like a cycle, and they have to be adjusted slowly, just as your clothes need to be adjusted, so do skin care products Adjust as the temperature changes However, this is not absolute. For example, Beijing and Guangzhou are both in winter, but the humidity will vary greatly. There will be heating in Beijing, but the winter in Guangzhou is still wet. The choice of products will be very different, so Change water first Is the best choice.

Generally speaking, people often use the word "moisturizing" instead of "moisturizing". actually Hydrating and moisturizing Is inseparable. Like an empty bottle, To replenish water is to pour water in, while moisturizing is to add a cover Let the water not leak out. This analogy is applied to the skin: moisturizing is to directly supplement the water needed by the skin cells, not only moisturize the surface of the skin, but also closely combine the skin with thirsty cells, improve the skin microcirculation, and enhance the smoothness of the skin. The moisturizing product is fresh in texture, small in molecule, and can quickly reach the bottom of the skin, For example, moisturizing lotion is an ideal moisturizing product.

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/GhY7BmxL0vIudia9piamV7sN sswovys4vtdaLrviaaBEgzec MqKoMFg6nHLeVdicvnFM6QDV DBUBp


Miscellaneous talk

In fact, this column of the weekly magazine is not a comment. Most of it is recently posted on Weibo or Nicole's personal circle of friends. Every once in a while, it will sort out a small column for everyone to see. This issue focuses on what new products Nicole has received in the last month and private comments.

There are few updates recently. First, I am busy, and more importantly, I am lazy! Forgive me, everyone!

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/GhY7BmxL0vLANXgu3GCMIDbR Kk431Nyh7WSzZpic9iamiaZp u4m20KoNWlRCHffLG9bG9r9J FLV1VC7nZHfYovMicg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

In fact, in addition to makeup remover, EVELOM has many product lines, such as facial masks, which are submerged in the aura of makeup remover, but its cleaning mask is actually very good and highly praised. In addition, I received a gift from Lane Crawford. This water bottle looks very powerful!  


Miscellaneous talk

Autumn has come, because it is not easy to leave with summer because of the problems left by too happy summer.

In fact, if you Always read my beauty articles If you really do it in summer Whitening and sunscreen cutin repair Basically, you don't need to read this article because you can't have sunburn, sunburn, blackhead and acne or various problems in summer. In fact, the post summer legacy in this chapter can be completely avoided.

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/GhY7BmxL0vJNakAPVfY1QaZR iawpIPFTpRoXich3myrag6zi cp5IBSsiamOQSMJFuYibnpia zr0NicGEnAnnFwE5zxDXw/0?wx_fmt=gif&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

Fire extinguishing 1, problems after exposure

Solutions to various problems such as sunburn, tanning, and tanning

But I understand. You will say with a pitiful wink that I missed it Forgot to paint Sunscreen, I'm afraid my clothes are stained with sunscreen Don't dare to paint When the general reason causes the general problems after sun exposure, let's sort out how to solve the problems after sun exposure.



Miscellaneous talk

https://wx3/large/4065c347ly1fjj5cbo6ydj20 hs01pdfv.jpg

Although it is BBC air cushion road But in the survey on my microblog last week, as long as I answered, I still think Lady foundation is easy to use But everyone's attitude towards ladies' foundation doubt There are still many. Today I will answer them one by one.

https://wx4/large/4065c347ly1fjj5cr3hf1g20 dw06ywq0.gif

We often say that affordable foundation and lady foundation

Where is the "expensive" of foundation?

First of all, it must be Brand value For example, there is one reason why HERMES packages are so expensive. secondly, component The price of the same ingredients, domestic and imported ones, and the price of which grade is very different. Finally, we can say details On, such as packaging, taste, texture and other details.

Is the price of lady foundation proportional to the effect?

Basically, it is directly proportional However, when the price is too expensive for ordinary people to accept, the effect improvement will not be a qualitative leap in the same proportion. I once saw a saying on the Internet, called One penny for one thing, ten cents for three things


Miscellaneous talk

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/GhY7BmxL0vLQBfoYVzAMBBgG 6GiaUWH1nN6nQMALxEdblYDW ARjicdy4PKlpibF6a87gf652 SBBEjn2myCYia3GbFg/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

Today, I don't want to talk about products or skin care experience, just say something from the bottom of my heart. In fact, some students have asked me some questions.

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/GhY7BmxL0vKQgP5wP8VqLgrd qEFkKWCFOcbL7oWZBYnXomrN jIty58rZZYYibM42fKT6Xx9g QGA9KpqWCYu6Syw/0?wx_fmt=gif&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

Why does the writing seem less radical than before?

In fact, I have also been radical. When I first started my career, I also worked as an ingredient bitch. It's right to just look at the ingredients


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