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Beijing's first Great Wall themed sitcom "Dream of the Great Wall" premiered in Shiyuan Park

June 12, 2024 16:17 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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Performance in the main theater of "Menghua · Great Wall". Photographed by Yin Xingyun, a reporter of People's Daily Online

Actors interact with the audience. Photographed by Yin Xingyun, a reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 12 (Reporter Yin Xingyun) During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Beijing's first elaborately created large-scale sitcom with the theme of the Great Wall, Dream of the Great Wall, premiered in Beijing Shiyuan Park.

It is reported that "Dream China · Great Wall", with the theme of "Encounter with history, make a total of Chinese dragons", entered the official operation stage on June 9. Before the summer vacation, there will be two performances every day at 13:30 and 15:30. It is expected to open night shows in the summer vacation. The performance duration of each main theater is about 50 minutes, and the best audience is more than 1100 people. Citizens can make an appointment through the official platform "Tourism inside and outside the Great Wall" applet, and enter the park from Gate 4 or Gate 1 of the World Park to watch the performance.

The play is the first large-scale live show in Yanqing, striving to create an original, branded and high-end cultural and tourism project, and thus promoting the deep integration and development of the two "golden cards" of Yanqing Great Wall and World Park, promoting the introduction of Badaling passenger flow into the hinterland of Yanqing, and striving to create a new cultural card of "Beijing for big plays, Yanqing for performing arts".

The performance of Dream Flower · The Great Wall is well conceived. It takes the culture of the Great Wall as the source of inspiration, takes the historical stories of the Great Wall over 2000 years as the main line, selects celebrities, works and stories related to the Great Wall that are highly recognizable, appealing, focused and have memory symbols, and integrates music, dance, acrobatics, poetry, folk customs and other artistic styles. The plot design has ups and downs, creating chapters such as The Bright Moon in the Qin Dynasty, The Heroic Style of the Han Dynasty, The Flowers of the Tang Dynasty, The Glory of the Ming Dynasty, The Six Contract Style, and combining high-tech expression techniques, it highlights the unique humanistic characteristics of the Great Wall.

Tourists watch the welcome ceremony performance. (Picture provided by Badaling Culture and Tourism Group)

Equestrian performance in Menghua · The Great Wall. (Picture provided by Badaling Culture and Tourism Group)

When visitors enter the performance area of "Menghua · the Great Wall", they can also enjoy the wonderful equestrian performance after watching the cheerful welcome ceremony performance in front of the Dianjiang stage. After entering the main theater, several chapters lead the audience through the Qin, Han, Tang, Ming and other dynasties, showing the charm of the Great Wall culture from different angles.

In addition to immersive drama watching, Menghua · The Great Wall also adds many interactive links. In the performance area, the audience can also enter the sub theater to participate in poetry guessing activities with "Li Bai".

The performance venue of Menghua · The Great Wall highlights the cultural symbols of the Great Wall. With the Great Wall tower and the city wall as the background, we will arrange the real scenes such as the bustling street blocks, cooperate with the combination of lighting, dance beauty, modeling, and choreography design, and use multimedia technology to achieve the presentation of historical scenes. "We focus on 'carrying forward the culture of the Great Wall and telling stories about the Great Wall', strive to achieve creative transformation and innovative development of the Great Wall culture, and thus deepen the construction of the national scenic path of 'the Great Wall around Beijing', and build the Badaling Night Great Wall and the" Dream of the Great Wall " Resident performances will promote the joint development of the Great Wall and the World Garden, improve the cultivation of high-quality tourism routes, and meet the people's needs for high-quality cultural and tourism life. " Rong Xinfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Beijing Badaling Culture and Tourism Group, said.

(Editor in charge: Li Bo, Gao Xing)

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