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Party building, school community integration, Fengtai District Xincun Street to create a "college style street"

15:30, May 21, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 21 (Bao Congying and Zhang Jiahui) In response to the call of Fengtai District Party Committee and District Government to "redouble the pursuit of cooperative development", Xincun Street gave full play to the concentrated advantages of educational resources in its jurisdiction, jointly built a "college style block" with the colleges in its jurisdiction, and explored a new model of cooperative development of party building. On May 20, the launching ceremony of the construction of "college style block" in Xincun Street, Fengtai District was held. With the theme of "building a new pattern of co governance and bringing together people for new development", the activity released the College style Block Construction 2024 Key Task Project Library.

At the event site, Xincun Neighborhood signed a school site co construction agreement with seven units, including Shoumao University, and established a "Xincun Development Think Tank" to build a "rule of law, health, ESG The four brand communities of "super community governance" will build an academic block development pattern of "party building, school community integration, community governance, mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and cultural sharing", and drive the modernization of social governance in the city with the construction of academic blocks.

The leadership of party building is an important force to promote innovation in grass-roots governance. Xincun Street attaches great importance to the joint construction of party building with colleges and universities under its jurisdiction. Relying on the platform of the Party Construction Coordination Committee, it has signed a comprehensive contract with colleges and universities under its jurisdiction to jointly establish a cluster matrix for joint construction of party building. The Agreement on Cooperation and Co construction between Schools and Cities signed this time has defined 20 goals, tasks and responsibilities for co construction, formed a strong working force of resource sharing, information exchange and complementary advantages, and laid a solid foundation for the construction of academic blocks.

In addition, the Street gave full play to the role of the Party Construction Coordination Committee, established a party construction working group led by the Street Party Working Committee and participated by the party committees of the colleges and universities under its jurisdiction, and formulated and implemented the plan for joint construction. Each community party committee and college party committee pair up one by one to form a pair of joint construction, and create a "four type" regional party building characteristic brand of learning, service, assistance and culture.

Establish school local police court alliance and build community co governance platform

Xincun Neighborhood District plans to build a school community integration zone cluster, promote the integration of block control planning, college construction and regional development, and form a "college+block" regional development community. In the future, the school community integration zone will make full use of the discipline advantages and talent resources of colleges and universities, guide college teachers and students to participate in the construction and management of the street, and jointly create a street environment with college characteristics.

With the goal of improving the level of community governance, the sub district, together with the colleges under its jurisdiction, Fanjia Village Police Station, Huaxiang Court and relevant units in the district, established a "school local police court" alliance to coordinate emergency forces, organize campus safety patrols, dispute mediation, emergency fire drills and other work, effectively maintain the harmony and stability of the campus and the surrounding areas, and promote the construction of a new village of peace and rule of law.

The Sub district signed cooperation agreements with the Department of Social Work of China Youth Political College, the School of Social Work of China Women's University, and the School of Ethnology and Sociology of the Central University for Nationalities to establish a special partnership for social work. Through establishing close ties with social work majors in colleges and universities, we will jointly study effective ways to strengthen grass-roots governance and community construction; Actively build a platform for social practice and voluntary service, and encourage and guide college students to participate in community services and public welfare activities.

Promote mass entrepreneurship, innovation and joint implementation, and establish a new village development think tank

The street continued to implement the "Eagle Cultivation Action" for college students' entrepreneurship and employment, and facilitated the signing of an innovation and entrepreneurship strategic cooperation agreement between Capital Economic and Trade University, Beijing Institute of Information Technology and Yongle Wenzhiyuan, to provide free registration addresses for entrepreneurial students, and to strengthen cooperation in innovation and entrepreneurship, industry university research cooperation, technical services and other fields. At present, there are 11 business license teams, involving Capital Economic and Trade University 21 students from China Agricultural University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Business University and other universities.

In addition, in order to strengthen school local talent exchange, the sub district set up a new village development think tank, hired experts in planning and construction, community governance, administration according to law and other fields to join the regional development think tank, and jointly participated in the district development planning and decision-making consultation, to promote knowledge sharing and resource integration.

Centering on the characteristic street culture such as rail transit, medical treatment and rule of law, the street cooperates with colleges and universities to hold artistic performances, cultural lectures, public welfare accompanying reading, exhibition and display and other activities, guide the scholarly culture and intangible cultural heritage culture into the campus and community, realize the sharing of school and local cultural resources, and improve the overall cultural quality of the street.

With the full launch of the construction of the college style street, Xincun Street will focus on the goal of building a Jingxiong scientific and innovation corridor to promote high-quality development in the region, and based on the resource endowment of "one station, two high, two parks, and multiple points", innovate the mechanism of party building leading school local coordination and interaction, so as to achieve open sharing, mutual benefit, win-win and common development between colleges and the street.

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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