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The first barrier free coffee collection shop in China appeared in Dashilan

09:07, May 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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On May 19, the 34th National Handicap Day, the employment and entrepreneurship assistance space for the disabled in Dashilan Street, Xicheng District was unveiled. The site is located at the Naga Tree Accessible Coffee Collection Shop at No. 21, Sanjing Hutong.

Song Mei, deputy head of Xicheng District, Jia Zhixin, director of Xicheng District Disabled Persons' Federation, and Tan Gaoqiang, secretary of Dashilan Street Working Committee unveiled the "Dashilan Street Disabled Persons' Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Space".

When you arrive at the Nagashu Coffee Collection Shop, there are help doorbells and Braille barrier free maps at the door of the shop. The shop is equipped with wheelchair adaptive rest chairs, emergency help buttons and other facilities. The dining area is also equipped with an electric lift table, which is convenient and fast for intelligent operation. With the help of science and technology, various meticulous barrier free designs provide a safe and intimate action environment for friends with disabilities.

"The door of the washroom is equipped with buttons with Braille. In addition to the handrail and emergency button, the washroom is equipped with a cane rack, an electric lifting hand washing table, and adult diapers." Ren Jiayi, the founder of the store, said.

It is reported that this coffee shop has not been opened for a long time, but it has provided three jobs for the disabled in the region, and regularly provides reading clubs, employment exchanges, assistance services, etc. for the visually and hearing impaired. In April this year, the store was identified by the China Disabled Persons' Federation as the first barrier free coffee collection store in China, and has provided barrier free services for more than 200 disabled people so far.

In the next step, Dashilan Street will establish a regular assistance space station in combination with the "quarter hour employment service circle", focusing on providing employment guidance for the disabled, broadening the employment space for the disabled and providing employment resources at home.

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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