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Majiabao Street, Fengtai District: build a service matrix of "one community and one feature" to help serve the people in a deeper and more practical way

11:11, May 17, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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Recently, in Majiabao Street, Fengtai District, "red teams" have been active in the front line of the community. They listen to residents' demands, solve their difficulties, and become "close friends" around residents. This is a beneficial exploration for Majiabao Street to deepen grass-roots governance and organically combine the leadership of party building and serving residents with heart and soul.

Led by the community party committee, the "Red Detachment", with serving and retired party members as the main force, explores the community party member service mechanism from various aspects, such as interest activities, voluntary services, medical health, grass-roots governance, etc., and guides community party members to participate in community construction, striving to create a colorful community party building service brand, Form a grass-roots governance pattern of "one community, one brand".

Led by Party building, build a harmonious and safe community together

Chenyu Community of Majiabao Street set up a "community governance team" to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members in the masses, and regularly settle the concerns and troubles of residents.

Courtyard 67 of Chenyu Community is an old residential area with limited yard space, scattered parking of electric vehicles and short supply of outdoor charging facilities. In order to provide a safe charging environment for residents, the community decided to install an electric bicycle charging shed on the north side of Building 3.

During the project survey phase, some residents of Building 3 held objections one after another because they were worried about the hidden dangers of the installation location of the shed. Master Du, a member of the team, took the initiative to take the task of persuasion, and went door to door with the community staff, patiently explained that the installation of the carport met the standard safety distance, and could bring great convenience to the community residents to charge. If he failed once, he would come to the site twice or three times. Under the persistent and patient persuasion of Master Du, in less than a week, the residents' doubts and anxieties were eliminated and they all agreed to install sheds.

At present, the shed has been successfully installed and put into use. Especially after the recent rains, residents praised the efforts of the community and team members, which not only prevented the vehicles from being damaged in the rain, but also cleared the passageway in front of the building door, solving the problem of difficult charging and parking for a long time.

Appease communication and resolve conflicts and disputes efficiently

Jiayuanyili Community of Majiabao Street established a "red management team" for three old communities under emergency property management. They make full use of their dual identities as team members and community residents to build a bridge between the community and residents.

Recently, the community staff received a request from the resident Master Zhang. When contacting Master Zhang, he was excited and refused to communicate. The community contacted the "Red Governance Team" for help. Aunt Liu, a member, volunteered to say that she and Master Zhang had been neighbors for many years, or she could try to persuade him.

When Aunt Liu and the community staff arrived at Master Zhang's house together, a sentence, "Brother, what made you so angry?" instantly made Master Zhang lose most of his temper. Upon inquiry, it turned out that Master Zhang was in a depressed mood when he stopped others from destroying trees. After learning about the situation, Aunt Liu patiently persuaded her in the way of chattering from neighborhood to neighborhood. Community staff also promised to strengthen patrol and encourage Master Zhang to give more advice on community construction.

Respect and love the old, pay attention to the elderly living alone

The Third Community of Xili, Majiabao Street, established a "volunteer team for loving the elderly" according to the characteristics of the community with more elderly living alone. They visit the elderly living alone regularly, care about their life and health, and provide necessary help and companionship.

Aunt Pan, who lives in Xisan Community, is an old man who lost his independence. One morning, the water heater at home suddenly leaked, and the water flowed down the pipe to the downstairs. Aunt Pan immediately contacted the team through WeChat. Big sister Gao, a member of the team, worried that the elderly would be frightened, rushed to the scene at the first time and fed back the situation to the community, who would contact the maintenance personnel to visit.

After a while, the problem of water leakage was solved, and Aunt Pan's nervousness was soothed. She sighed, "I am not alone in the big family in the community. There is always someone willing to lend a hand to help me through difficulties."

In the future, Majiabao Sub district will take the "Red Detachment" as the starting point, continue to deepen the exploration of community fine management led by party building, continue to innovate working methods, focus on serving the people, and promote the new improvement of grass-roots governance level according to the characteristics of different communities. Pangbo

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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