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Echo | netizens suggested that Beijing Wangfujing Pedestrian Street improve the overall business level Response: continue to promote the transformation of the street

March 14, 2024 09:56 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 14 (Reporter Dong Zhaorui) Recently, a Beijing netizen left a message on the People's Daily Online "Leaders Message Board" saying that Wangfujing Pedestrian Street is an important commercial pedestrian street in Beijing, and has always been a tourist attraction that cannot be bypassed by non local tourists. It has become an important reception hall in the city. However, there are still some problems with Wangfujing Pedestrian Street. The netizen said that at present, the Wangfujing Pedestrian Street has the problem of floor tiles falling off and broken. Some buildings have old facades, and old projects such as Friends World Shopping Mall and Danyao Building have not been renovated. The netizen also suggested improving the overall commercial level of Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, believing that most of the current businesses are middle end businesses, while high-end businesses are still insufficient.

In response to the suggestions put forward by netizens, Dongcheng District of Beijing responded: after verification by Wangfujing District Management Committee, as the underground utility tunnel in Wangfujing is under construction, the construction of branch pipe tunnel needs to temporarily occupy land, build fences and excavate pavement for underground construction, which will cause continuous damage to the pavement of pedestrian street before completion. The construction is expected to be completed in 2024. At present, Wangfujing Management Committee has carried out landscape restoration design scheme research with the construction unit. After the overall construction of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery is completed, it will promote the implementation of subsequent public space reconstruction according to the urban design scheme of Wangfujing Main Street, including the re laying of sidewalk tiles, which will completely solve the problems such as the damage of sidewalk tiles. Wangfujing Management Committee has asked the property company to repair the granite stone pavement in time, strengthen the urban fine management, and strengthen the repair of damaged floor tiles.

With regard to business types and building facades, the development of Wangfujing Business District has given full play to the leading role of the planning to promote the transformation and upgrading of the block. Since 2018, the planning implementation work has been carried out synchronously with the guidance of the planning and in combination with the actual situation, and has successively led Beijing APM, Muslim Mansion, Taohui Xintian and other businesses to upgrade. In the subsequent renovation and upgrading of commercial buildings, Wangfujing Management Committee will also continue to promote relevant work, promote the upgrading and reconstruction of the facades of Friends World Mall and Danyao Building in combination with the upgrading of business types, and create a better business environment.

The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce that Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, as a "gold lettered signboard" of Beijing's commerce, has been constantly renewed in recent years through continuous adjustment and reform. Data shows that in 2023, the cumulative passenger flow of Wangfujing Commercial Street will exceed 100 million person times. At the end of last year, Wangfujing, the "New Guochao Shopping Center" reconstructed from the original New Yansha Golden Street Shopping Plaza, opened happily, including 71 first stores in Beijing and 61 first stores in Wangfujing area. This year, Beijing will focus on the construction of an international consumption center city, and comprehensively launch the construction of four international consumption experience areas: Wangfujing × Xidan × Qianmen, CBD × Sanlitun, Universal Studios × Grand Canal, and Lize × Capital Business New Area, to strengthen the agglomeration of high-quality consumption factor resources.

(Editor in charge: Dong Zhaorui, Gao Xing)

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