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Beijing Miyun Honey Cutting Cultural Festival Opens in Golden Autumn; Miyun Polishes the Golden Card of "Bees Soak Honey Evenly"

October 16, 2023 14:57 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 16 (Bao Congying and Dai Qiguo) Good mountain and good water make good honey. On October 15, the Beijing Miyun Honey Cutting Cultural Festival and the 5th Chinese Honey Cutting Festival in Fengjiayu Town opened with the theme of "bees are full of honey and ecological people are rich".

The reporter learned that up to now, there are 2144 bee farmers and 123500 bee colonies in Miyun District (including 17000 Chinese bees). The number of bee colonies accounts for 51.5% of the total number of bee colonies in the city, and it is "the largest beekeeping district in Beijing". In terms of bee colony distribution and industrial development, Miyun District has formed a breeding pattern of "one district and two wings", that is, Shicheng Town and Fengjiayu Town in the west, mainly raising Chinese bees, with the focus on the protection and development of Chinese bees; Other towns in the east mainly feed western bees, focusing on the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of western bee industry.

It is reported that Miyun honey is made from 1.63 million mu of wild wattles collected by bees in the upstream of the reservoir and fully brewed in the beehive, all of which are pure natural, pollution-free and zero processing. Miyun District has built 22 national bee product standardization demonstration bases, bee product deep processing bases and mature honey production bases, 2 bee product companies, 26 professional bee industry cooperation organizations, and 1982 cooperative members. The bee industry in the whole district produces about 4000 tons of honey annually, and the annual output value of raw honey is about 140 million yuan.

In recent years, in order to adapt to the changes in market demand, Miyun District has continuously deepened the structural reform on the supply side, actively created new demand, and worked hard to improve the industrial pattern of "bee+", forming a new business pattern integrating "bee event" experience, cultural ceremonies, "hanging bee" tour, bee creative industry, science popularization research, parent-child tourism, and featured homestay, As a vivid practice of the "two mountains" theory, Miyun Bee Industry is gradually realizing the goal of characteristic industry, symbolic industry and enriching industry.

Fengjiayu Town is a typical representative of bee industry development in Miyun District. Since the first "Honey Cutting Festival" was held in Fengjiayu Town in 2018, the annual "Honey Cutting Festival" has become the "golden card" of Miyun District's cultural tourism. At this year's "Honey Cutting Festival", guests can not only watch the "Spiderman" who cut honey on the cliffs, but also taste the honey of hundreds of flowers in the mountains brewed by the Chinese bee. At the same time, they can learn about other characteristic agricultural products in Miyun District and the knowledge of the Chinese bee.

This "Honey Cutting Festival" also launched a series of activities, including bee keeping skills competition and market fairs. At the event site, Miyun District signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tongrentang Group and released two boutique tourism routes in Fengjiayu Town, which built a bridge for citizens to know Miyun Bee Industry, pay attention to Miyun ecology and "Bee Tour Miyun".

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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