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Beijing Yizhuang launched the "2+X" policy system to support the development of foreign-funded enterprises. The maximum reward for new major projects is 100 million yuan

10:19, September 2, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, September 2 (Reporter Chi Mengrui) Encourage the long-term development of reinvestment of foreign-funded enterprises, promote the landing of new foreign-funded enterprises, and actively strengthen the deep connection between foreign-funded enterprises and the local industrial ecology... Recently, Beijing Yizhuang (Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone) officially released Several Policies on Supporting the High Quality of Foreign funded Enterprises (referred to as "Foreign Investment Policies"), We studied and issued the measures of "20 Articles of Foreign Investment Service", systematically integrated the list of national treatment support items for foreign-funded enterprises, provided "2 (policies+measures)+X (list of support items)" policy system support for the development of foreign-funded enterprises, helped foreign-funded enterprises to take greater root in Beijing Yizhuang, and shared China's market, China's opportunities, and China's dividends.

Build the foundation first, then improve, and create a policy combination fist. Beijing Yizhuang comprehensively sorted out more than 40 national, municipal and district level foreign-funded enterprise policies, and systematically integrated more than 100 items of national treatment support that foreign-funded enterprises can enjoy. On this basis, the Foreign Investment Policy was further studied and issued. Focusing on promoting the stability of foreign investment stock, expansion and quality improvement, starting from the demands and demands of enterprises, it concentrated and refined nine incremental policies with industrial scale, ecological optimization, service quality and efficiency, and further improved the pertinence and empowerment of policies.

In order to boost the confidence of foreign investment and help the long-term development of enterprises, Beijing Yizhuang will increase its efforts to attract the headquarters projects of multinational companies, and give rewards and support to the recognized headquarters projects of multinational companies, including the headquarters projects of the world's top 500 multinational companies located in Beijing Yizhuang, with the start-up behavior and foreign capital contribution as the incentive points. The maximum reward can reach 100 million yuan. Encourage foreign investment to focus on the development of new generation information technology, medicine and health, new energy smart cars, intelligent manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing clusters, and support the innovative development of foreign-funded productive service industry and life service industry enterprises through landing incentives and scale incentives. Encourage foreign-funded enterprises to upgrade, expand and develop. For foreign investors who invest in projects with additional investment or increase registered capital by transferring corporate profits, capital reserve, etc., a reinvestment reward of 1.5% of the total contractual foreign capital paid in that year will be given to support the long-term development of foreign-funded enterprises.

In July this year, five enterprises including Beijing Montaigne Medical Devices Co., Ltd. were listed in the third batch of Beijing Foreign funded R&D Centers, and the number of Beijing Yizhuang municipal foreign funded R&D centers has reached 12. "The special policies for foreign investment are designed from three aspects: the construction of foreign-funded R&D centers, the innovation and entrepreneurship of international talents, and the creation of an international environment, and continue to deepen the guidance and support for the landing of foreign-funded enterprises to build R&D centers. The foreign-funded R&D centers are given incentives and investment support, of which the foreign-funded enterprises' global R&D centers can be given a reward of up to 5 million yuan; For foreign talents and teams who innovate and start businesses in Beijing Yizhuang, 50% of the office rent will be subsidized for three consecutive years. " The relevant person in charge of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone said, "At present, the number of foreign-invested R&D centers in Beijing Yizhuang is increasing year by year, and the layout speed is accelerating. Therefore, this year we have increased policy support for foreign-funded enterprises, supported foreign-funded enterprises to participate in the construction of high-end innovation ecology, and built a stronger international innovation ecosystem."

This year, Beijing Yizhuang actively implemented the Beijing Municipal Work Plan for Promoting Scene based Integrated Services for Foreign funded Enterprises and Foreigners, promoted extremely simplified services for examination and approval, and replaced "enterprise run" with "government run", so that foreign-funded enterprises can "not go out of the district".

Beijing Yizhuang has built a one-stop service platform for foreign-funded enterprises, taking the lead in the city to implement the service facilitation scene of "one door entry" and "one hall handling" with "one thing for foreign capital" as the core. The "two zones" one-stop service platform was launched to create a special hall for foreign-funded enterprises and foreigners. Explore the establishment of foreign-funded R&D centers, tax exemption and refund, and other matters to carry out DIY one-stop integration services; Sort out the approval businesses such as identification of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan overseas Chinese, education of their children, and returning home to settle down, so as to achieve "one list, one processing".

The all-weather multilingual service hotline for foreign-funded enterprises and foreigners was opened, and the call must be answered through the combination of online and offline services and exclusive mailboxes. Beijing Yizhuang will establish a "corporate butler" responsibility system for foreign-funded projects to ensure follow-up, feedback and progress of projects. Establish and improve the "7 × 24" fast service channel, and do a good job of leading and agent investment promotion services for the whole process of settlement, construction and operation of key projects. Set up a hotline to reflect the appeals of foreign-funded enterprises, collect appeals and suggestions of foreign-funded enterprises, and provide enterprises with online policy answers, process guidance, technical guidance, questions and answers and other services.

On the basis of nine special policies for the development of foreign-funded enterprises, Beijing Yizhuang will implement the "Global Partnership Plan", study and issue the "20 Articles of Service for Foreign funded Enterprises", and actively carry out such intimate services as "I find markets for foreign enterprises", "I raise talents for foreign enterprises", and "I find partners for foreign enterprises", guided by the list of enterprise appeals, questions, and visions.

It is understood that as the only national economic development zone in Beijing, it is also an economic functional zone integrating the advantages of the "five zones overlapping" policy, such as the national economic development zone, the national high-tech zone, the Zhongguancun independent innovation demonstration zone, the national service industry expansion and opening up comprehensive demonstration zone, and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Since the establishment of the zone, In the 31 years of growing together with foreign-funded enterprises, it has gathered more than 80000 Chinese and foreign enterprises, 99 Fortune Global 500 enterprises, attracted 1187 foreign-funded enterprises to the zone, and actually utilized foreign capital of $11 billion. In 2022, the total industrial output value of Beijing Yizhuang will reach 537.11 billion yuan, of which the total industrial output value of foreign-funded enterprises will account for 69%.

(Editor in charge: Li Bo, Gao Xing)

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