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Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone: 640 autonomous driving vehicles deployed, testing mileage exceeding 17 million kilometers

August 17, 2023 16:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, August 17 (Reporter Dong Zhaorui) On August 17, Beijing held a press conference on "Two Districts" in the first half of 2023. At the meeting, Mao Shanhong, deputy leader of the "two zones" leading group of Beijing Economic Development Zone, introduced that Beijing Economic Development Zone, centering on the "4+2+1" industrial system, played the leading role of the "20+" innovation center, and continued to release the "strong magnetic field" effect of high-end industries. In the first half of this year, 527 projects have been warehoused in the Economic Development Zone, with an estimated investment of 64.5 billion yuan. There are 49 foreign-funded projects, with an estimated investment of 1.14 billion US dollars.

In terms of biotechnology and mass health industry, the Three Year Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Global "New Drug Intelligent Manufacturing" Industry Highland was released to promote the construction of a multi sector collaborative regulatory mechanism with the Economic Development Zone as the pilot and municipal departments as the leader. Promote the construction of one-stop service platform for biomedical innovation and shared laboratory animal platform. Promote the opening of Beijing Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovation Service Station, and consolidate the whole chain innovation service system of "concept verification platform - public technology service platform - proofing center - pilot base".

In terms of the new generation information technology industry, the output value in the first half of the year was 63.11 billion yuan, up 3.3% year on year. The Tongming Lake Forum, the Open Atom Global Open Source Summit and other competitions will be held to continuously gather enterprises with four beams and eight pillars along the path of "platform driven, production demand linkage, and ecological drive".

In terms of high-end automobile and new energy intelligent automobile industry, the output value in the first half of the year was 118.27 billion yuan, up 13.1% year on year. Driven by the construction of automated driving 3.0, the digital infrastructure construction of 200 intersections has been completed, 640 autonomous vehicles have been deployed, and the automated driving test mileage has exceeded 17 million kilometers. The world's first vehicle road collaborative automated driving dataset and intelligent network roadside operating system based on real scenes have been released, and the country's first demonstration area data security management method Detailed Rules for Data Classification and Hierarchical Management.

In terms of robot and intelligent manufacturing industry, the output value in the first half of the year was 35.05 billion yuan, up 5.4% year on year. Deeply promote the construction of China's first artificial intelligence high-tech industrialization base. Continue to promote the construction of green factories and intelligent factories. The number of state-level green factories in the Economic Development Zone has reached 33, ranking first in the city. At present, 16 Beijing smart factories and 15 digital workshops have been built, ranking first in the city.

(Editor in charge: Dong Zhaorui, Gao Xing)

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