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The First National Quality Mature Honey Conference in 2023 was held in Miyun, Beijing

July 29, 2023 15:02 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, July 29 (reporter Bao Congying) On July 28, the first National High Quality Mature Honey Conference in 2023 was held in Miyun, Beijing. The event was hosted by the Bee Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the National Alliance for High Quality Bee Product Science and Technology Innovation, and the National Bee Industry Technology System Beijing Comprehensive Test Station, and co sponsored by the Miyun District Gardening and Greening Bureau of Beijing, More than 180 guest representatives from all over the country attended the conference.

The conference interpreted the standard of Mature Honey, introduced the formulation process of the standard, the setting of parameters and thresholds of mature honey, the advantages of the standard in identifying mature honey, and the role of the standard in guiding the production of high-quality mature honey. "This standard will become a key measure to guide the effective reform of bee product production mode in China, promote the production of high-quality honey, improve product quality and achieve" high quality and good price "." According to Peng Wenjun, director of the Bee Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and director of the National High Quality Bee Product Innovation Alliance, the completion of the standard provides important technical support for honey grading and high quality and good price.

During the meeting, representatives of national excellent mature honey organizations and enterprises exchanged their respective bee product characteristics and production technology experience, demonstrating the fruitful results of strong group feeding of mature honey. Experts from the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, food nutrition and quality control conducted in-depth discussions on the application of mature honey in traditional Chinese medicine, functional analysis and evaluation, honey standards, efficient production technology and identification methods of mature honey.

At the mature honey demonstration site located in Mujiayu Town, Miyun District, the participants learned about breeding and strong group feeding, and experienced the development and change of beekeeping production mode through observation and expert explanation. "The promotion of multi box mature honey production technology not only ensures the output, but also improves the quality of mature honey." Luo Qihua, senior engineer of bee management station of Miyun District Landscaping Bureau, said that with the help of new models, new technologies and new standards, the production polarity of bee farmers has been greatly improved, and the comprehensive annual income of mature honey production has also increased to a certain extent.

At the same time, Miyun District insists on continuous exploration in the field of mature honey production and nest honey production, has successively established the Miyun Mature Honey Production Technical Specification and Miyun Jingtiao Honey Quality Standard, has increased the research, demonstration and promotion of multi box beekeeping technology, and has effectively guaranteed the quality and output of bee products by combining enterprise preliminary inspection with government spot check. In addition, Miyun has also developed the brand certification stamp system of "Miyun Bee Industry". Only bee products that meet the production standards and product quality standards of Miyun natural mature honey can use the "Miyun Bee Industry" logo and the certification stamp of bee products in Miyun District, and ensure the quality and price of bee products through government endorsement.

As the largest natural honey bank in North China and one of the first batch of mature honey production demonstration areas in China, Miyun District has deeply practiced the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" in recent years, actively promoted ecological protection and green development, continued to polish the brand of "bee rich honey", and walked out of the ecological road of enriching people based on bee industry.

Up to now, there are 2145 bee farmers in Miyun District, with 123500 bee colonies, accounting for more than half of the total bee colonies in the city. There are 21 national bee product standardization demonstration bases, green pollution-free bee product production bases, bee product deep processing bases, western bee breeding bases and mature honey production bases, 2 bee product companies, 26 professional bee cooperation organizations, 1979 cooperative members and nearly 5000 employees.

In the future, Miyun Bee Industry will continue to strive to build a "main production area of high-end natural mature honey", and at the same time continue to make efforts in talent training, scientific and technological innovation, brand marketing, and integrated development, comprehensively promote the high-quality development of bee industry from "point" to "surface", and achieve the goal of "big article for small bees" and "big industry for small bees".

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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