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Look at Yizhuang in the first year -- strive to build a new highland for development

Our reporter Yuan Xinwen, Du Shangze, Yu Jinxing
May 17, 2023 09:07 | Source: People's Daily
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In the first quarter of this year, several groups of figures in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Beijing Yizhuang) are encouraging——

The total industrial output value accounts for 22% of Beijing. The investment in fixed assets of the whole society was 21.8 billion yuan, up 6.9% year on year; Among them, the investment in industrial fixed assets above designated size was 8.2 billion yuan, up 7.1% year on year.

Integrated circuit industry special class, new generation information technology industry special class, biotechnology and mass health industry special class, automobile and intelligent manufacturing industry special class were officially launched, covering the four leading industries of new generation information technology, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, robots and intelligent manufacturing, biotechnology and mass health, with a total scale of nearly 470.3 billion yuan. The industrial output value of high-end cars and new energy smart cars exceeded 61 billion yuan; The robot and intelligent manufacturing industry grew 8.7% year on year; The output value of newly upgraded manufacturing enterprises increased by 26.6% year on year.

There were 14 new foreign-funded enterprises. The actually utilized foreign capital was US $200 million, up 104% year on year.


In February 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection work in Beijing: "Beijing's development should focus on sustainability, make efforts to change the driving force, innovate the model, improve the level, give play to the advantages of science and technology and talents, and strive to create a new highland of development."

From the 3.83 square kilometers of Yizhuang Industrial Community more than 30 years ago to the 225 square kilometers of Yizhuang New City today, from the proportion of total industrial output value of only 0.1% of the city to the proportion ranking first in the city, Beijing Yizhuang has become the main position of high-end industries in the capital.

The beginning determines the overall situation, and the starting point is the sprint. The leading comrades of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee said that Beijing has thoroughly implemented the spirit of a series of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Beijing, firmly implemented the innovation driven development strategy, continued to make efforts in building a national strategic scientific and technological force, building a sophisticated industrial structure, building a highland of high-level talents, and worked hard to write the chapter of Beijing in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Walking is also dignified. The scenes with a sense of technology and imagination are impressive——

Looking from the height of the building beside Tongming Lake, we can see that the lake is surrounded by the sun and the moon, the clear water is rippling, the willows are sandwiched between the banks, the footpaths are winding, and the pleasant scenery is full of vitality. This is a park with pleasant scenery, but also a promising information and innovation park - Tongming Lake National Information and Innovation Park and National Information and Innovation Base. It is a gathering center of high-end, high-tech and high-value information and innovation industries. "Nearly 250 enterprises cover chip, supercomputing, database, sensor and other fields, and more than 90% of the country's leading information technology enterprises have settled here." The person in charge of the park spoke proudly. The science and innovation ecology with complete chain and system, and the environmental ecology with green development integrated with the park and lake, echo wonderfully and promote each other.

There were no people in the warehouse of tens of thousands of square meters, and only a group of red robots were busy up and down the shelves. "Based on artificial intelligence, we can accurately measure the purchase of goods in a certain region, so as to better prepare the source of goods, with an accuracy of about 92%, and the prediction technology research and development is completely independent." Wu Meng, vice president of JD Group, introduced the intelligent warehousing solution.

"The lipid microsphere is a 'ball' with a diameter of about 200 nm under the electron microscope. Its targeted delivery technology can deliver these 'balls' to the diseased blood vessels like a missile, so as to achieve targeted treatment." Zhao Yanping, vice president of Beijing Taide Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., pointed to a product in the display cabinet and introduced the research results of medical technology.

In the flexible production line in the workshop of the second factory of Beijing Benz General Assembly, a variety of models are being mixed in production, and one finished car can be "run" in 45 seconds. "At the same time, we have three models of front drive, rear drive and electric vehicle platforms, as well as engine and power battery factories, and have realized the export of core engine parts and complete machines." Sun Hui, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and chairman of the trade union of Beijing Benz, introduced.

Kong Lei, Director of the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that as the only national economic and technological development zone in Beijing, Yizhuang always adheres to "what the country needs is what Yizhuang wants to do", focuses on the leading edge of industrial layout and scientific and technological innovation, and takes creating a "new high place" for high-quality development as its mission.

Touch Yizhuang pulse, and you can feel the confidence and vitality of building a new highland for development everywhere.

——Solve the difficulty of "high precision". If you ask what is the characteristics of Yizhuang's industrial layout, you can answer it with two keywords: manufacturing, high precision and cutting-edge. "What we do is to be 'sophisticated'. If enterprises want to come, they must conform to the industrial orientation." Kong Lei revealed that the unit land output intensity of Yizhuang New Town has been increasing, and the average industrial output value of the land is about 31 billion yuan/square kilometer at present.

In the opening year, how can Yizhuang further focus on the major needs of national strategy and industrial development and increase the support for enterprise innovation? How to actively encourage and effectively guide enterprises to participate in major national innovation, and promote enterprises to play a role in key core technology innovation and major original technology breakthroughs? Kong Lei said, "If you want to do something, you should do what is most difficult and scarce. Focus on the" big country "and participate in global competition. This is Yizhuang's development orientation."

Entering BOE Technology Innovation Center, the dazzling display screens, ranging from the whole wall to the small one that needs a magnifying glass to see clearly, jointly display a colorful visual feast.

To achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, and increase industrial investment around the core technology and core equipment of major strategic industries in China, we are also pursuing diligently.

——Resolve the "transformation difficulty". "At present, we are working hard to promote technology synergy in the industry in the form of alliances, forming industrial clusters through docking with upstream and downstream enterprises, forming a relatively complete industrial chain of chip innovation in Yizhuang, and holding the key core technologies of the new energy vehicle industry in our own hands." Yuan Chengyin, director of the National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, introduced.

In the 5500 square meter DR production line workshop of Schneider Electric Co., Ltd., employees are carefully assembling parts, and more than 300 automatic production equipment runs smoothly. The working status of the whole production line can be seen at a glance on the 10 inch tablet computer screen. The person in charge of the workshop pointed to the screen and said, "With the help of a tablet computer to read equipment parameters in real time, six factory maintenance engineers can efficiently complete the daily inspection and maintenance of hundreds of production equipment."

Sanofi Verizon Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. overcame core technologies such as CT detectors and became the first domestic enterprise to become a world-class CT manufacturer. In the history museum of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, an exciting technological innovation achievement is on the list. The emergence of this achievement plays an important leading and exemplary role in cracking key core technologies in the medical field.

From high-end medical equipment manufacturing enterprises to lay out global innovation centers in Yizhuang, to the breakthrough and scale application of localization of technologies such as ultra-high definition and flexible display... Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone is becoming a platform for gathering innovation resources and a hub for transforming achievements.

Unmanned driving technology becomes a reality here; For Yizhuang, it is a mission and task to accelerate the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. "We are actively exploring more Yizhuang cases that promote research through production, cross integration, and the development of large, medium, and small businesses," said Liu Li, deputy director of the Management Committee of Beijing Economic Development Zone.

——Unplug the blocking points of the "pipe releasing clothing". From "a pile of certificates" to "one certificate", from "several times" to "one time"...... Yizhuang promotes the transformation of approval services from "facilitation" to "extreme simplification", and comprehensively promotes the reform of business environment with the goal of "marketization, legalization, internationalization, and facilitation". "Yizhuang Efficiency" is displayed in the hall of the Government Affairs Service Center of Beijing Economic Development Zone: more than 100 business reform and optimization measures have been completed, and many measures have been initiated and tested nationwide or in the city.

"Previously, some enterprises reported that different problems need to be linked to different departments, which is inefficient. Now there is only one entrance for special shifts. Enterprises can find special shifts if they need them, and the team leader will find relevant departments of the management committee to coordinate and solve them." Shen Yonggang, deputy director of the management committee of Beijing Economic Development Zone, introduced that the institutional reform has significantly reduced the administrative structure, and Yizhuang has set up five industrial special shifts, The efficiency of service enterprises was further improved.

Tu Ruimin, a staff member of the Government Affairs Service Center of Beijing Economic Development Zone, gave an example: "In the past, it took at least four round-trip trips to two departments and two locations and 17 working days to complete the work permit and work type residence permit for foreigners. Now, the joint office is held at a single window and the processing time is shortened to 5 to 7 working days."

Foreign investors have cast a "vote of confidence" in Yizhuang's business environment with practical actions: since its construction, Yizhuang has attracted 1043 foreign-invested enterprises, with nearly 11 billion dollars of foreign capital actually utilized.

40000 square meters of parks, supporting service facilities for multi-cultural integration, full intelligent green ecological community scenes... Beijing's first international talent community with a scale of one million square meters was recently started in Yizhuang. "This is an important part of our supporting services to build a 'talent matrix' in order to attract more talents." Yu Miao, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee of the Beijing Economic Development Zone and Head of the Organization and Personnel Department, said that the total number of talents in the Economic Development Zone has reached 349200 at present, the talent contribution rate is 7.35 percentage points higher than the city's average level, and the number of invention patents per 10000 people has reached 839, more than three times the city's average level.

Executives of Fortune Global 500 companies, Baidu programmers, Mercedes Benz engineers, industrial workers of Xiaomi Intelligent Factory, young entrepreneurs of science and technology enterprises... Yizhuang provides opportunities and stages for countless dream hunters to realize their dreams, and strivers create one development miracle after another with hard work.

Always maintain the courage and vigor of pioneers, and Yizhuang in the new era has a broad prospect and a promising future.

(Editor in charge: Dong Zhaorui, Gao Xing)

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