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The scale of biomedical health industry will reach 200 billion yuan in 2025

Beijing Yizhuang creates a global "new drug intelligent manufacturing" industrial highland

February 15, 2023 08:47 | Source: Beijing Daily
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Our reporter Cao Zheng

Open the medical and health industry map of Yizhuang, you will see the names of Bayer, Sanofi, GE Healthcare and other "world top 500", as well as "new forces" such as China Cell, taking root and growing here. More new names will appear on this map. Yesterday, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone released the Action Plan of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone to Accelerate the Construction of "New Drug Intelligent Manufacturing" Industry Highland (2023-2025) and supporting policies. According to this action plan, the Economic Development Zone will focus on cutting-edge technological innovation and breakthrough, and strive to reach 200 billion yuan in the scale of bio pharmaceutical health industry by 2025.

   Digital empowerment helps the intelligent manufacturing transformation of the pharmaceutical industry

At the global "new drug intelligent manufacturing" partner conference held in Beijing Economic Development Zone yesterday, He Cheng, the deputy general manager of Beijing Zhaoyan New Drug Research Center, disclosed that a new service platform will be arranged in the Economic Development Zone, and AI will be used for new drug research and development services, and AI will assist in the discovery and screening of new drug targets to greatly improve research and development efficiency.

The key to "intelligent manufacturing of new drugs" lies in "intelligence". The relevant person in charge of Beijing Economic Development Zone explained that "intelligence" is wisdom, intelligence and the future. It will support the integrated development of digital intelligence and industry and seize the new heights of future technology. Let digital enable R&D, and the Economic Development Zone will support pharmaceutical R&D enterprises to rely on digital technology to improve computing power and speed up drug discovery; To upgrade digital equipment, the Economic Development Zone will promote the integration of equipment with AI, VR, sensors, robots and other hard technologies in the fields of intelligent diagnosis and treatment, virtual surgery, and precision medicine.

The Chinese Academy of Biotechnology serves medical research and development through bioinformatics. Changmugu Medical uses artificial intelligence to help improve the orthopedic implantation scheme, brighten the vision, and use augmented reality technology to help hearing impaired people "see" the surrounding voice... In Beijing Economic Development Zone, more and more biomedical health enterprises have taken a key step in intelligent transformation, "intelligent manufacturing of new drugs" The industrial foundation has been formed.

   Enterprises focusing on cutting-edge research and development are expected to receive a reward of 100 million yuan

"When we were still unknown innovative enterprises, the Economic Development Zone provided us with a full range of services including R&D space, financial support and talent introduction. When we developed and expanded, it helped us coordinate the carrying space." Xie Liangzhi, founder of Shenzhou Cell, a locally grown enterprise in Beijing Economic Development Zone, said.

Behind the growth from small to large and from large to strong, it not only needs the innovation strength of enterprises, but also tests the policies and services of the government. In order to implement the "action plan", the Economic Development Zone has built a "1+N" policy system. "1" is a universal policy for the biomedical health industry, and "N" is a special policy for track segmentation.

It is reported that the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone will provide up to 1:1 matching funds to enterprises undertaking major national and Beijing science and technology and industrial projects, with an annual support amount of up to 20 million yuan; Focusing on high-end medical equipment, cell and gene therapy and other global industrial frontier fields, enterprises are encouraged to carry out early research and development of innovative varieties and clinical research, and the annual reward amount of a single enterprise is increased to 100 million yuan.

According to the latest supporting policies, the Beijing Economic Development Zone will also give a one-time reward of 3 million yuan to the R&D and production enterprises of high-end medical equipment products that have entered the national special review procedure for innovative medical devices for the first time. Small, medium-sized and micro enterprises newly established or moved to Yizhuang New Town to engage in high-end medical equipment R&D, production and service will be subsidized at the rate of 50% of the actual rent.

  Six centers of the State Food and Drug Administration landed in Yizhuang

For biomedical enterprises, it is not easy for an innovative achievement to go out of the laboratory, and every link in the achievement transformation chain is indispensable. The number and scientific research strength of universities and research institutes in Beijing rank first in the country. How can Yizhuang, as an important industrial town, rely on the scientific and technological resources of many double first-class universities and research institutes in Beijing to open up the chain of achievements transformation?

"We will actively connect with Beijing's colleges and universities, national laboratories and top three hospitals, establish expert think tanks and talent maps to support high-quality industrial development, and attract high-quality achievements transformation projects to be launched in Beijing Economic Development Zone," said the relevant person in charge. At the same time, the Economic Development Zone supports universities and enterprises to jointly build new research and development institutions, actively promotes Tsinghua University, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other top universities to take the lead in the way of unveiling, provides solutions for key core technologies involved in enterprise products, and forms a whole chain of biomedical achievements transformation.

The reporter learned that six major centers, including the Drug Evaluation Center and the Medical Device Technology Evaluation Center of the State Drug Administration, have officially landed in the Beijing Economic Development Zone. It is expected that the entry will be launched in June this year, which will bring new opportunities for the rapid development of the biomedical health industry. "We hope to explore a new path in Yizhuang, promote innovation on the premise of strengthening quality supervision, and also provide support for the development of new drugs nationwide," said the relevant person in charge.

According to the plan, by 2025, the biomedical health industry scale of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone will strive to reach 200 billion yuan, the total number of enterprises above the scale will exceed 120, the number of listed enterprises will exceed 30, and the number of newly listed drugs, Class II and Class III medical devices will exceed 100, building Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone into a global "new drug intelligent manufacturing" industry highland.

(Editor in charge: Dong Zhaorui, Bao Congying)

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