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Promote cooperation between medicine, industry, university, research and application

Beijing Economic Development Zone builds an upgraded innovation center for medical industry integration industry

October 27, 2022 13:01 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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On the morning of October 26, the signing ceremony of medical industry integration industry university research cooperation with the theme of "innovation integration industry university win-win" was held in Huilongsen Science Park, Beijing Economic Development Zone.

At the event site, the National Research Center for Ophthalmic Diagnosis and Treatment Engineering Technology, School of Life, Beijing University of Technology, Phoenix Medical Group and Huilongsen Science Park jointly signed a contract. This is an important milestone for Huilongsen Science Park to further extend the front end to connect with high-end innovative resources in this field in China, deepen the ophthalmology and biotechnology segmentation fields, carry out technology incubation, and extend the back end to link the industrial end resources and medical market resources to accelerate industrialization on the basis of the earlier stage Huilongsen Science Park's professional focus on the industrialization services in the field of biomedicine and innovative medical devices.

"This time, the contracting parties worked together to achieve substantive cooperation through collaborative innovation, which is a practical case of combining industry, education, research and application to implement the innovation driven development strategy." Zhang Yulei, deputy director of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee, said in her speech that Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will focus on building a number of benchmark incubators, Establish an industrial innovation service system that runs through the whole chain of production, learning, research and application, support the development of industrial clusters, and at the same time, build an open ecology with global competitiveness, attract globally competitive talents, technologies, and industries to land. The transformation of medical achievements is also one of the key areas of Beijing.

Zuo Rengui, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that as a science park and incubator rooted in the Economic and Technological Development Zone, Huilongsen Science Park has been focusing on the construction of an industrial innovation ecosystem, deepening the industrial layout in the fields of biotechnology and clinical technology such as ophthalmology, and hopes that Huilongsen Science Park can continue to develop in a new space of 225 square kilometers in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, It has become a model of industrial incubation in regional economy.

It is reported that as a well-known incubator in Beijing, Huilongsen Science Park has built and operated 4 science parks in Beijing Economic Development Zone for 20 years, managed 5 science parks, and built and operated 10 space bases in other provinces and cities, with a total operation and management area of more than 1 million square meters. Through the construction of professional service system, nine public service platforms were built to provide multi-level and multi angle entrepreneurial services for incubated enterprises. More than 1000 science and technology enterprises were incubated, and the annual tax payment of incubated enterprises exceeded 1 billion yuan, becoming an important platform to promote regional innovation and industrial development. (Wang Fei)

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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