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Major hydrogen energy projects in Beijing Economic Development Zone will receive financial support

October 17, 2022 08:54 | Source: Beijing Daily
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Original title: Major hydrogen energy projects in the Economic Development Zone will receive financial support

News from our newspaper (Reporter Cao Zheng) The Economic Development Zone recently released Several Measures to Promote the High Quality Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry. By 2025, the Economic Development Zone will form a batch of key technological breakthroughs in the hydrogen energy field, build a batch of high-level scientific and technological innovation carriers, promote the industrialization of a batch of major innovation achievements, and promote a batch of fuel cell vehicle demonstration applications Introduce a batch of high-quality industrial projects. For major projects in the hydrogen energy industry that have started in recent three years and meet relevant conditions, the Economic Development Zone will give rewards of up to 30 million yuan.

The Several Measures introduced several measures in three aspects: creating innovative ecology, cultivating industrial clusters, and promoting demonstration applications. Real gold and silver support the development of enterprises. In terms of innovative ecological creation, those undertaking major national and Beijing science and technology and industrial projects that are in line with the development direction of the Economic and Technological Development Zone will be given a maximum of 1 to 1 funding, and the maximum amount of support for each project will be 20 million yuan; In terms of industrial cluster cultivation, we will support the implementation of major projects. For major projects in the hydrogen energy industry that have been started in the past three years, if the annual total investment in fixed assets reaches more than 10 million yuan (inclusive), 1% of the investment in fixed assets will be given as a financial reward. The maximum cumulative reward amount for a single project will not exceed 30 million yuan.

For the construction of hydrogen refueling stations that have attracted much attention, we will encourage the construction of hydrogen refueling stations that are suitable for the phased development goals around the hydrogen energy demonstration scenario, give priority to supporting the reconstruction of gas stations in the region in the form of oil and hydrogen joint construction, and provide support in land planning, project approval, business license, etc.

The Economic and Technological Development Zone also encourages enterprises to combine fuel cell vehicles with the construction of high-level autonomous driving demonstration areas, build an open scene of intelligent connected vehicles integrating vehicle, road and cloud, and encourage demonstration applications in public service fields such as sanitation cleaning, urban management, convenience services, public transportation, travel services, logistics and distribution, 30% of the actual investment of a single demonstration project (self raised funds of the enterprise) will be given a financial reward, with a maximum reward of 3 million yuan.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhu, Guo Yafei)

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