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A positive case was reported in Shigezhuang Village, Pingfang Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing

January 18, 2022 15:51 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, January 18 The Chaoyang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a notice that at 8:45 on January 18, 2022, a third party testing agency reported that a case of COVID-19 nucleic acid test was positive. At 13:4, the result of recheck by the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention was positive. The address of the positive person is No. 558, Shigezhuang Village, Pingfang Township, Chaoyang District.

Chaoyang District started emergency response at the first time, quickly controlled the personnel, and carried out flow tracing, troubleshooting of risk personnel and risk areas. Control the risk area immediately, and start the nucleic acid detection and environmental sampling work of relevant personnel.

Next, Chaoyang District will speed up the flow survey and traceability, quickly identify risk personnel, and strictly implement various control measures.

(Editor in charge: Bao Congying, Gao Xing)

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